Biden's US Army Has Messed Up Priorities - Will Spend $63M To Rename Confederate Bases

We have the most powerful Army in the history of mankind
Why do you hate our country?
The most powerful military in the history of the world is not making recruitment goals and is more concerned with punishing and or kicking out troops that don't want to take the COVID vaccine. More concerned about people who have been dead for over 150 years and a witch hunt looking for an almost nonexistent white power threat. The entire 6 years I was in the Army I ran across one person who may have been a white supremacist. I met a shit load of gangbangers who joined up.

The job of the US Military is to defend the nation all of this other crap is fucking with readiness.
The most powerful military in the history of the world is not making recruitment goals and is more concerned with punishing and or kicking out troops that don't want to take the COVID vaccine. More concerned about people who have been dead for over 150 years and a witch hunt looking for an almost nonexistent white power threat. The entire 6 years I was in the Army I ran across one person who may have been a white supremacist. I met a shit load of gangbangers who joined up.

The job of the US Military is to defend the nation all of this other crap is fucking with readiness.

Doesnt really matter
The military we have is the best trained and best equipped in the world and has the best leadership

Nobody else is close
I reject the idea that idiot "thought" anything, ever, in his entire life.

How about the Korean and Vietnam wars? We shouldn't allow communists to remain in the country.

That means Bye Bye Democrats....

Then again the Confederate states were dominated by democrats also...

Yet another reason to be rid of them.

Personally, I think we should rename the USS Jimmy Carter. Probably causes a lot of the military offense. I bet when they put it on their resume, they say, "served on SSN-23." :auiqs.jpg:
Sounds like a plan. You know this process started almost two years ago right?
Yes, I know that.

The USGS also spending lots of my money renaming everything with "Squaw" in the name - 700 places.

It's like we're in Kindergarten and have to be protected from words or names of people.


The heart and soul of the American military are the Southern and Midwest patriotic White men.

Not the affirmative action Negroes, women or the queers and transsexuals Potatohead's administration loves so much.

When Potatohead stole the election and became (illegitimately) the Commander in Chief he set the tone that real patriots are not welcome in the military. He wants only affirmative action Negroes, women, queers and transsexual so they can be the thugs of the filthy Democrat Party. We saw that in DC when the Patriots were purged from the ranks and the emphasis became wokeness instead of war training.

Now recruitment is way down and Potatohead is wondering how he fucked it up. Who in their right mind would want to be in the military now?

Like Obama said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up". Now he has fucked up the greatest military in the history of the world with goddamn wokeness.
$63 Million from the taxpayers is "free" to Biden as he works on the midterm elections in a few weeks.

This is a political move, otherwise why would it take priority when inflation is rampant, Europe is about ready to freeze and the economy is in the dumper? Not to mention a world on the precipice of war.

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