Biden lied for years about the accident that killed his wife & daughter

I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
Looks like Biden was caught in another lie....

Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia Biden, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.

The facts are that Joe Biden’s wife accidentally drove into the path of the tractor-trailer. She was killed, along with their baby daughter. His two sons were seriously injured.

For decades, Joe Biden lied about the cause of the accident as he exploited the accident to promote his candidacy. He shamefully changed the details of the story, claiming the driver was drunk and responsible for the accident.

Alcohol was not involved. Somehow the police reports were lost. But, fortunately, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor, remembered. He said there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

Dunn did everything he could to avoid hitting the car. He even overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision. He ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.

Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.

Beginning in the new Millenium, Biden started to embellish the story, seemingly for political gain. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at the University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.

He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

The vice-presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.

It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

A video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance in 2007 was particularly disturbing.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …

Mr. Dunn was tormented by the accident for years.

The tragedy for Biden of losing his wife and daughter is very sympathetic, but embellishing it and accusing an innocent man of drunk driving is not.

What caused the crash? By police accounts, it appears that it wasn’t the fault of the other driver and, contrary to comments Joe Biden has made over the years, it appears to be a tragic accident not associated with alcohol use.

Despite comments that Joe Biden has made over the years about drinking and driving being linked to the crash, according to Politico, the driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not accused of drunk driving or any wrongdoing in association with the crash.

“For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill,” Politico reported. A friend of Biden’s who looked into the accident at the time told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”
Garbage GOP propaganda of course. Alcohol wa
Looks like Biden was caught in another lie....

Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia Biden, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.

The facts are that Joe Biden’s wife accidentally drove into the path of the tractor-trailer. She was killed, along with their baby daughter. His two sons were seriously injured.

For decades, Joe Biden lied about the cause of the accident as he exploited the accident to promote his candidacy. He shamefully changed the details of the story, claiming the driver was drunk and responsible for the accident.

Alcohol was not involved. Somehow the police reports were lost. But, fortunately, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor, remembered. He said there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

Dunn did everything he could to avoid hitting the car. He even overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision. He ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.

Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.

Beginning in the new Millenium, Biden started to embellish the story, seemingly for political gain. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at the University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.

He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

The vice-presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.

It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

A video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance in 2007 was particularly disturbing.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …

Mr. Dunn was tormented by the accident for years.

The tragedy for Biden of losing his wife and daughter is very sympathetic, but embellishing it and accusing an innocent man of drunk driving is not.

What caused the crash? By police accounts, it appears that it wasn’t the fault of the other driver and, contrary to comments Joe Biden has made over the years, it appears to be a tragic accident not associated with alcohol use.

Despite comments that Joe Biden has made over the years about drinking and driving being linked to the crash, according to Politico, the driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not accused of drunk driving or any wrongdoing in association with the crash.

“For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill,” Politico reported. A friend of Biden’s who looked into the accident at the time told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”
No interest in going there.

Some things are just off limits and this is DEFINITELY ONE OF THEM.
Normally, it would be off limits...

But when Biden is lying about it for political gain, the situation definitely changes....
I dont care if he is lying. I would NEVER tread on the dead to win political points.

You should be ashamed
That just shows you what kind of person Biden is...

He used his own wife and daughter's death (and lied about it) for political points....

And tried to wreck an innocent man's life in the process!!!
Alcohol was not such a big deal back then. Bad propaganda as usual. You are a disgrace like
Do you think CBS is propaganda too???

They back up what I said....
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
Read this, you functional moron...

Just a week before Christmas, 1972, the wife of newly-elected Sen. Joe Biden and the couple's baby daughter were killed - and their two sons badly injured - when the Biden family car was broadsided by a truck at an intersection in Delaware.

The truck driver, Curtis Dunn, was never charged in the crash. But, his daughter Pam Hamill says, he too, suffered, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

"He grieved over that," Hamill said. "He was haunted and was tormented by that for years."

Dunn died in 1999, but since then his family has endured widespread rumors and reports that he had been drinking just before the collision.

At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk.

Hamill disputes that - saying her dad had not been drinking.

"The truth is, it was a tragic accident," she said. "No alcohol was involved."

The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

Now it's up to YOU to provide PROOF to the contrary....

Got any police reports or statements from witnesses to the accident?????
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
Read this, you functional moron...

Just a week before Christmas, 1972, the wife of newly-elected Sen. Joe Biden and the couple's baby daughter were killed - and their two sons badly injured - when the Biden family car was broadsided by a truck at an intersection in Delaware.

