Big Tech ‘Counterterrorism’ Org Shifts Focus from Islamic Extremism to ‘Far Right’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Big Tech ‘Counterterrorism’ Org Shifts Focus from Islamic Extremism to ‘Far Right’​

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Allum Bokhari
Big Tech companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Reddit, Verizon, Airbnb, and Mailchimp will expand a project of collusion on “counterterrorism” efforts that target domestic right-wing organizations.
The organization, which initially focused on building a database on content shared by Islamic extremists linked to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban, will now shift focus to right-wing groups including the Proud Boys.
The news comes on the same day that PayPal announced it would work with the far-left Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to monitor and suppress alleged right-wing extremists and would share the data it collects with law enforcement.

Meanwhile Antifa and BLM continue their "Peaceful But Fiery" violence, looting, arson and murder throughout America basically unimpeded by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie Left and co-conspirator FBI, DHS and Media.
In a way the PMS/DSA Dem Commies must be complimented in their achievement of becoming the Nazi's they've continued to accuse the Right of.
In the eyes of the Left and now every agency controlled by the PMS/DSA Dems any white person is now considered a Supremacist and worthy of surveillance and investigation. Welcome to the PMS/DSA Dem Commie version of the STASI.
Let's not forget the truth that the majority of Bombings, looting, arson, violence and murder throughout America has been orchestrated and carried out by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies or their funding of groups like Antifa, BLM, #OWS, Black Panthers, SLA, or Weathermen.
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Big Tech ‘Counterterrorism’ Org Shifts Focus from Islamic Extremism to ‘Far Right’​

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Allum Bokhari
Big Tech companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Reddit, Verizon, Airbnb, and Mailchimp will expand a project of collusion on “counterterrorism” efforts that target domestic right-wing organizations.
The organization, which initially focused on building a database on content shared by Islamic extremists linked to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban, will now shift focus to right-wing groups including the Proud Boys.
The news comes on the same day that PayPal announced it would work with the far-left Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to monitor and suppress alleged right-wing extremists and would share the data it collects with law enforcement.

Meanwhile Antifa and BLM continue their "Peaceful But Fiery" violence, looting, arson and murder throughout America basically unimpeded by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie Left and co-conspirator FBI, DHS and Media.
In a way the PMS/DSA Dem Commies must be complimented in their achievement of becoming the Nazi's they've continued to accuse the Right of.
In the eyes of the Left and now every agency controlled by the PMS/DSA Dems any white person is now considered a Supremacist and worthy of surveillance and investigation. Welcome to the PMS/DSA Dem Commie version of the STASI.
Let's not forget the truth that the majority of Bombings, looting, arson and murder throughout America has been orchestrated and carried out by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies or their funding of groups like Antifa, BLM, #OWS, Black Panthers, SLA, or Weathermen.
It's odd that Pay Pal would ally itself with the left, given the founder is a well-known trump supporter and campaign contributor.

Perhaps you should reread the article, no need to risk getting Pay Pal attorneys after you for defamation.

About time we start taking right wing extremism seriously.

If this is what the Left seeks to do, self defense is the only option for we Deplorable Neanderthal White Supremacists. Then watch out....
It's odd that Pay Pal would ally itself with the left, given the founder is a well-known trump supporter and campaign contributor.

Perhaps you should reread the article, no need to risk getting Pay Pal attorneys after you for defamation.


Be my guest.... Do he research
Nope. We just have to take your violent rhetoric about civil wars and armed rebellion more seriously. If you can't be a conservative without violent threats that's a problem with you.
Gee another stone cold gutless liar among us.
If this is what the Left seeks to do, self defense is the only option for we Deplorable Neanderthal White Supremacists. Then watch out....
Hence the taking right wing extremism seriously. The violent rhetoric, the lies, and misinformation. Five years ago, it was accepted, even encouraged. No more.
You have no one to blame, You brought this on yourselves.
Hence the taking right wing extremism seriously. The violent rhetoric, the lies, and misinformation. Five years ago, it was accepted, even encouraged. No more.
You have no one to blame, You brought this on yourselves.
Is that your justification for the lie?
Questioning election results is not violent rhetoric. Want real violence go to Chicago.
It is when the person who lost can't accept it, and then finally goads his supporters into a violent storming of the Capitol to attempt to overturn the results of said election.
Especially when there was no evidence of massive voter fraud...except in your widdle heads! :)

Big Tech ‘Counterterrorism’ Org Shifts Focus from Islamic Extremism to ‘Far Right’​

25 Jul 2021 ~~ By Allum Bokhari
Big Tech companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, Reddit, Verizon, Airbnb, and Mailchimp will expand a project of collusion on “counterterrorism” efforts that target domestic right-wing organizations.
The organization, which initially focused on building a database on content shared by Islamic extremists linked to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban, will now shift focus to right-wing groups including the Proud Boys.
The news comes on the same day that PayPal announced it would work with the far-left Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to monitor and suppress alleged right-wing extremists and would share the data it collects with law enforcement.

Meanwhile Antifa and BLM continue their "Peaceful But Fiery" violence, looting, arson and murder throughout America basically unimpeded by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie Left and co-conspirator FBI, DHS and Media.
In a way the PMS/DSA Dem Commies must be complimented in their achievement of becoming the Nazi's they've continued to accuse the Right of.
In the eyes of the Left and now every agency controlled by the PMS/DSA Dems any white person is now considered a Supremacist and worthy of surveillance and investigation. Welcome to the PMS/DSA Dem Commie version of the STASI.
Let's not forget the truth that the majority of Bombings, looting, arson, violence and murder throughout America has been orchestrated and carried out by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies or their funding of groups like Antifa, BLM, #OWS, Black Panthers, SLA, or Weathermen.
Nothing political about that… At all.

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