Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" will cause inflation to rise.

Biden recently set himself up for this eventuality by announcing that inflation is 0% and repeating it several times.

I wonder if they will explain why we need to spend $0.74 Trillion in a lame attempt to lower 0% inflation?

  1. Inflation was at 0.0% in July and some media figures …

    19 hours ago · In a report, Doocy claimed that Biden’s inflation claim “is not true” because “prices are not up 0% since last year,” ignoring that inflation was at a net 0.0% only for the month of July.
Your superior intellect is readily apparent from your sophisticated prose.
I'm slumming down here with you uninformed misinformed GOP dingbats. I did my time in higher education and certainly I'm not trying to impress you fools with my grammar which I know more about than any of you fools. the famous gd hotchkiss school grammar Too bad you don't have any actual argument and are just a brainwashed racist.....
Change the channel get off the conspiracy nut job Internet and rejoin reality, brainwashed functional moron. No election fraud no vax fraud no conspiracies at all just the informed people versus the scumbag swine and their dupes as always...
what conspiracy theory am I pushing Simp?

Every independent analysis of this turd say it will increase inflation.....oh, except the one that claims it will reduce inflation 1/3 of 1% 9 years from now.
what conspiracy theory am I pushing Simp?

Every independent analysis of this turd say it will increase inflation.....oh, except the one that claims it will reduce inflation 1/3 of 1% 9 years from now.
Every time you open your mouth lol, like all the GOP base brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs. The election hoax the vax hoax the mask hoax the FBI conspiracy against trump the Clinton conspiracy you name it
Unemployment is a single indicator. You are ignoring Inflation. If you don’t push restrictive policies aimed at US Domestic energy producers then you are not as vulnerable to what Putin does or any other despot or unstable region in the world. That’s just common sense.
Says the damn Big Oil GOP that has blocked all investment in alternative energy forever lol idiocy
Every time you open your mouth lol, like all the GOP base brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs. The election hoax the vax hoax the mask hoax the FBI conspiracy against trump the Clinton conspiracy you name it
link us up to my "hoax" posts. Start with the election, Simp.
We were going to spend on pharma profits now we spend on environment.. its a shift.
People not paying their taxes who will now be audited and pay their taxes were spending that money on something dipshit.
No one is printing money creating additional spending. It is being shifted from ineffective spending to more effective spending.

Stupidity such as yours isn’t natural. It’s groomed.
Quote my posts, Simp.
Screw you [Mod Edited]. #145 above is part of your media conspiracy and earlier you had you said the FBI is totally corrupt... with no evidence Clinton was investigated and found to do nothing and her emails weren't even classified in the end, just more garbage propaganda like everything you believe.

Screw you [Mod Edited]. #145 above is part of your media conspiracy and earlier you said the FBI is totally corrupt... with no evidence- Clinton was investigated and found to do nothing and her emails weren't even classified in the end, just more garbage propaganda like everything you believe. The FBI and the courts and the CIA and the Justice Department are no conspiracy. Except for under trump.
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You can simply move the $288B below the line as a negative number and call it a savings of expenses if you want. Same result and you’ll be happier with the terminology.
How is moving 288billion from one boondoggle to another making gov spending go down? It’s still being spent dipshit.
You can always depend up the Democrat filth to come up really really bad bills. You know they are really bad when they are passed along side strict party lines. Remember Obamacare and the tremendous increase in heath care cost for everybody so a few could get welfare subsidies that were actually too expensive?
Just like all Democrat ideas it will do the opposite of what they claim. It also raises taxes on the poor and middle class. Another Biden promise broken.

This economist agrees with the Joint Committee on Taxation that this bull is a sham.

Inflation Reduction Act is 'deceptive marketing,' will hurt struggling Americans, economist says

The Inflation Reduction Act will drive prices even higher, economist says​

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin's reconciliation bill, the Inflation Reduction Act, is deceptively named since it will actually exacerbate Americans' pain from inflation while simultaneously raising taxes, an economist told Fox News.

"The greatest example of deceptive marketing today is the name that the Democrats have chosen for this piece of legislation," a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, EJ Antoni, told Fox News. "It does absolutely nothing to address the problem of inflation."

The Inflation Reduction Act, which Manchin and Schumer announced Wednesday, is a slimmed down version of President Biden’s Build Back Better Act with a $433 billion price tag, most of which will be spent on climate provisions. The Committee on Taxation estimates that it will raise $739 billion through a variety of measures, including a minimum tax rate on large corporations and enhanced IRS enforcement.

"It does nothing to address the problem of inflation and instead only exacerbates the existing high prices and will drive prices even higher," Antoni told Fox News. "It's just adding insult to injury."

"Inflation is fundamentally too much money relative to the amount of goods and services in the economy," Antoni told Fox News. "So, if you're just going to raise taxes, all you've done at that point is transfer money from one person to another, the taxpayer to the government."

But you haven't actually changed the amount of goods and services relative to the amount of money in the economy," he continued. "So it does nothing to fight inflation."

Antoni also said the higher taxes will impact consumers.

There will be taxes on energy that will be passed through to the consumer at all different levels, not only in the purchase of energy itself, but because energy affects everything we do and everything we buy," Antoni said. "Those prices will trickle down into everything else, just as we've seen higher prices for diesel and gasoline over the last 18 months trickle down everywhere else into consumers purchases."

Congressman Bob Good agrees with you. From his newsletter...


Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought House members back to Washington on Friday to pass the Democrat Majority’s latest inflation expansion bill. According to economists, this so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” will do nothing to relieve the pressure on family budgets caused by massive government spending in Washington.

The economic harm of higher taxes and increased energy costs contained in this bill will especially harm lower and middle-income families. At the same time, the bill subsidizes alternative energy companies with a Green New Deal slush fund, expands Obamacare while enriching insurance companies, and restricts the development of new prescription drugs.

Worse yet, the bill will provide $80 billion to double the size of the IRS, permitting a new army of IRS agents to conduct an additional 1.2 million audits of hardworking taxpayers. While Speaker Pelosi refused to allow any efforts to amend the bill, Democrats in the Senate unanimously rejected two amendments to protect average Americans from this effort. One amendment would have prohibited anyone making less than $400,000 a year from being subjected to new audits. The second amendment would have prevented hiring any new IRS agents until existing IRS employees were finally back to work in-person.

I spoke on the House floor prior to the vote and addressed how it is disastrous Democrat policies that are to blame for the record high inflation. Yet, the radical left’s “solution” will ONLY add gasoline to the fire as they claim to believe that spending another trillion dollars will solve their self-created inflation crisis.

Tell it to corporate America who are right now raising prices while at the same time lowering package quantities on everything from aspirin to zip ties.

We're getting screwed by corporate greed. Btw, now that gas prices have been dropping for a few weeks have you seen any drop in prices, dipshit?

Bidens bill doesn’t cause inflation because CORPORATE GREED!

Leftists are absolute idiots.

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