Biggest threat to america a reality


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mexico, not Iran or Muslim terrorists. Illegal Aliens south of th border is our biggest threat to America and Americans. Illegal Aliens kill more Americans and rape more children since 911 than terrorist and have done more damage to the economy and environment. Drugs from Mexico has destroyed families and got in the had of our children. 39,000 American from drugs a year. And the cause of most crimes in the inner cities. Mexico is our number one threat. Drug smuggling and drug dealing Illegal Aliens goes hand in hand as does gun smuggling into Mexico and should be attacked with all and any power necessary to get under control before it gets control of us. We should demand that Mexico get it’s act together and clean up it’s mess and take care of it’s own and Mexico should demand we send it’s people home. Mexicans should be in Mexico protesting against Mexico's corruption and economy.

The next threat is Israel because it will involve us in another against Iran we cannot afford. We have not began to pay for the two Bush started on borrowed money from China. And the sacrifice of 6,000 American troops. Romney wants to start a war with Iran but will he send he five boys into harms way? I think not? Will he help pay for it with his millions? I think not and that mean more borrowed money from China. Let Israel fight it’s own wars. They have been in a continuing warring for 3,000 years.
hmm.... I have to agree with you, and disagree with you.
Throughout history, we have been a melting pot. This means that
we always get mad at them when they come in. But decades later we
appreciate what they bring to us ( I am Irish - so I know about this ).

However, I can't believe that our government allows them to come in at this
rate. It doesn't seem like they want to fix the problem.

I wouldn't call it a threat, it is more of a VERY serious problem that isn't being dealt with
that will change our country.

But when people get murdered, as a result of our governement's policy, well that is not okay with me.


please be easy on me, I am new to discussing politics.
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I do believe that the government on a whole has failed to adequately protect our Mexican borders and it's not just the Obama Administration I'm talking about. This threat didn't just pop up in the last 4 years. It's been around for far longer than that and it never fails to amuse me when the President's detractors decide to pretend it's otherwise.

The resolution is fairly simple and I'm not talking about shooting them as they hop the fence. They come here for opportunities they won't get in their homelands so take that away from them. If they know that they will not find what they are seeking here by coming illegally, this will discourage them to do so. As a result, we may even see a growth in legal immigration.

We're a nation of immigrants, but the difference between us and them is that our ancestors did it legally.
I do believe that the government on a whole has failed to adequately protect our Mexican borders and it's not just the Obama Administration I'm talking about. This threat didn't just pop up in the last 4 years. It's been around for far longer than that and it never fails to amuse me when the President's detractors decide to pretend it's otherwise.

The resolution is fairly simple and I'm not talking about shooting them as they hop the fence. They come here for opportunities they won't get in their homelands so take that away from them. If they know that they will not find what they are seeking here by coming illegally, this will discourage them to do so. As a result, we may even see a growth in legal immigration.

We're a nation of immigrants, but the difference between us and them is that our ancestors did it legally.

This is true.. The illegals work for the most part. The Hispanic legals are the moochers.

They come here to live for free rather than live free. They're helping to destroy our way of life by voting for the trash party.
Why is it that the government doesn't do anything though.
Does Obama like to get more votes? But even under Bush we had this problem.

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