Biden 'Infrastructure' Bill REALLY An Ideological Advancement Of The Democrat Socialist Agenda That Fundamentally Change US, Bankrupt Our Kids Future


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Joe Biden unveiled a more than $2 trillion infrastructure package on Wednesday as his administration shifts its focus to bolstering the post-pandemic economy.
  • All the experts agree the final bill will be over $2 TRILLION in new debt, anywhere from $2.3 Trillion to as much as $3 or $4 TRILLION
As with the $1.9 TRILLION COVID-19 RELIF Bill - a deficit-spending bill in which only approx $300+ Billion was used for actual 'COVID-19 Relief', the rest going to finance a Democratic party agenda 'wish list' - ONLY 5% of the $2+ Trillion deficit-spending 'INFRASTRUCTURE' Bill goes to fund ACTUAL infrastructure repair.

Packed inside this new national security-endangering, Socialist Agenda-Driven DEBT-BOMB are things like:

  • $400 BILLION For Social Program Funding For Care For Elderly Americans (Obviously the ones the Democrats did not KILL OFF with their failed COVID-19 nursing home policies)

  • $300 BILLION for expanding broadband internet and upgrading our national power grid (the one Biden reversed the Trump Ban on CCP access to and has now given the CCP access again to our grid)

  • $300 BILLION MORE Dollars - on top of the BILLIONS given to schools in the previous spending Bills - to upgrade schools NOT being used and for Union teachers who have chosen to teach virus-infected infected illegal kids rather than teach American kids.

  • $580 BILLIOIN for 'American manufacturing, research and development and job training'...but the bill raises the Corporate tax rate (28%) higher than even China's Corporate Tax Rate - it will reportedly raise the US Corporate Tax rate to the #1 Highest Corporate Tax Rate IN THE WORLD. This will ensure there is NO US MANUFACTURING, making the decision to move manufacturing OUT of the United States about the only option for businesses.

The spending Bill will allocate HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DEFICIT DOLLARS to fund the Leftist Extremist Agenda items, such as The Green New Deal / Global Warming, and other Democrat personal and party pet projects.

The Bill is also packed with tax increases, some experts claiming it contains the highest total tax increases since the 1960s. If you think these taxes are not going to touch every economic class, every American you are either ignorant or lying to yourself.

"At its core, the president’s plan calls for a $620 billion investment in transportation infrastructure. However, the total soars to $3 trillion with its inclusion of these broad policy priorities"

"President Biden’s so-called ‘jobs’ proposal is a clear attempt to transform the economy by advancing progressive priorities in an unprecedented way. The proposal would aggressively drive down the use of traditional energy resources and eliminate good-paying jobs in West Virginia and across the country. Perhaps worst of all, it would burden the American economy with tax increases as our country attempts to recover from economic hardship."

"The White House summary of the American Jobs Plan says it will spend "$115 billion to modernize the bridges, highways, roads, and main streets that are in most critical need of repair" out of the total $2.2 trillion in the plan.

"It contains sweeping far-left priorities like attacking blue-collar Americans’ Right to Work protections, a huge favor to Big Labor bosses. Every time that far-left dogma clashes with the interests of American families, today’s Democrats pick the dogma."

If it gets passed and signed into law the dems lose the house and senate in 22 in a massive landslide....and none of it gets implemented....
This is a corrupt money grab.


This is theft. Straight up theft on the backs of our grandchildren and great grand children.

Fuck the Dems.
They're going to do this with more money printing....It's straight-up theft from you and me, in the here and now, through the tax of inflation.
This is a corrupt money grab.


This is theft. Straight up theft on the backs of our grandchildren and great grand children.

Fuck the Dems.
They're going to do this with more money printing....It's straight-up theft from you and me, in the here and now, through the tax of inflation.

So hyper inflation is around the corner.

Careful kids, its going to hurt when it hits.
Everything I read about what the idiot is proposing is nothing more than the typical Democrat bullshit of raiding the treasury to pay for worthless idiotic Moon Bat programs.

The last thing we need now is a tax increase. That will tremendously hamper the economic recovery of the pandemic caused by China Joe's buddies. Couple that with the fllod of Illegals and soaring energy prices due to a stupid Environmental Wacko agenda and this country is fucked. No wonder the Russians and Chinese ridiculed us at the Alaska meeting. We are a nation of morons.

Anybody that voted for this Joe Dufus disaster and ignored the fact that he stole the election is a fucking moron.
Biden's going big.

Good luck, Mr. President.

Yeah with MASSIVE increase in debt something you hypocritical assholes whined about Trump.

Wrong. You may want to....

Oh, never mind. You're just a Trumpster. You don't understand this stuff.

See you have nothing to offer but empty bullshit!

I read the article, something you are to afraid to do, there I found the CDC link you never saw.

I am an Independent you idiot!

You are here to Troll nothing more.
Biden's going big.

Good luck, Mr. President.

Yeah with MASSIVE increase in debt something you hypocritical assholes whined about Trump.


Debt is wrong no matter who does it.

We wouldn't have a national debt if Slick Willy had supported the Republican Contract for America, which had a provision for no debt. He supported everything else in the contract.

However, you stupid Moon Bats sure as hell didn't bitch about your worthless Negro running up the debt $10 trillion while increasing poverty, decreasing family income and having dismal economic growth.

At least Trump's debt got us a great economy until China Joe's buddies fucked it up with their pandemic. We will get nothing but a piss poor economy out of Joe Dufus debt.
Biden's going big.

Good luck, Mr. President.

Yeah with MASSIVE increase in debt something you hypocritical assholes whined about Trump.


Debt is wrong no matter who does it.

We wouldn't have a national debt if Slick Willy had supported the Republican Contract for America, which had a provision for no debt. He supported everything else in the contract.

However, you stupid Moon Bats sure as hell didn't bitch about your worthless Negro running up the debt $10 trillion while increasing poverty, decreasing family income and having dismal economic growth.

At least Trump's debt got us a great economy until China Joe's buddies fucked it up with their pandemic. We will get nothing but a piss poor economy out of Joe Dufus debt.

Wait until the Democratic created Entitlement budget reach 100% of all Federal budget......,, slated to happen within 35-50 years. Then Nation collapses.
Of all the things to do in a recovering economy is the dumbest would be to raise taxes and then spend the money on absolute worthless projects like is outlined in the Joe Dufus plan.

One thing you can always depend on Democrats for and that is their ignorance of Economics.

When the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department stole the election from the American people we knew it was going be a disaster. It looks like Joe Dufus is exceeding all expectations for that disaster.

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