Big Government Built This Country

The US Government had little to do with inventing the internet.
It was gradually built up of private sector inventions.

- 1830: Joseph Henry independently demonstrated long distance communication by sending an electronic current over one mile of wire to activate an electromagnet which caused a bell to strike. Thus the electric telegraph was born.

- 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone in his own private business with financial support from Sanders and Hubbard.

- 1880: Alexander Graham Bell invented the "Photo-phone" which transmitted a voice signal on a beam of light in his own private business.

- 1888: The medical team of Roth and Reuss of Vienna used bent glass rods to illuminate body cavities.

- 1900: Granville T. Woods working for Danville and Southern Railroad in Nebraska invented the Multiplex Telegraph.

- 1920: John Logie Baird and Clarence W. Hansell patented the idea of using arrays of transparent rods to transmit images for television and facsimiles respectively.

- 1940: George Robert Stibitz of Bell Labs invent the data modem that allowed computers to communicate over telephone lines.

- 1947: W. Rae Young and Douglas H. Ring, Bell Labs engineers, proposed hexagonal cells for mobile phones.

- 1948: Phil Porter, a Bell Labs engineer, proposed that cell towers be at the corners of the hexagons rather than the centers and have directional antennas pointing in 3 directions.

- 1960: Bell Labs developed the electronics for cellular phones.

- 1960: The network switch idea was Leonard Kleinrock's of MIT galactic network. In addition to Kleinrock the ideas from Licklider and Robert Taylor helped create the idea of the network.

- 1962: US government DARPA & Project MAC funded a cooperation between Bell Labs, General Electric and MIT with an initial two-million-dollar grant to create ARPA net. At 22:30 hours on October 29, 1969. The first ARPANET link was established between the University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute

- 1970: Corning Glass researchers Robert Maurer, Donald Keck and Peter Schultz invented fiber optic wire or "Optical Waveguide Fibers"

- 1974: Xerox PARC developed the first TCP/IP specification & gateway router. Where the differences between network protocols were hidden by using a common internetwork protocol, and, instead of the network being responsible for reliability, as in the ARPANET, the hosts became responsible.

- 1981: Xerox PARC developed the first graphical user interface (GUI), touch screen monitor & laser mouse. This was adopted by Apple OS & Microsoft Windows.

- 1982: Several disjointed separate packet-switched networks including ARPANET, Telenet, X.25, unix-to-unix copy (UUCP) and FidoNet had limited gateways between networks. This led to the implementation of Xerox's TCP/IP Gateway Router protocol for internetworking, where multiple different networks could be joined together into a super-framework of networks. By defining a simple common network system, the Internet Protocol Suite, the concept of the network could be separated from its physical implementation. This spread of internetworking began to form into the idea of a global network that would be called the Internet, based on standardized protocols officially implemented. Adoption and interconnection occurred quickly across the advanced telecommunication networks of the western world, and then began to penetrate into the rest of the world as it became the de-facto international standard for the global network.

- 1983: TCP/IP protocols even replaced NCP as ARPANET’s principal protocol.

- 1990: The inferior ARPANET was formally decommissioned.

what a crock of shit. The internet was invented entirely by the Pentagon. ARPANET - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:cuckoo: Only an idiot like yourself believes everything on WIKI :cuckoo:
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If the today's GOP was in charge during the postwar years, you would never have had the Hoover Dam or the great hydroelectric power projects conducted by Tennessee Valley Authority; you would never have had the BIG GOVERNMENT Interstate Project or the BIG GOVERNMENT Space Program (which was responsible the 80s consumer electronics boom). All these things were born of Big Government; all of them required massive spending; and all of them created the foundation for a 1/2 century of economic growth.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican if the Southwest in its current form would even exist without the Hoover Dam, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican what enabled the southeastern United States to have the cheapest electricity costs in the 50s and 60s, and how postwar infrastructure projects lead to unprecedented economic growth from Tennessee to Georgia, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican who harnessed the power and water of the Colorado and what that meant for economic growth in the desert southwest and California, and they will stare at you blankly. ["Wait a minute Jethro, I thought water come from God"]

