Biden says to Shoot them in the leg


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
It ain't all bad news. Kudos to these guys.

A photo has gone viral showing a group of mostly black men linked arms to protect a lone Louisville Metro police officer who was separated from his unit when protests turned violent in the city last week in response to the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.

The white officer, shown wearing a helmet, face shield, and bulletproof vest, stood in front of Bearno’s By-the-Bridge, a pizza chain restaurant near the Second Street Bridge and the Yum Center.

A group of men, reportedly the initial protest organizers, wore face masks and linked arms to prevent other members of the crowd from reaching the officer while he waited for his squad to return, the Louisville Courier-Journal reported.

“Last night in Louisville. Protesters protected an officer separated from his squad,” one Louisville native, Nancy Duncan, tweeted, sharing the newspaper’s photos. “I hope the news covers this.”
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Nice, but it doesn't balance out killing a Federal Officer...
No. But when your grasping straws, even a tid bit of just info makes one feel better.

This is a feel good thread.
It doesn't make me feel any better, the shooting started....
Like during the Baltimore riots when one mom didn't let her son go riot, cool but not enough to save the cities.
Someone is coming at you with a knife to kill you and Joe Biden's answer is to aim at their leg? WTF?????? DEMOCRATS, You NEED to find another candidate. smh
Here’s the really stupid part. “when an unarmed person is coming at you with a knife or something.”

Instead of standing there and teaching a cop, when there’s an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something, you shoot them in the leg instead of in the heart is a very different thing. There’s a lot of different things that could change,” Biden said in a meeting with community leaders at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington, Del.

What a friggin moron.
....ummmm....if someone is coming at you with a KNIFE they AREN'T 'un-armed'.

Biden has to be the worst Presidential candidate in the history of the USA.

Still Hillary. Biden would be better than Hillary. Hillary was brilliantly evil and corrupt.

Biden is just old now. He's losing it. He wasn't like this in the 1980s or 90s.

People lose their faculties, and Biden is on the downward slope.

Hillary Clinton would have been a worse President than Sleepy Joe by far.

However, Sleepy Joe is a worse Presidential candidate.

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