Biden visit to UK - An American with manners at last

It restores faith in America. Nobody here believes that trump is the best of america. His many court cases bare that out.
In order to stop Trump from winning again the people who love to control our nation are throwing every legal case they can come up with against him. It‘s like throwing spaghetti against a wall until a strand sticks.

The “puppet masters” prefer to control both the Republican and Democrat candidates. That way no matter who wins they stay in charge. They hate rich, independent outsiders like Trump.
Nobody here in America gives a shit what you think of our governance. We kicked your asses twice, to make the point that how we run our country is none of your fucking business.
Nope, America has never won a war on it's own. You live in a world of Hollywood and Disney, based on pure fantasy. You know fine well the British colonies were getting their arses kicked, so the French joined in. Here's a photo of a statue in Paris that I took in July 2020 of a French Commandant. I thought, "Why the reference to American independence". So I looked into it, and guess what? The French saved the British Colonies.

Why don't you brag about that?

How did Vietnam go? Your ass kicked again?


Have a read why America joined WWI. Germany goated and dragged America into it.

Then WWII, Japan spanked your ass, so America joined that too, fuck all to do to save the planet. Joined late but claim you won it? You fucking dateless dreamer.
Nope, America has never won a war on it's own. You live in a world of Hollywood and Disney, based on pure fantasy. You know fine well the British colonies were getting their arses kicked, so the French joined in. Here's a photo of a statue in Paris that I took in July 2020 of a French Commandant. I thought, "Why the reference to American independence". So I looked into it, and guess what? The French saved the British Colonies.

I never claimed that we did so without any help from allies, such as France.

The point is that we won, and you lost. Twice.

We won the right to run our own country, free from any interference from you British filth.

And lately, you and one or two other of your fellow arrogant Brits have greatly tempted me to wish for a third war to make this point yet again. Since 1812, your once-great empire has collapsed, and all that is left of it is a pathetic shadow of its former self; and in the mean time, the U.S. has grown in size and power by a few orders of magnitude. We wouldn't need any help, we wouldn't even need to break a sweat, to completely end your shithole's existence as a sovereign nation, make whatever remains of it into a U.S. colony, and oppress whoever of you we leave alive there, the way you once tried to oppress us.

Then WWII, Japan spanked your ass, so America joined that too, fuck all to do to save the planet. Joined late but claim you won it? You fucking dateless dreamer.

And if we had not entered the war, would you now be speaking German or Russian, instead of English?

A lot of very good American men fought and died to save your worthless country. What a waste that turned out to be.
After several trump visits the US sends us an adult.

You are kidding us, right, Tommy Torture? An adult? You mean an old, feeble, flatulent gasbag that had to hold onto your King Charles for support and direction until the Royalty finally had to pull his grubby hand off of him.

What did Joe give him, a CD of Joe's loudest rectal gaseous evacuations, a plea for more support in Ukraine, or a hickey?

I'm sure any and all are just fine with you just so long as the USA has a play-pretend leader who is so pathetic that he makes the UK look like a strong and moral nation in comparison!

But then, Joe Biden makes everyone from Putin to Kim Jong Un, to China, to Iran to the EU look pretty good.

After several trump visits the US sends us an adult. Its been a long time coming. Not since the Obamas visited have we had visitors who even knew what fork to use.

Long may it continue.
/----/ WOWZA, your standards are really low. Dementia Joe can't even make it to dinner.

This is third time president has skipped dinner with world leaders while on international trip​

I never claimed that we did so without any help from allies, such as France.

The point is that we won, and you lost. Twice.

We won the right to run our own country, free from any interference from you British filth.

And lately, you and one or two other of your fellow arrogant Brits have greatly tempted me to wish for a third war to make this point yet again. Since 1812, your once-great empire has collapsed, and all that is left of it is a pathetic shadow of its former self; and in the mean time, the U.S. has grown in size and power by a few orders of magnitude. We wouldn't need any help, we wouldn't even need to break a sweat, to completely end your shithole's existence as a sovereign nation, make whatever remains of it into a U.S. colony, and oppress whoever of you we leave alive there, the way you once tried to oppress us.

And if we had not entered the war, would you now be speaking German or Russian, instead of English?

A lot of very good American men fought and died to save your worthless country. What a waste that turned out to be.
Let us just gently admit thatAmerica does not win wars .It is as though a few things got left out of the Gene bag . Lately your record with Proxy Wars has gone from lamentable to appalling .Stick with your popular variations of the British Rounders and Football .
Nobody here in America gives a shit what you think of our governance. We kicked your asses twice, to make the point that how we run our country is none of your fucking business.
Communist Tummy is even loathed by the Welsh , which is something like having reached rock bottom .
I never claimed that we did so without any help from allies, such as France.

The point is that we won, and you lost. Twice.

We won the right to run our own country, free from any interference from you British filth.

And lately, you and one or two other of your fellow arrogant Brits have greatly tempted me to wish for a third war to make this point yet again. Since 1812, your once-great empire has collapsed, and all that is left of it is a pathetic shadow of its former self; and in the mean time, the U.S. has grown in size and power by a few orders of magnitude. We wouldn't need any help, we wouldn't even need to break a sweat, to completely end your shithole's existence as a sovereign nation, make whatever remains of it into a U.S. colony, and oppress whoever of you we leave alive there, the way you once tried to oppress us.

And if we had not entered the war, would you now be speaking German or Russian, instead of English?

A lot of very good American men fought and died to save your worthless country. What a waste that turned out to be.
The colonies were mainly British you thick retard, they wanted to govern themselves and not Parliament in London you thick retard, so they rebelled you thick retard, and as their asses were getting beat, the French saved them you thick retard.

The allies were winning the World Wars you thick retard, America came in late twice you thick retard, and you think you won it you thick retard.

The fallen couldn't give a shit of the cowards like you trying to take their credit. Stop pissing on their graves you fucking dreadful scum. The allies collectively won the wars, each sacrificing many men and women. Idiots like you FUCKING DISGUST ME when you belittle the fallen for you to claim personal victory as you sit in your parents basement behind a computer screen with your trollies around your ankles.
The colonies were mainly British you thick retard, they wanted to govern themselves and not Parliament in London you thick retard, so they rebelled you thick retard, and as their asses were getting beat, the French saved them you thick retard.

The allies were winning the World Wars you thick retard, America came in late twice you thick retard, and you think you won it you thick retard.

The fallen couldn't give a shit of the cowards like you trying to take their credit. Stop pissing on their graves you fucking dreadful scum. The allies collectively won the wars, each sacrificing many men and women. Idiots like you FUCKING DISGUST ME when you belittle the fallen for you to claim personal victory as you sit in your parents basement behind a computer screen with your trollies around your ankles.
Get it off your chest Captain. Bob Bellend doesnt do history, or anything else requiring thought.

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