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government interstate system enabled the trucking industry to ship goods all across the country, thus creating an explosion of economic activity that would have otherwise been impossible, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Erie Canal project put cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica on the map, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Space Program made America the world leader in consumer electronics, and they will stare at you blankly. [Ask them who enabled the private profits of GE or Lockhead Martin, or any company that depends on roads and electrical grids and water and government research and government subsidies and military intervention RE global resource markets, and they will stare at you blankly. Corporations have been parasites on Big Government and the tax payer since the beginning. Their current war on government is based on the fact that they don't want to acknowledge their massive debt to society]

Do you know what happened once Reagan and Movement Conservatism took over the country in 1980? They said government couldn't do anything. [I'm surprised Reagan didn't doctor the history books to say the moon landing never happened because Big Government can't do anything]. Once Reagan convinced America that Government couldn't do anything, we stopped all the big projects that made this the Greatest Nation in history. No more Hoover Dams, no more grand infrastructure projects that put whole regions on the map. When Carter said we needed to build a moonshot around alternative energy to avoid getting bankrupted in the middle east -- bankrupted by the $5 gallon; bankrupted by having to stabilize places like Iraq and Afghanistan -- Reagan convinced the nation that the Government who defeated the Nazis wasn't fit to run a laundromat. Sorry Mr. Reagan, but Big Government put a man on the moon and lead the greatest manufacturing boom in history (see WWII war manufacturing, the largest government spending program in history, which laid the foundation for America's most sustained economic growth during the 50s and 60s) -- meaning: we could have gotten out of the middle east, but we chose to listen to a president who was funded by big oil, a president who chose to enrich special interests at the expense of future generations. We gave up on trying to solve big problems as a nation. Instead, we trusted the market, which chose to swindle the nation with CDOs, Swaps, and Derivatives rather than invest in the real economy. We got punk'd.

America swallowed poison in 1980 when it traded the Government who built the Hoover Dam for the government who trusted corporations to follow greed into whatever corrupt enclave yielded the highest short term profits. Who knew they would loot the treasury (by taking systemic criminal risk), and then use their loot to convince a generation of Conservatives that they stood for freedom.

Republican Voters know not what they do.

Yes, big government built this country.

And the Republican Party is destroying it.
Big Government Built this Country and now Big Government is Destroying this Country.

Funny how that works. It doesn't matter though. All Great Empires fall sooner or later.

Private citizens built this country. It was the thrill of victory from WWII & the baby boom that made this country soar. Nothing creates demand or makes one work harder than the words "Honey I'm Pregnant". This scenario played out millions of times over. All that excess SS, Medicare & FICA cash flowing to the government from the boomer's allowed for lower taxes & that stimulated us for 50 years. Now the boomer's will drag us down for a while.
To cite a few government projects that had a positive cost-benefit to society as being justification for the massive looting of American wealth to the point that we engage in government redistribution of income from the middle class whose wealth has largely been transferred to Wall Street, confiscated for social spending or destroyed through Fed monetary policies is like saying your lucky your house caught fire otherwise you would have not stayed warm.
Big government has taxpayers to thank for their largess. Remember that.

Exactly. We win when our tax dollars go to a project which provides utilities which expand the size and productivity of the nation. We lose when a political party tries to erase history in order to protect the interests of a small group of tax payers. This nation required a moonshot around conservation and alternative energy in the 70s, but it was lied to by a party which had been captured by big oil. This party convinced Americans that an "energy moonshot" was impossible because Big Government was too incompetent. Rather than being honest about the amazing accomplishments of Big Government, they lied in order to protect special interests.

We are now lying in the bed they made.

That's the thing, our tax dollars dont go to anything useful.
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Wow. Talk about the Heartbreak of Historical Illiteracy on Parade.

We didn't declare independence form Capitalist Moneyed Interests; we revolted against a Monarchy (a form of hereditary CRONYISM) and put in place a Rule of Law.


Monarchism (coming at us under the guise of corporatism) is the ULTIMATE END GAME of unbridled capitalism.

In 1066 when England fell to the Norman KING, he OWED England...lock stock and barrel.

Ever hear of the DOOMSDAY BOOK?

England was his private property. Every pot, pan, and spoon, every hovel and every harth, every cow, every pig, every sheep, the creatures in the forests, the rivers, the ponds the fish in them, every house and every window and every door, every square of inch of land, and everything on it, all OWNED as private property OF THE MONARCH.

