Biden is Doomed...ABC/WaPo Poll has him down 10 points to Trump

In real news the Democrats continue to outperform their already high performing numbers from the last national election in special election after special election.
How important were those four electoral votes to George Bush?

If this latest poll is even in the range of being somewhat accurate, Trump will have electoral votes to spare.

For perspective: A plus 3 for a D in the national popular vote usually translates to a close race in the Electoral College.

If Trump is even up by 2 or 3 points, it's an EC Landslide for MAGA.

George Bush is yesterday's neocon garbage, and today he would be a Democrat.
LOL.....This afternoon CNN, in their State of the Union broadcast, in passing mention called the ABC/WaPo poll a "outrider" and then claimed it was 9 point Trump lead.....I guess so the gop could not claim a double-digit lead. :laughing0301:
LOL.....This afternoon CNN, in their State of the Union broadcast, in passing mention called the ABC/WaPo poll a "outrider" and then claimed it was 9 point Trump lead.....I guess so the gop could not claim a double-digit lead. :laughing0301:

It's 9 points among all adults, but 10 among registered voters.

I wonder what it is with "Likely Voters" who usually skew a bit more Republican.

That particular factor was conspicuously absent from this poll.
Yet even more context:

Even if you attempt to dismiss this poll as an outlier, the closeness of the rest of the polls is still concerning for Team Biden, because in 2020 Biden maintained a consistent and significant lead over Trump in the Real Clear Politics average — ending the campaign with an average lead of 7.2 points. The election was actually much closer, with most battleground states being decided by less than 2 points and some by just a handful of votes.

So, once again, Democrats have a reason to panic. And one can only wonder if they will try to force Biden out the of election before it’s too late.

Ok. That makes four polls now I've seen parroted in the last week that had either Biden or Trump up by a lot.

Let's state this for those in the class who are..well..slow.
A poll 13 months out from an election (on either side) is U-S-E-L-E-S-S.
It drives donors

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