Biden visit to UK - An American with manners at last

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

After several trump visits the US sends us an adult. Its been a long time coming. Not since the Obamas visited have we had visitors who even knew what fork to use.

Long may it continue.

After several trump visits the US sends us an adult. Its been a long time coming. Not since the Obamas visited have we had visitors who even knew what fork to use.

Long may it continue.
The one that farted in front of the royal family has manners? Does royalty sniff farts like Biden sniffs children?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe Joe should shit his pants in front of the king. Can you imagination the level of faith that would inspire?
trump pretty much did that.

We know that not all americans are pigs. Just trumpers.

After several trump visits the US sends us an adult. Its been a long time coming. Not since the Obamas visited have we had visitors who even knew what fork to use.

Long may it continue.
And they lifted their pinky too and curtsied nice, all the important things to Brits like Tommy T. :auiqs.jpg:

After several trump visits the US sends us an adult. Its been a long time coming. Not since the Obamas visited have we had visitors who even knew what fork to use.

Long may it continue.
i guess a long loud fart in the presence of royalty is the traditional show of exquisite manners in the UK eh ?

After several trump visits the US sends us an adult. Its been a long time coming. Not since the Obamas visited have we had visitors who even knew what fork to use.

Long may it continue.

Well King Charles and Joe Biden walking together looks like two horses sauntering toward the glue factory gates so I wouldn't bet too much on the long continuance part.
It restores faith in America. Nobody here believes that trump is the best of america [sic]. His many court cases bare that out.

Nobody here in America gives a shit what you think of our governance. We kicked your asses twice, to make the point that how we run our country is none of your fucking business.

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