Think of the Kings of feudalist system as the majority stockholder of all private property (the whole nation) and as the CEO of the peers (those lesser stockholders, his minions) of that nation.

Now seriously, how different is that, REALLY, than a system where a similar class of peers owns the vast majority of the wealth of a modern nation?

The answer is, not very different if the government of that modern nation is controlled by the corporate masters.

I don't doubt that most of people here are supporters of free market capitalism and lovers of freedom and liberty, too.

But those of you who think government ought to be run like a business are really supporting a system of economic fuedalism that is more similar to a MONARCHIST government than I think most of you realize.
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If the today's GOP was in charge during the postwar years, you would never have had the Hoover Dam or the great hydroelectric power projects conducted by Tennessee Valley Authority; you would never have had the BIG GOVERNMENT Interstate Project or the BIG GOVERNMENT Space Program (which was responsible the 80s consumer electronics boom). All these things were born of Big Government; all of them required massive spending; and all of them created the foundation for a 1/2 century of economic growth.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican if the Southwest in its current form would even exist without the Hoover Dam, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican what enabled the southeastern United States to have the cheapest electricity costs in the 50s and 60s, and how postwar infrastructure projects lead to unprecedented economic growth from Tennessee to Georgia, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican who harnessed the power and water of the Colorado and what that meant for economic growth in the desert southwest and California, and they will stare at you blankly. ["Wait a minute Jethro, I thought water come from God"]

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government interstate system enabled the trucking industry to ship goods all across the country, thus creating an explosion of economic activity that would have otherwise been impossible, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Erie Canal project put cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica on the map, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Space Program made America the world leader in consumer electronics, and they will stare at you blankly. [Ask them who enabled the private profits of GE or Lockhead Martin, or any company that depends on roads and electrical grids and water and government research and government subsidies and military intervention RE global resource markets, and they will stare at you blankly. Corporations have been parasites on Big Government and the tax payer since the beginning. Their current war on government is based on the fact that they don't want to acknowledge their massive debt to society]

Do you know what happened once Reagan and Movement Conservatism took over the country in 1980? They said government couldn't do anything. [I'm surprised Reagan didn't doctor the history books to say the moon landing never happened because Big Government can't do anything]. Once Reagan convinced America that Government couldn't do anything, we stopped all the big projects that made this the Greatest Nation in history. No more Hoover Dams, no more grand infrastructure projects that put whole regions on the map. When Carter said we needed to build a moonshot around alternative energy to avoid getting bankrupted in the middle east -- bankrupted by the $5 gallon; bankrupted by having to stabilize places like Iraq and Afghanistan -- Reagan convinced the nation that the Government who defeated the Nazis wasn't fit to run a laundromat. Sorry Mr. Reagan, but Big Government put a man on the moon and lead the greatest manufacturing boom in history (see WWII war manufacturing, the largest government spending program in history, which laid the foundation for America's most sustained economic growth during the 50s and 60s) -- meaning: we could have gotten out of the middle east, but we chose to listen to a president who was funded by big oil, a president who chose to enrich special interests at the expense of future generations. We gave up on trying to solve big problems as a nation. Instead, we trusted the market, which chose to swindle the nation with CDOs, Swaps, and Derivatives rather than invest in the real economy. We got punk'd.

America swallowed poison in 1980 when it traded the Government who built the Hoover Dam for the government who trusted corporations to follow greed into whatever corrupt enclave yielded the highest short term profits. Who knew they would loot the treasury (by taking systemic criminal risk), and then use their loot to convince a generation of Conservatives that they stood for freedom.

Republican Voters know not what they do.

Jesus. What a load of horseshit.

People built this country. People with drive, determination, vision and plenty of guts and hard work.

