Big Coal Predicted Climate Change...In 1966


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Coal Knew, Too | HuffPost

Their own scientists knew it before the scientific community did

And their only concern was "How much money can we make before this all blows up?"
Coal Knew, Too | HuffPost

Their own scientists knew it before the scientific community did

And their only concern was "How much money can we make before this all blows up?"


Threads like these just prove how gullible and utterly incapable bed wetters are of a rational, independent thought.

Let's pretend the Huf Po agitprop is even remotely true.

Lets suppose all the big coal company execs and owners got together and had a secret confrence to decide to destroy the planet for cash.

A normal person would immediately ask, "OK then, so what planet are all these guys going to go to after their MMGW destroys the world"?

Why do banks continue to fund building projects for Oceanside resorts?

Why do insurance companies continue to cover buildings and property anywhere neat the water?

When I assert that american bed wetting leftist pieces of shit do not have functioning frontal lobes I am not even slightly joking, and they prove my assertion to be true every day.

Dumbest mother fuckers on the planet, every one of them are fugitives of natural selection.

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Coal Knew, Too | HuffPost

Their own scientists knew it before the scientific community did

And their only concern was "How much money can we make before this all blows up?"

You mean the fact that we had mile high glaciers covering the northern part of he country that first formed and then melted gave away the fact that climate changes? And mankind has nothing to do with it....? You mean like that?

If there was even the slightest validity to MMGW not one mother fucker would cut a check to loan anyone money to buy or build anywhere near a coast.

Enough of this stupid bullshit bed wetters, it's a hoax. You fell for it, just admit it, go eat some ice cream for your butt-hurt and SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Yeah but scientists predicted a new ice age in the 70's. Think about it, WW2 was a global catastrophic decade. Ships loaded with oil and contaminants were sunk by the thousands. Fires raged in Europe and Japan. Everything was powered by fossil fuel and yet the weather in the 50's and 60's was stable. It wasn't until a failed politician tried to make a buck by selling fake "carbon credits" that (mostly) the left seized on the biggest political extortion scam in history, "man made global warming".
In August, Chris Cherry, a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, salvaged a large volume from a stack of vintage journals that a fellow faculty member was about to toss out. He was drawn to a 1966 copy of the industry publication Mining Congress Journal; his father-in-law had been in the industry and he thought it might be an interesting memento.

Cherry flipped it open to a passage from James R. Garvey, who was the president of Bituminous Coal Research Inc., a now-defunct coal mining and processing research organization.

“There is evidence that the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere is increasing rapidly as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels,” wrote Garvey. “If the future rate of increase continues as it is at the present, it has been predicted that, because the CO2 envelope reduces radiation, the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere will increase and that vast changes in the climates of the earth will result.”

“Such changes in temperature will cause melting of the polar icecaps, which, in turn, would result in the inundation of many coastal cities, including New York and London,” he continued.

None of these Denier cretins even bothered to click the link obviously?

Why would Big Coal continue when they knew the danger?


Hey...they figure their place is Aspen will not flood so....
In August, Chris Cherry, a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, salvaged a large volume from a stack of vintage journals that a fellow faculty member was about to toss out. He was drawn to a 1966 copy of the industry publication Mining Congress Journal; his father-in-law had been in the industry and he thought it might be an interesting memento.

Cherry flipped it open to a passage from James R. Garvey, who was the president of Bituminous Coal Research Inc., a now-defunct coal mining and processing research organization.

“There is evidence that the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere is increasing rapidly as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels,” wrote Garvey. “If the future rate of increase continues as it is at the present, it has been predicted that, because the CO2 envelope reduces radiation, the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere will increase and that vast changes in the climates of the earth will result.”

“Such changes in temperature will cause melting of the polar icecaps, which, in turn, would result in the inundation of many coastal cities, including New York and London,” he continued.

None of these Denier cretins even bothered to click the link obviously?

Why would Big Coal continue when they knew the danger?


Hey...they figure their place is Aspen will not flood so....
None of what you posted constitutes "knowing" that global warming is a real thing. We still don't KNOW, moron.
Dumbest mother fuckers on the planet, every one of them are fugitives of natural selection.

sing along Pete?

Nibblin' on sponge cake,
watchin' the sun bake;
All those deniers addicted to oil
Sucking the CO , and Big oil BS
Tempers in Congress begining to boil


Wasted away in the Oilocracy
Claiming all alt energy shill gain
Same folks claim middle east is insane
But I know my addiction ain't changed

Some think it's treason, Redfords lost reason
With all his tar sands spillage ado
I liked him as sundance, so i gave him a chance
But wonder if he's got the slightest of clue

Wasted away again in Oilocracy,
Searchin' through those kocktopus vaults.
Some people claim them cannuck pipelines ashame
But I know..... it's my SUV's fault.


I love when they flip flop,
and claim we're all on top
Tell us the troops will be coming back home.


But there's crude in the pipeline,
And soon it will refine
That dark brown concoction that helps me drive on.


Wasted away again in Oilocracy,
Listening to them oilman explain
Some people claim climate change is their blame
But I know's all just a game

Yes i know..... it's all just a game

w/apologies to parrotheads everywhere
Dumbest mother fuckers on the planet, every one of them are fugitives of natural selection.

sing along Pete?

Nibblin' on sponge cake,
watchin' the sun bake;
All those deniers addicted to oil
Sucking the CO , and Big oil BS
Tempers in Congress begining to boil


Wasted away in the Oilocracy
Claiming all alt energy shill gain
Same folks claim middle east is insane
But I know my addiction ain't changed

Some think it's treason, Redfords lost reason
With all his tar sands spillage ado
I liked him as sundance, so i gave him a chance
But wonder if he's got the slightest of clue

Wasted away again in Oilocracy,
Searchin' through those kocktopus vaults.
Some people claim them cannuck pipelines ashame
But I know..... it's my SUV's fault.


I love when they flip flop,
and claim we're all on top
Tell us the troops will be coming back home.


But there's crude in the pipeline,
And soon it will refine
That dark brown concoction that helps me drive on.


Wasted away again in Oilocracy,
Listening to them oilman explain
Some people claim climate change is their blame
But I know's all just a game

Yes i know..... it's all just a game

w/apologies to parrotheads everywhere
Now we understand the apparent brain damage. You're wallowing in propaganda.
The outer planets are being perturbed by something, along with atmospheric changes. The poles on earth are starting to reverse, our sun is now in an extended minimum. All of this is affecting the weather patterns and climate here. It's going to get exponentially worse. To think we caused this is supreme arrogance. We didn't cause and we're not going to be able to stop it.

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