The truck driver, Curtis Dunn, was never charged in the crash. But, his daughter Pam Hamill says, he too, suffered, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

"He grieved over that," Hamill said. "He was haunted and was tormented by that for years."

Dunn died in 1999, but since then his family has endured widespread rumors and reports that he had been drinking just before the collision.

At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk.

Hamill disputes that - saying her dad had not been drinking.

"The truth is, it was a tragic accident," she said. "No alcohol was involved."

The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

Now it's up to YOU to provide PROOF to the contrary....

Got any police reports or statements from witnesses to the accident?????
The police reports have been lost so it's all just another phony scandal. News media said there were rumors that he drank before Biden did period and he has apologized or whatever. No scandal no conspiracy. Now why do you support a party that is screwing the country? Just because of phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracy theories and all the misinformation?
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
The bad stuff?

Like the fact that police determined the truck driver was in no way at fault and was not impaired in any way?

Only in liberal lala land are the facts the 'bad stuff'.
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
Read this, you functional moron...

Just a week before Christmas, 1972, the wife of newly-elected Sen. Joe Biden and the couple's baby daughter were killed - and their two sons badly injured - when the Biden family car was broadsided by a truck at an intersection in Delaware.

The truck driver, Curtis Dunn, was never charged in the crash. But, his daughter Pam Hamill says, he too, suffered, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

"He grieved over that," Hamill said. "He was haunted and was tormented by that for years."

Dunn died in 1999, but since then his family has endured widespread rumors and reports that he had been drinking just before the collision.

At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk.

Hamill disputes that - saying her dad had not been drinking.

"The truth is, it was a tragic accident," she said. "No alcohol was involved."

The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

Now it's up to YOU to provide PROOF to the contrary....

Got any police reports or statements from witnesses to the accident?????
The police reports have been lost so it's all just another phony scandal. News media said there were rumors that he drank before Biden did period and he has apologized or whatever. No scandal no conspiracy. Now why do you support a party that is screwing the country? Just because of phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracy theories and all the misinformation?
Can't you even read what I posted???

Or are you that retarded???

CBS even backed it up (along with Politico, if you care to check the link for my search results)...

So fuck off, troll!!!
I can not even imagine losing my wife and child in one day.
I can imagine creating a narrative that helped me cope with such a massive loss.
Thankfully I'm not a politician so my grief isn't subjected to public scrutiny
Would you ruin the reputation of an innocent man on the pages of the New York Times?

If you would, I sure as fuck would want you as far from the levers of power as possible...exactly as far away as Joe Biden needs to be.
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
The bad stuff?

Like the fact that police determined the truck driver was in no way at fault and was not impaired in any way?

Only in liberal lala land are the facts the 'bad stuff'.
They only say that in your crap propaganda link. Get it now, brainwashed functional moron? The CBS and politico ones place no blame on Joe Biden for Christ's sake unbelievable.
Last edited:
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
You got that wrong. I know I wouldn't care and I assume others feel the same way except that Joe Biden lied about Curtis Dunn and said that he was drunk and the police records mysteriously disappeared. But, the judge of the case said that Mr. Dunn had not been drinking and she drove in the path of the truck ignoring a stop sign. She was distracted.

I have heard Joe Biden tell that story more than once. That was so wrong. Using a lie to get a sympathy vote while at the same time while Mr Dunn is being shamed for nothing he as done wrong.
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
Read this, you functional moron...

Just a week before Christmas, 1972, the wife of newly-elected Sen. Joe Biden and the couple's baby daughter were killed - and their two sons badly injured - when the Biden family car was broadsided by a truck at an intersection in Delaware.

The truck driver, Curtis Dunn, was never charged in the crash. But, his daughter Pam Hamill says, he too, suffered, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

"He grieved over that," Hamill said. "He was haunted and was tormented by that for years."

Dunn died in 1999, but since then his family has endured widespread rumors and reports that he had been drinking just before the collision.

At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk.

Hamill disputes that - saying her dad had not been drinking.

"The truth is, it was a tragic accident," she said. "No alcohol was involved."

The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

Now it's up to YOU to provide PROOF to the contrary....

Got any police reports or statements from witnesses to the accident?????
The police reports have been lost so it's all just another phony scandal. News media said there were rumors that he drank before Biden did period and he has apologized or whatever. No scandal no conspiracy. Now why do you support a party that is screwing the country? Just because of phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracy theories and all the misinformation?
Can't you even read what I posted???

Or are you that retarded???

CBS even backed it up (along with Politico, if you care to check the link for my search results)...