The Govt?? What a joke. The Govt can't even get out of its own way never mind build a nation.
If the today's GOP was in charge during the postwar years, you would never have had the Hoover Dam or the great hydroelectric power projects conducted by Tennessee Valley Authority; you would never have had the BIG GOVERNMENT Interstate Project or the BIG GOVERNMENT Space Program (which was responsible the 80s consumer electronics boom). All these things were born of Big Government; all of them required massive spending; and all of them created the foundation for a 1/2 century of economic growth.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican if the Southwest in its current form would even exist without the Hoover Dam, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican what enabled the southeastern United States to have the cheapest electricity costs in the 50s and 60s, and how postwar infrastructure projects lead to unprecedented economic growth from Tennessee to Georgia, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican who harnessed the power and water of the Colorado and what that meant for economic growth in the desert southwest and California, and they will stare at you blankly. ["Wait a minute Jethro, I thought water come from God"]

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government interstate system enabled the trucking industry to ship goods all across the country, thus creating an explosion of economic activity that would have otherwise been impossible, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Erie Canal project put cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica on the map, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Space Program made America the world leader in consumer electronics, and they will stare at you blankly. [Ask them who enabled the private profits of GE or Lockhead Martin, or any company that depends on roads and electrical grids and water and government research and government subsidies and military intervention RE global resource markets, and they will stare at you blankly. Corporations have been parasites on Big Government and the tax payer since the beginning. Their current war on government is based on the fact that they don't want to acknowledge their massive debt to society]

Do you know what happened once Reagan and Movement Conservatism took over the country in 1980? They said government couldn't do anything. [I'm surprised Reagan didn't doctor the history books to say the moon landing never happened because Big Government can't do anything]. Once Reagan convinced America that Government couldn't do anything, we stopped all the big projects that made this the Greatest Nation in history. No more Hoover Dams, no more grand infrastructure projects that put whole regions on the map. When Carter said we needed to build a moonshot around alternative energy to avoid getting bankrupted in the middle east -- bankrupted by the $5 gallon; bankrupted by having to stabilize places like Iraq and Afghanistan -- Reagan convinced the nation that the Government who defeated the Nazis wasn't fit to run a laundromat. Sorry Mr. Reagan, but Big Government put a man on the moon and lead the greatest manufacturing boom in history (see WWII war manufacturing, the largest government spending program in history, which laid the foundation for America's most sustained economic growth during the 50s and 60s) -- meaning: we could have gotten out of the middle east, but we chose to listen to a president who was funded by big oil, a president who chose to enrich special interests at the expense of future generations. We gave up on trying to solve big problems as a nation. Instead, we trusted the market, which chose to swindle the nation with CDOs, Swaps, and Derivatives rather than invest in the real economy. We got punk'd.

America swallowed poison in 1980 when it traded the Government who built the Hoover Dam for the government who trusted corporations to follow greed into whatever corrupt enclave yielded the highest short term profits. Who knew they would loot the treasury (by taking systemic criminal risk), and then use their loot to convince a generation of Conservatives that they stood for freedom.

Republican Voters know not what they do.

Jesus. What a load of horseshit.

People built this country. People with drive, determination, vision and plenty of guts and hard work.

The Govt?? What a joke. The Govt can't even get out of its own way never mind build a nation.

Big Government gave you the right to vote.
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Who the FUCK taught you the Constitution? Whomever they were? I hope they got fired for the injustice they perpetrated on you.

In other words, you can't make a single cogent point refuting anything I said.

Go have another drink.
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Who the FUCK taught you the Constitution? Whomever they were? I hope they got fired for the injustice they perpetrated on you.

What is the anger about? The Constitution was good enough to allow unions to drag the middle class out of the horrors of the industrial revolution by the big government homestead act was drying up.
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Wow. Talk about the Heartbreak of Historical Illiteracy on Parade.

We didn't declare independence form Capitalist Moneyed Interests; we revolted against a Monarchy (a form of hereditary CRONYISM) and put in place a Rule of Law.

Do you wish to dispute that it was through our government, through legislation, through our Constitution, that the working class in this country won its rights, protections, etc.?

