Biden Win, So What?

Lol its funny because the writer assumes joe will remember he is President after lunch
I don't plan on voting for either corporate tool.
Do you?
Hellll no
Keep spewing LWNJ propaganda instead of thinking for yourself.
It'll be fun watching your head explode again this fall when Biden fails for the third time
Trump was an unknown political quantity in 2016, and he was running against one of the most hated Democrats of her time. We've had four years to measure Trump, and he's come up dismally unprepared to discharge his duties.

Too much MAGA?
The UN calls it the browning of Hemisphere #1. We should be calling it the death knell of a country...
White-skinned people are about 4% of global humanity.
Stop being afraid of destiny.

"white skinned"???? You mean albinos? A lot less than 4% of the global population.

I don't know anyone who has white skin, although I saw Edgar Winter in concert 45 years ago or so
Keep spewing LWNJ propaganda instead of thinking for yourself.
It'll be fun watching your head explode again this fall when Biden fails for the third time
Trump was an unknown political quantity in 2016, and he was running against one of the most hated Democrats of her time. We've had four years to measure Trump, and he's come up dismally unprepared to discharge his duties.
View attachment 374972
Too much MAGA?

Hillary Clinton was very well loved by the libs, who considered her to be the smartest woman on the planet. They saluted her for "standing by her man", even when he was humiliating her with a constant stream of "bimbos". Indeed, Mrs. Clinton headed the administration's Bimbo Eruption Squad.
What could the "Senator from DuPont" accomplish in his first two weeks of office to prove he is truly a "transitional candidate"?

Andrew Bacevich has 14 suggestions:

"AUGUST 14, 2020
Biden Wins, Then What?"

"Here, free of charge, Joe, is an action plan that will get you from Election Night through your first two weeks in office.

"Follow this plan and by your 100th day in the White House observers will be comparing you to at least one President Roosevelt, if not both.:eek:

"On Election Night (or whatever date you are declared the winner): Close down your Twitter account..."

"During the transition: Direct your press secretary to announce that on January 20th there will be no ritzy Inaugural balls...."

"On January 20th, the big day arrives.

"Noon, Eastern Standard Time:
With the chief justice of the Supreme Court presiding, take the oath of office in the East Room of the White House in the presence of Vice President Kamala Harris and your immediate family.

"No inaugural address, no parade, no festivities whatsoever.

"Make like you’re George Washington: he wasn’t into making a fuss.

"When the ceremony ends, have lunch and get down to work.";)
Joe won't be able to find the East Room, let alone his lunch. The man is a walking Marxist Mask Nazi Senile Dumpster Fire.
Hillary Clinton was very well loved by the libs, who considered her to be the smartest woman on the planet. They saluted her for "standing by her man", even when he was humiliating her with a constant stream of "bimbos". Indeed, Mrs. Clinton headed the administration's Bimbo Eruption Squad.
Remember all the morons taunting with the references to "madam president"? Too funny.
Trump was an unknown political quantity in 2016, and he was running against one of the most hated Democrats of her time. We've had four years to measure Trump, and he's come up dismally unprepared to discharge his duties.
Trump has done a spectacular job. You are obviously blinded by the emotional angst from your 2016 loss. At least you've got practice for the next 4 years.
Yep. America's not going to destroy itself!
I'm old enough to shudder at the thought that only Joe Biden or Donald Trump can inhibit that from happening:

"AUGUST 14, 2020
Biden Wins, Then What?

"That evening: Speak to the nation from the Oval Office. Make it brief. Your address will set the tone for your administration. The nation has its hands full with concurrent crises.

"The moment calls for humility and hard work, not triumphalism.

"Don’t overpromise.

"Consider Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address as a model.

"Curb your inclination to blather.

"Abe only needed 701 words.

"See if you can better that."

That's not a logical response to what I said
Hillary Clinton was very well loved by the libs, who considered her to be the smartest woman on the planet. T
Hillary is more hated than Trump.
Millions of Democrats stayed home in 2016 because they saw here as a corporate whore. After four years of Trump corruption, they aren't likely to stay home next November.


Hillary Clinton is more unpopular than Donald Trump. Let that sink in | Daniel José Camacho

"Donald Trump is one of the least popular politicians in the history of the United States.

"Yet, Trump is still more popular than Hillary Clinton.

"Let that sink in.

"According to the latest Bloomberg National Poll, Trump has a net favorability of 41% whereas Clinton has a net favorability of 39%.

"If Democrats are to escape the political wilderness, they will have to leave Clinton and her brand of politics in the woods."
Breaking News: It's being reported that Obama said, "Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F' things up" :omg: Former Obama administration officials are spilling the beans on Biden and knifing him in the back.
You people wear both names. Ergo, they would not.
Trump people support fascism.

I asked 5 fascism experts whether Donald Trump is a fascist. Here's what they said.

"It's becoming a common question, with figures like neoconservative columnist Robert Kagan lobbing the accusation, declaring, 'This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes (although there have been salutes, and a whiff of violence) but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac 'tapping into' popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party — out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear — falling into line behind him.'"
You people wear both names. Ergo, they would not.
Trump people support fascism.

I asked 5 fascism experts whether Donald Trump is a fascist. Here's what they said.

"It's becoming a common question, with figures like neoconservative columnist Robert Kagan lobbing the accusation, declaring, 'This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes (although there have been salutes, and a whiff of violence) but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac 'tapping into' popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party — out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear — falling into line behind him.'"
You still listen to those experts?
Joe won't be able to find the East Room, let alone his lunch. The man is a walking Marxist Mask Nazi Senile Dumpster Fire.
Biden will look like Chomsky compared to Trump.

Huh. More just bitter, but hurt blind hatred with zero substance behind it.

Huh, I just got it. So that's what they mean by you have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Wow, that's funny, you do!
Trump has done a spectacular job. You are obviously blinded by the emotional angst from your 2016 loss. At least you've got practice for the next 4 years.
Trump has done a spectacular job of hiring corrupt capitalists to rob US taxpayers. For example:

Mapping Corruption: The Interactive Exhibit

  • "Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue was the subject of multiple ethics complaints and investigations during two terms as governor of Georgia. In one headline-making case, he approved a tax bill with a little-noticed provision that retroactively saved him $100,000 on a land sale.
  • Perdue has filled the department’s top ranks with former agribusiness executives and lobbyists, along with an unusual number of Trump campaign workers without other obvious qualifications.
  • The Agriculture Department has OK’d sharply higher line speeds for hog and poultry slaughterhouses and cut back on USDA meat-safety inspections, letting some big employers hand that responsibility off to low-wage workers."

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