So fuck off, troll!!!
Your link and your quote place no blame on biden. Give it up only your stupid propaganda link does. Idiot.
Looks like Biden was caught in another lie....

Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia Biden, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.

The facts are that Joe Biden’s wife accidentally drove into the path of the tractor-trailer. She was killed, along with their baby daughter. His two sons were seriously injured.

For decades, Joe Biden lied about the cause of the accident as he exploited the accident to promote his candidacy. He shamefully changed the details of the story, claiming the driver was drunk and responsible for the accident.

Alcohol was not involved. Somehow the police reports were lost. But, fortunately, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor, remembered. He said there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

Dunn did everything he could to avoid hitting the car. He even overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision. He ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.

Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.

Beginning in the new Millenium, Biden started to embellish the story, seemingly for political gain. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at the University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.

He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

The vice-presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.

It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

A video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance in 2007 was particularly disturbing.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …

Mr. Dunn was tormented by the accident for years.

The tragedy for Biden of losing his wife and daughter is very sympathetic, but embellishing it and accusing an innocent man of drunk driving is not.

What caused the crash? By police accounts, it appears that it wasn’t the fault of the other driver and, contrary to comments Joe Biden has made over the years, it appears to be a tragic accident not associated with alcohol use.

Despite comments that Joe Biden has made over the years about drinking and driving being linked to the crash, according to Politico, the driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not accused of drunk driving or any wrongdoing in association with the crash.

“For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill,” Politico reported. A friend of Biden’s who looked into the accident at the time told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”
Garbage GOP propaganda of course. Alcohol wa
Looks like Biden was caught in another lie....

Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia Biden, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.

The facts are that Joe Biden’s wife accidentally drove into the path of the tractor-trailer. She was killed, along with their baby daughter. His two sons were seriously injured.

For decades, Joe Biden lied about the cause of the accident as he exploited the accident to promote his candidacy. He shamefully changed the details of the story, claiming the driver was drunk and responsible for the accident.

Alcohol was not involved. Somehow the police reports were lost. But, fortunately, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor, remembered. He said there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.

Dunn did everything he could to avoid hitting the car. He even overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision. He ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.

Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.

Beginning in the new Millenium, Biden started to embellish the story, seemingly for political gain. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at the University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.

He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

The vice-presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.

It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

A video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance in 2007 was particularly disturbing.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …

Mr. Dunn was tormented by the accident for years.

The tragedy for Biden of losing his wife and daughter is very sympathetic, but embellishing it and accusing an innocent man of drunk driving is not.

What caused the crash? By police accounts, it appears that it wasn’t the fault of the other driver and, contrary to comments Joe Biden has made over the years, it appears to be a tragic accident not associated with alcohol use.

Despite comments that Joe Biden has made over the years about drinking and driving being linked to the crash, according to Politico, the driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not accused of drunk driving or any wrongdoing in association with the crash.

“For whatever reason, Neilia Biden, who was holding the baby, ended up in the right of way of Dunn’s truck coming down a long hill,” Politico reported. A friend of Biden’s who looked into the accident at the time told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”
No interest in going there.

Some things are just off limits and this is DEFINITELY ONE OF THEM.
Normally, it would be off limits...

But when Biden is lying about it for political gain, the situation definitely changes....
I dont care if he is lying. I would NEVER tread on the dead to win political points.

You should be ashamed
That just shows you what kind of person Biden is...

He used his own wife and daughter's death (and lied about it) for political points....

And tried to wreck an innocent man's life in the process!!!
Alcohol was not such a big deal back then. Bad propaganda as usual. You are a disgrace like
Do you think CBS is propaganda too???

They back up what I said....

The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

Now Pam Hamill simply wants the record to be cleared, and her father's reputation restored

"He was a good, hard working man and wonderful father," she said.
They only say that in your crap propaganda link. Get it now, brainwashed functional moron? The CBS and politico ones place no blame on Joe Biden for Christ's sake unbelievable.
Washington Times reports same.

"Now-retired Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the investigation as chief deputy attorney general, told Politico, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”

In 2008, he told the Post that rumors about alcohol playing a role in the accident were “incorrect.”. "

I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
The bad stuff?Like the fact that police determined the truck driver was in no way at fault and was not impaired in any way?Only in liberal lala land are the facts the 'bad stuff'.
They only say that in your crap propaganda link. Get it now, brainwashed functional moron? The CBS and politico ones place no blame on Joe Biden for Christ's sake unbelievable.
Here's another link...
Newark resident Pamela Hamill wants a public apology from vice presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), who she says has repeatedly besmirched her late father, Curtis C. Dunn.
Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.
Dunn died in 1999, but his daughter says she’s fed up with Biden publicly mischaracterizing him as having been drunk when the accident occurred.