Start with the abolition of slavery.
If the today's GOP was in charge during the postwar years, you would never have had the Hoover Dam or the great hydroelectric power projects conducted by Tennessee Valley Authority; you would never have had the BIG GOVERNMENT Interstate Project or the BIG GOVERNMENT Space Program (which was responsible the 80s consumer electronics boom). All these things were born of Big Government; all of them required massive spending; and all of them created the foundation for a 1/2 century of economic growth.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican if the Southwest in its current form would even exist without the Hoover Dam, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican what enabled the southeastern United States to have the cheapest electricity costs in the 50s and 60s, and how postwar infrastructure projects lead to unprecedented economic growth from Tennessee to Georgia, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican who harnessed the power and water of the Colorado and what that meant for economic growth in the desert southwest and California, and they will stare at you blankly. ["Wait a minute Jethro, I thought water come from God"]

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government interstate system enabled the trucking industry to ship goods all across the country, thus creating an explosion of economic activity that would have otherwise been impossible, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Erie Canal project put cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica on the map, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Space Program made America the world leader in consumer electronics, and they will stare at you blankly. [Ask them who enabled the private profits of GE or Lockhead Martin, or any company that depends on roads and electrical grids and water and government research and government subsidies and military intervention RE global resource markets, and they will stare at you blankly. Corporations have been parasites on Big Government and the tax payer since the beginning. Their current war on government is based on the fact that they don't want to acknowledge their massive debt to society]

Do you know what happened once Reagan and Movement Conservatism took over the country in 1980? They said government couldn't do anything. [I'm surprised Reagan didn't doctor the history books to say the moon landing never happened because Big Government can't do anything]. Once Reagan convinced America that Government couldn't do anything, we stopped all the big projects that made this the Greatest Nation in history. No more Hoover Dams, no more grand infrastructure projects that put whole regions on the map. When Carter said we needed to build a moonshot around alternative energy to avoid getting bankrupted in the middle east -- bankrupted by the $5 gallon; bankrupted by having to stabilize places like Iraq and Afghanistan -- Reagan convinced the nation that the Government who defeated the Nazis wasn't fit to run a laundromat. Sorry Mr. Reagan, but Big Government put a man on the moon and lead the greatest manufacturing boom in history (see WWII war manufacturing, the largest government spending program in history, which laid the foundation for America's most sustained economic growth during the 50s and 60s) -- meaning: we could have gotten out of the middle east, but we chose to listen to a president who was funded by big oil, a president who chose to enrich special interests at the expense of future generations. We gave up on trying to solve big problems as a nation. Instead, we trusted the market, which chose to swindle the nation with CDOs, Swaps, and Derivatives rather than invest in the real economy. We got punk'd.

America swallowed poison in 1980 when it traded the Government who built the Hoover Dam for the government who trusted corporations to follow greed into whatever corrupt enclave yielded the highest short term profits. Who knew they would loot the treasury (by taking systemic criminal risk), and then use their loot to convince a generation of Conservatives that they stood for freedom.

Republican Voters know not what they do.

Jesus. What a load of horseshit.

People built this country. People with drive, determination, vision and plenty of guts and hard work.

The Govt?? What a joke. The Govt can't even get out of its own way never mind build a nation.

Big Government gave you the right to vote.

Your right there. Only Govt could grant that right to we women. But, It was only after the women in the sufferage movement kicked, scratched and clawed it out of the MEN in Govt. If guess you could attribute it to Big Govt .

Me?? I attribute it to the fact that men had to live with those women. LOL
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The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Who the FUCK taught you the Constitution? Whomever they were? I hope they got fired for the injustice they perpetrated on you.

What is the anger about? The Constitution was good enough to allow unions to drag the middle class out of the horrors of the industrial revolution by the big government homestead act was drying up.

It has taken GOVERNMENT, every step of the way, to rein in the Capitalists. Capitalism left to its own devices is at best amoral, at worst immoral. Only if there is a force for morality powerful enough to stand up to Capitalism does reform ever occur. The money interests have always fought reform in the interests of morality and human decency.

You can start with slavery in this country. A private sector, capitalist, free market practice that could only be ended by full force of BIG GOVERNMENT brought down upon it.
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Wow. Talk about the Heartbreak of Historical Illiteracy on Parade.

We didn't declare independence form Capitalist Moneyed Interests; we revolted against a Monarchy (a form of hereditary CRONYISM) and put in place a Rule of Law.

Do you wish to dispute that it was through our government, through legislation, through our Constitution, that the working class in this country won its rights, protections, etc.?

Start with the abolition of slavery.

