'Biden, no stranger to inappropriate touching accusations, gives Cuomo pass'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden, no stranger to inappropriate touching accusations, gives Cuomo pass
Biden, no stranger to inappropriate touching accusations, gives Cuomo pass

Biden has said the EXACT SAME THING after being accused by women of being made to feel 'uncomfortable'...."VERY UNCOMFORTABLE"....due to inappropriate touching as has Governor Cuomo.

"Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I've heard what these women are saying," Biden said in a message posted to Twitter in April 2019. "Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That's my responsibility and I will meet it."

"In my career, I've always tried to make a human connection," Biden said in his statement addressing the claims. "That's my responsibility, I think. I shake hands, I hug people, I grab men and women by the shoulders and say 'you can do this.' And whether they're women, men, young, old, it's the way I've always been. It's the way I've tried to show I care about them and I'm listening."

-- Biden's statements followed accusations from multiple women who said he made them uncomfortable. Writer D.J. Hill told the New York Times that in 2012 while she and her husband posed for pictures with Biden he placed his hand on her shoulder and moved it down her back, making her "very uncomfortable."

"Cuomo similarly defended himself against a claim from Anna Ruch that he placed his hands on her face and asked to kiss her when they met at a wedding in 2019. Ruch also said Cuomo put his hand on her bare lower back. A picture from the even showed Cuomo with his hands on Ruch's cheeks."

Cuomo recently, arrogantly CONFESSED to his sexual harassment / assault":

"You can find hundreds of pictures of me making the same gesture with hundreds of people, women, men, children, etc.," Cuomo told reporters. "You can go find hundreds of pictures of me kissing people. Men, women, it is my usual and customary way of greeting."

Cuomo and Biden are almost literally interchangeable here:


I guess that explains why Biden is reluctant to condemn Cuomo's actions......

I guess that explains why Biden is reluctant to condemn Cuomo's actions......

Yes, it makes logical sense, that a man who in the past, has a history of inappropriate accusations by females, would cover for another man who is about to share that history. It would be funny if Biden actually went along and pushed for Cuomo to resign, because the left would go batty over it.
We have had SO many politicians from both party's who have done or been accused of doing harmful sexual things, that no political party should be throwing rocks for political reasons.
Biden, no stranger to inappropriate touching accusations, gives Cuomo pass
Biden, no stranger to inappropriate touching accusations, gives Cuomo pass

Biden has said the EXACT SAME THING after being accused by women of being made to feel 'uncomfortable'...."VERY UNCOMFORTABLE"....due to inappropriate touching as has Governor Cuomo.

"Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I've heard what these women are saying," Biden said in a message posted to Twitter in April 2019. "Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That's my responsibility and I will meet it."

"In my career, I've always tried to make a human connection," Biden said in his statement addressing the claims. "That's my responsibility, I think. I shake hands, I hug people, I grab men and women by the shoulders and say 'you can do this.' And whether they're women, men, young, old, it's the way I've always been. It's the way I've tried to show I care about them and I'm listening."

-- Biden's statements followed accusations from multiple women who said he made them uncomfortable. Writer D.J. Hill told the New York Times that in 2012 while she and her husband posed for pictures with Biden he placed his hand on her shoulder and moved it down her back, making her "very uncomfortable."

"Cuomo similarly defended himself against a claim from Anna Ruch that he placed his hands on her face and asked to kiss her when they met at a wedding in 2019. Ruch also said Cuomo put his hand on her bare lower back. A picture from the even showed Cuomo with his hands on Ruch's cheeks."

Cuomo recently, arrogantly CONFESSED to his sexual harassment / assault":

"You can find hundreds of pictures of me making the same gesture with hundreds of people, women, men, children, etc.," Cuomo told reporters. "You can go find hundreds of pictures of me kissing people. Men, women, it is my usual and customary way of greeting."

Cuomo and Biden are almost literally interchangeable here:

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I guess that explains why Biden is reluctant to condemn Cuomo's actions......

I guess that explains why Biden is reluctant to condemn Cuomo's actions......

Yes, it makes logical sense, that a man who in the past, has a history of inappropriate accusations by females, would cover for another man who is about to share that history. It would be funny if Biden actually went along and pushed for Cuomo to resign, because the left would go batty over it.
We have had SO many politicians from both party's who have done or been accused of doing harmful sexual things, that no political party should be throwing rocks for political reasons.

'B...b...but the GOP....'
I guess that explains why Biden is reluctant to condemn Cuomo's actions......

Yes, it makes logical sense, that a man who in the past, has a history of inappropriate accusations by females, would cover for another man who is about to share that history. It would be funny if Biden actually went along and pushed for Cuomo to resign, because the left would go batty over it.
View attachment 467969

"B...b....b...BUT TRUMP...."

Pathetic, snowflake....need a tissue? :p
Cuomo needs to step down.....but it's amusing to see the same cult that supported p*ssy grabbing and Epstein's BFF are clutching their pearls over this.
The only President, besides Slick Willy, whoever ACTUALLY grabbed a woman's pu$$y, as we all know, is Joe Biden. And the fale reference to Trump an Epstein is pathetic, as is the person who made it. The story of how Trump discovered Epstein making a move on an under-aged girl in his business and kickedc him out, telling him never to come back, is well-reported and well-known....even by bodecea.....but pedo/sexual assault/harasser defenders are desperate and gotta do what hey gotta do.....

'B...b...b...BUT TRUMP...'

That's at least 3 pathetic snowflakes trying that BS now....

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