According to Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation 36 years ago as chief prosecutor, there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said recently.
Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.
Dunn, who overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision, ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance.
Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.
Biden has been alluding to alcohol being involved in the crash for nearly a decade. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family.
He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.
More recently, the vice presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn has found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times.
It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.
Yet Hamill said she had no idea Biden had been misrepresenting Dunn until late August.
That’s when “Inside Edition” producers requested an interview with Hamill after the television show’s reporters had gathered evidence contradicting Biden’s story.
Hamill says she defended Biden at first, believing that, perhaps, his words had been misconstrued.
But her disbelief turned to anguish when shown a video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …”

“I just burst into tears,” Hamill said. “The story already is tragic enough, why did he have to sensationalize it by saying my father was drunk? My family is outraged.”
Hamill appeared on “Inside Edition” on Sept. 18 to set the record straight and now, acting as family spokesperson, she is campaigning for Biden to recant his story and restore her father’s honor.
On Oct. 1, after several attempts to make contact, Hamill sent a registered letter to Biden’s camp, asking him to tell the truth.
She also asked CBS officials to instruct Katie Couric to broadcast the real circumstances surrounding the fatal accident.
As of Sunday, Hamill hadn’t heard from Biden’s camp.
In an Oct. 21 e-mail, a CBS spokesman acknowledged discrepancies in Biden’s story and explained that he’s awaiting word from the “news people.”
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!
Only says the bad stuff, brainwashed functional moron.
Read this, you functional moron...

Just a week before Christmas, 1972, the wife of newly-elected Sen. Joe Biden and the couple's baby daughter were killed - and their two sons badly injured - when the Biden family car was broadsided by a truck at an intersection in Delaware.

The truck driver, Curtis Dunn, was never charged in the crash. But, his daughter Pam Hamill says, he too, suffered, reports CBS News correspondent Bob Orr.

"He grieved over that," Hamill said. "He was haunted and was tormented by that for years."

Dunn died in 1999, but since then his family has endured widespread rumors and reports that he had been drinking just before the collision.

At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk.

Hamill disputes that - saying her dad had not been drinking.

"The truth is, it was a tragic accident," she said. "No alcohol was involved."

The police reports have been lost, but Delaware Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."

And last fall, a spokesman for Biden said that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

Now it's up to YOU to provide PROOF to the contrary....

Got any police reports or statements from witnesses to the accident?????
The police reports have been lost so it's all just another phony scandal. News media said there were rumors that he drank before Biden did period and he has apologized or whatever. No scandal no conspiracy. Now why do you support a party that is screwing the country? Just because of phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracy theories and all the misinformation?
Can't you even read what I posted???

Or are you that retarded???

CBS even backed it up (along with Politico, if you care to check the link for my search results)...

So fuck off, troll!!!
Your link and your quote place no blame on biden. Give it up only your stupid propaganda link does. Idiot.
Yeah and Teddy didn't do it either, just the vast right wing really are a piece of shit
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!

What you did was break forum rules by posting an entire article which is against copyright rules. Not only that, but the website you copied it from is as sketchy as it gets.
I can not even imagine losing my wife and child in one day.
I can imagine creating a narrative that helped me cope with such a massive loss.
Thankfully I'm not a politician so my grief isn't subjected to public scrutiny
You are still having difficulty about the narrative. He didn't create it to cope, he created it to garner votes.
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!

What you did was break forum rules by posting an entire article which is against copyright rules. Not only that, but the website you copied it from is as sketchy as it gets.
I have been pretty vocal I am not a Biden supporter...and DAMN some posters on this forum will go pretty low to try and use the death of Biden's wife and daughter into the election. Pretty low-class, especially using some garbage site to do so.
I included the link in this thread for my search results...

CBS and Politico even back up the facts as I stated them, so you can come off the "garbage site" bullshit...

Feel free to check it out yourself!!!!

What you did was break forum rules by posting an entire article which is against copyright rules. Not only that, but the website you copied it from is as sketchy as it gets.
IT was from the daughter of the truck driver in the accident....She's more credible than Christin Blasey "I just accuse, but I have no actual info" Ford......
I can't put it any better than this guy did...

"As a husband and as the father of two young boys, ages 9 and 13, I can all-too-well imagine the horror of receiving of phone call like the one Biden received on December 18, 1972. But to then spend years impugning the innocent driver who tried to save my own loved ones, despite just have been nearly killed himself? That I can’t imagine, and suspect you couldn’t, either."


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