No, I guess she doesn't want to dispute that. Should have went with that to begin with. lol
If the today's GOP was in charge during the postwar years, you would never have had the Hoover Dam or the great hydroelectric power projects conducted by Tennessee Valley Authority; you would never have had the BIG GOVERNMENT Interstate Project or the BIG GOVERNMENT Space Program (which was responsible the 80s consumer electronics boom). All these things were born of Big Government; all of them required massive spending; and all of them created the foundation for a 1/2 century of economic growth.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican if the Southwest in its current form would even exist without the Hoover Dam, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican what enabled the southeastern United States to have the cheapest electricity costs in the 50s and 60s, and how postwar infrastructure projects lead to unprecedented economic growth from Tennessee to Georgia, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican who harnessed the power and water of the Colorado and what that meant for economic growth in the desert southwest and California, and they will stare at you blankly. ["Wait a minute Jethro, I thought water come from God"]

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government interstate system enabled the trucking industry to ship goods all across the country, thus creating an explosion of economic activity that would have otherwise been impossible, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Erie Canal project put cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica on the map, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Space Program made America the world leader in consumer electronics, and they will stare at you blankly. [Ask them who enabled the private profits of GE or Lockhead Martin, or any company that depends on roads and electrical grids and water and government research and government subsidies and military intervention RE global resource markets, and they will stare at you blankly. Corporations have been parasites on Big Government and the tax payer since the beginning. Their current war on government is based on the fact that they don't want to acknowledge their massive debt to society]

Do you know what happened once Reagan and Movement Conservatism took over the country in 1980? They said government couldn't do anything. [I'm surprised Reagan didn't doctor the history books to say the moon landing never happened because Big Government can't do anything]. Once Reagan convinced America that Government couldn't do anything, we stopped all the big projects that made this the Greatest Nation in history. No more Hoover Dams, no more grand infrastructure projects that put whole regions on the map. When Carter said we needed to build a moonshot around alternative energy to avoid getting bankrupted in the middle east -- bankrupted by the $5 gallon; bankrupted by having to stabilize places like Iraq and Afghanistan -- Reagan convinced the nation that the Government who defeated the Nazis wasn't fit to run a laundromat. Sorry Mr. Reagan, but Big Government put a man on the moon and lead the greatest manufacturing boom in history (see WWII war manufacturing, the largest government spending program in history, which laid the foundation for America's most sustained economic growth during the 50s and 60s) -- meaning: we could have gotten out of the middle east, but we chose to listen to a president who was funded by big oil, a president who chose to enrich special interests at the expense of future generations. We gave up on trying to solve big problems as a nation. Instead, we trusted the market, which chose to swindle the nation with CDOs, Swaps, and Derivatives rather than invest in the real economy. We got punk'd.

America swallowed poison in 1980 when it traded the Government who built the Hoover Dam for the government who trusted corporations to follow greed into whatever corrupt enclave yielded the highest short term profits. Who knew they would loot the treasury (by taking systemic criminal risk), and then use their loot to convince a generation of Conservatives that they stood for freedom.

Republican Voters know not what they do.

Who pushed for The Panama Canal? Teddy Roosevelt, A Republican you idiot. Yeah I know, Pre Wars, but hopefully my point is taken. Yes, Some things Government has to do, but don't act like it's only Democrats that get anything done. Do you know how stupid you look by suggesting such a thing? How about you take a look at who was in power when most of our Wars were declared? :eusa_whistle: ~BH
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Wow. Liberalism really is about the ability to look at a fish and truly see a Cocker Spainiel, isn't it?

The Constitution no mater how you read it comrade is to protect people from government. Corporations are people as long as there is choice and only government can remove choice. You're confusing the Communist Manifesto with the Constitution again...
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If the today's GOP was in charge during the postwar years, you would never have had the Hoover Dam or the great hydroelectric power projects conducted by Tennessee Valley Authority; you would never have had the BIG GOVERNMENT Interstate Project or the BIG GOVERNMENT Space Program (which was responsible the 80s consumer electronics boom). All these things were born of Big Government; all of them required massive spending; and all of them created the foundation for a 1/2 century of economic growth.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican if the Southwest in its current form would even exist without the Hoover Dam, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican what enabled the southeastern United States to have the cheapest electricity costs in the 50s and 60s, and how postwar infrastructure projects lead to unprecedented economic growth from Tennessee to Georgia, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican who harnessed the power and water of the Colorado and what that meant for economic growth in the desert southwest and California, and they will stare at you blankly. ["Wait a minute Jethro, I thought water come from God"]

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government interstate system enabled the trucking industry to ship goods all across the country, thus creating an explosion of economic activity that would have otherwise been impossible, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Erie Canal project put cities like Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica on the map, and they will stare at you blankly.

