Biden’s political decisions crushing the market, now Dow is under 30k…a year ago, high stock market was attributed to Biden

No it's not...and you are right we shouldn't give Xiden all the credit for this horrible economy and belongs to all the Dembots that voted for him, and the entire party and their policies.
I don’t know about you, but I’m doing just fine in this economy. Seen my take home increase substantially. See many of my friends elevate their positions or take new jobs. I know it’s the job of the minority party to play doom and gloom. But things are not nearly as bad as you pretend they are
The cult TOUTED the stock market when it was high and claimed it was BECAUSE OF THEM….now when it crashes, they say it is not them?

THIS AGED POORLY! :auiqs.jpg:

"The buck stops here - right between Putin and Trump" President Brandon's motto
Yup. That last $2 million giveaway was totally unnecessary. Even a college freshman with Econ 101 under his belt would have known this would exacerbate inflation. That tells me the radical left knew also, and this is all by design.
$2 Trillion

and then $40B to Ukraine so they could sell the weapons on the black market and pocket the proceeds (10% for the Big Guy)
I don’t know about you, but I’m doing just fine in this economy. Seen my take home increase substantially. See many of my friends elevate their positions or take new jobs. I know it’s the job of the minority party to play doom and gloom. But things are not nearly as bad as you pretend they are
i’m a concerned america and think of others…not just myself. While i’m happy you are doing well…millions aren’t because of the dems inflation.
i’m a concerned america and think of others…not just myself. While i’m happy you are doing well…millions aren’t because of the dems inflation.
I can see someone who works taking on an improved job since there are so many dregs not taking them...but those of us who never stop or stopped working through the fake leftyvirus are strained supporting the Dim ilk, and retirees are struggling as their income is fixed and buys much much less.


I think the DOW could go to 20,000. That would be a 30% drop from where it is now. That is not at all inconceivable.
My goodness, what a mindless, obedient rube you are.
Fuck off, you racist kunt. Since you have no argument whatsoever you just start spewing racial slurs like "rube" at me. Your concession that you have no reasoned logical argument is accepted, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.

You are not the type who should be talking about this subject in the first place. In this very forum you proved that you are completely ignorant of the Federal Reserve a looooong fucking time ago.

Then you claimed to be some kind of expert. You're pathetic.
Fuck off, you racist kunt. Since you have no argument whatsoever you just start spewing racial slurs like "rube" at me. Your concession that you have no reasoned logical argument is accepted, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.

You are not the type who should be talking about this subject in the first place. In this very forum you proved that you are completely ignorant of the Federal Reserve a looooong fucking time ago.

Then you claimed to be some kind of expert. You're pathetic.
Fuck off, you racist kunt. Since you have no argument whatsoever you just start spewing racial slurs like "rube" at me. Your concession that you have no reasoned logical argument is accepted, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.

You are not the type who should be talking about this subject in the first place. In this very forum you proved that you are completely ignorant of the Federal Reserve a looooong fucking time ago.

Then you claimed to be some kind of expert. You're pathetic.
Mac1958 is a coward who places people on ignore.
I can see someone who works taking on an improved job since there are so many dregs not taking them...but those of us who never stop or stopped working through the fake leftyvirus are strained supporting the Dim ilk, and retirees are struggling as their income is fixed and buys much much less.
so true....retirees are forced to come back to the workforce to make ends meat, as inflation is eating up so much, and their 401Ks are dropping faster then Hunter Biden after a crack rock
struth claims:
Trump had it [the stock market] at record highs....sadly Xiden can't do better …
Slade3200 responds:

Well Biden did do better didn’t he, 1000s of points higher than trumps record. Not that the president controls the stock market so this conversation is pretty silly.

Slade3200 is absolutely correct here …

But the future may bring further problems. The key point is that after the huge market declines and rapid recovery in the early days of Covid in February and March of 2020, there was a faster recovery in stock market valuations than in real business activity. As vaccines came on the scene and Covid weakened, stock market values kept growing.

The market decline started again in 2022 just as Putin surrounded Ukraine. The markets were understandably rattled. The market decline has accelerated as the war has become a slog with no end in sight.

Disruptions in oil and food markets are triggering serious inflation due to Covid ending & demand growing (with China still in partial lockdown). The Fed is now tightening interest and credit rates to try to deal with inflation. This of course normally rattles market confidence. Eventually it can give bond investors and common savers a decent alternative place to put their cash other than our casino stock market.

A market decline and increase in rates will wring speculative money out of the market, likely destroying trillions of dollars of non-productive and speculative capital in the process. That would be almost exactly what is now needed. But will the Fed have the courage to allow capitalism to clear out its own excesses? Or will it choose to help capitalists protect their asset values, even at the expense of general misery from inflation / stagflation?
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I don’t know about you, but I’m doing just fine in this economy. Seen my take home increase substantially. See many of my friends elevate their positions or take new jobs. I know it’s the job of the minority party to play doom and gloom. But things are not nearly as bad as you pretend they are
That’s for workers, whose salaries will rise, and then prices will rise more to cover the increased salaries.

Retirees are seeing their portfolios drop by a third, and with no working years left. At the same time, they are being hit with gas prices that are up by half, and groceries up by significant margins as well. So they have less in savings, and what remains is further eroded by Bidenflation.

You are whistling past the graveyard. All because you can’t admit what a horrible error you made voting for someone with dementia who had 50 years of government service in which he accomplished nothing (and that was when he still had his brains).
Slade3200 is absolutely correct here!

The key point is that after the huge market declines and rapid recovery in the early days of Covid in February and March of 2020, there was a faster recovery in the stock market than in real business activity. As vaccines came on the scene and Covid weakened, the stock market kept improving. The decline started again in 2022 just as Putin surrounded Ukraine. The markets were understandably rattled. The market decline has accelerated recently as the war has become a slog with no end in sight, disrupting markets and setting off sanctions. Disruptions in oil and food markets have worsened, triggering inflation already existing due to Covid ending here and demand growing (with China in lockdown). The Fed is now tightening interest and credit rates, which also normally rattles market confidence.
Yes the market is crashing as Xiden's policies are taking hold
The capitalist stock market (that crashed in 2007-2008 under Bush) … is just doing its thing again.

A “hard landing” (or a “soft landing” hopefully followed by very unlikely regulatory reforms) is healthy and necessary after the ridiculous gains of recent years. It is virtually inevitable given that global production and trade is coming apart at the seems and we are entering an era of Cold Wars and proxy “hot wars” with authoritarian powers like Putin’s Russia.

This economic phenomenon — and the present inflation too — are not caused by “Xiden’s policies” any more than the 2007-2008 crisis was caused by “Bush’s policies.” Only lame partisans of one or the other major party look at the whole world through such narrow and rose-colored glasses.
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