Ask a Talk Radio Republican how the Big Government Space Program made America the world leader in consumer electronics, and they will stare at you blankly. [Ask them who enabled the private profits of GE or Lockhead Martin, or any company that depends on roads and electrical grids and water and government research and government subsidies and military intervention RE global resource markets, and they will stare at you blankly. Corporations have been parasites on Big Government and the tax payer since the beginning. Their current war on government is based on the fact that they don't want to acknowledge their massive debt to society]

Do you know what happened once Reagan and Movement Conservatism took over the country in 1980? They said government couldn't do anything. [I'm surprised Reagan didn't doctor the history books to say the moon landing never happened because Big Government can't do anything]. Once Reagan convinced America that Government couldn't do anything, we stopped all the big projects that made this the Greatest Nation in history. No more Hoover Dams, no more grand infrastructure projects that put whole regions on the map. When Carter said we needed to build a moonshot around alternative energy to avoid getting bankrupted in the middle east -- bankrupted by the $5 gallon; bankrupted by having to stabilize places like Iraq and Afghanistan -- Reagan convinced the nation that the Government who defeated the Nazis wasn't fit to run a laundromat. Sorry Mr. Reagan, but Big Government put a man on the moon and lead the greatest manufacturing boom in history (see WWII war manufacturing, the largest government spending program in history, which laid the foundation for America's most sustained economic growth during the 50s and 60s) -- meaning: we could have gotten out of the middle east, but we chose to listen to a president who was funded by big oil, a president who chose to enrich special interests at the expense of future generations. We gave up on trying to solve big problems as a nation. Instead, we trusted the market, which chose to swindle the nation with CDOs, Swaps, and Derivatives rather than invest in the real economy. We got punk'd.

America swallowed poison in 1980 when it traded the Government who built the Hoover Dam for the government who trusted corporations to follow greed into whatever corrupt enclave yielded the highest short term profits. Who knew they would loot the treasury (by taking systemic criminal risk), and then use their loot to convince a generation of Conservatives that they stood for freedom.

Republican Voters know not what they do.

Who pushed for The Panama Canal? Teddy Roosevelt, A Republican you idiot. Yeah I know, Pre Wars, but hopefully my point is taken. Yes, Some things Government has to do, but don't act like it's only Democrats that get anything done. Do you know how stupid you look by suggesting such a thing? How about you take a look at who was in power when most of our Wars were declared? :eusa_whistle: ~BH
Reality must really bite for them BH...
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Who the FUCK taught you the Constitution? Whomever they were? I hope they got fired for the injustice they perpetrated on you.

What is the anger about? The Constitution was good enough to allow unions to drag the middle class out of the horrors of the industrial revolution by the big government homestead act was drying up.

But now it's been taken too far by the extortion of members that have to PAY DUES to have a JOB... and Money Laundering that goes on between the Democrats and The Unions that uses dues to pay off politicians to get their way, and the TAXPAYER has no seat at the table.

You were saying? :eusa_whistle:
The system of government we have allowed the working people of this country, over time, to hold their own against the Capitalist money interests that would have happily impoverished them in perpetuity had they been able to.

That is the ultimate greatness of America and its Constitution.

Wow. Talk about the Heartbreak of Historical Illiteracy on Parade.

We didn't declare independence form Capitalist Moneyed Interests; we revolted against a Monarchy (a form of hereditary CRONYISM) and put in place a Rule of Law.

Do you wish to dispute that it was through our government, through legislation, through our Constitution, that the working class in this country won its rights, protections, etc.?

Start with the abolition of slavery.

carb, While on the subject (oh what a suprise), It was a Republican who abolished slavery. It was Lincoln who issued the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1864, an amendment abolishing slavery passed the Senate but died in the House as Democrats rallied against it. Just sayin. :cool: ~BH

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