Biden 'inflation tax' erases gains in workers' pay, as Democrats' own economists admit fears


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Thanks, Joe. Thanks, all you Biden voters, and all who still support this grossly incompetent man and his shit-show administration.

One promise from the U.S. economy emerging from the pandemic was that American workers would benefit from a tight labor pool driving up salary and pay. And while that happened, the benefits have all been erased by the sudden surge of inflation on President Biden's watch.

That means workers aren't running in place, they are actually falling behind as rising prices force middle- and working-class families to make hard choices, like whether to fill the gas tank or the refrigerator.

Inflation topped out at 5.4% in July, the government reported Wednesday, the third straight month above 5%. When President Trump left office in January, inflation was in check at just 1.4%.

Economists fear the multitrillion dollar spending that Biden and the Democrats launched in Washington — $4.5 trillion more was added by the Senate in a 24-hour period on Tuesday — is fueling the disadvantage.

"I support heating the economy one log at a time, not throwing them all on the fire at once," Harvard economist Jason Furhman, one of President Obama's top economic advisers, tweeted on Wednesday. "To the degree the [latter] leads to prices rising more than wages it won't leave workers better off."

Furhman should know. He created an analysis two weeks ago showing the wage-to-price ratio fell in the 2nd quarter of 2021, meaning workers lost buying power.

"Paychecks aren't going as far as they used to," he wrote. "Price increases have outpaced compensation growth in 2021, causing real compensation to fall. In June 2021, real compensation was 0.7 percent below December 2019 levels, and 2 percent below its pre-pandemic trend."


This is the result of Far Left policies, and it'll continue to get worse the longer they stay in control. Biden is nothing more than a puppet, basically doing what he's told. Which is what he's been doing for nearly 50 years, following orders. And if you think this is bad, wait until they have enough votes to kill the filibuster and stack the Supreme Court.
Thanks, Joe. Thanks, all you Biden voters, and all who still support this grossly incompetent man and his shit-show administration.

How ironic: Democrats steal the election, create soaring inflation making all the little prog piggies all working HARDER for LESS money and they are all stuck bound to still hold the Biddums in high esteem as a "solution" to Trump's low regulations, high wages, cheap energy and roaring economy. :smoke:

Thank god they fixed that.

The Biden Inflation Tax, Made Clear in One Chart​

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Andy Pudzer
...Despite the federal government spending a staggering $5.3 trillion since March 2020 and the passage of a $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill, Biden and his fellow Democrats are pushing additional spending as part of a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package. An independent analysis by the nonprofit Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that the real costs of that package are over $5 trillion if scored honestly. Those numbers aren’t just staggering, they are all but unfathomable...
It doesn’t take an economist to see the inflationary impact. Restaurant Business, an industry publication, recently ran an article bluntly titled “Yes, It’s OK to Keep Raising Prices.” That opinion isn’t limited to restaurants. In the Institute for Supply Management’s July report, 66.7% of service businesses said they are raising prices. In the National Federation of Independent Business’ monthly survey for July, 52% of respondents reported raising prices.
In what could be a lifeline for American workers, at least one Democrat seems to get it. Sen. Joe Manchin recently issued a statement expressing his “serious concerns about the grave consequences” if Congress decides to spend “another $3.5 trillion” in an “economy that is on the verge of overheating.” Manchin’s concern is that “rising inflation rates are now an unavoidable tax on the wages and income of every American.” Well, of course they are.
Biden, unfortunately, just doesn’t get it. In a recent CNN interview, he declared that these multitrillion-dollar spending bills “will reduce inflation, reduce inflation, reduce inflation." Just to be clear – they won’t. Seriously, they can’t...

A lot of our republican critters don't get it, either. Meanwhile the usual RINO suspects fall in step with their Democrat friends and sell out the people that voted for them.
What will people have, had money be the only thing that they had, with nothing to buy? Would they still be rich? I say no. What do you say? I accidently deleted what you said. It highlighted really fast. I only wanted to make a small correction when it did that.
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Thanks, Joe. Thanks, all you Biden voters, and all who still support this grossly incompetent man and his shit-show administration.

One promise from the U.S. economy emerging from the pandemic was that American workers would benefit from a tight labor pool driving up salary and pay. And while that happened, the benefits have all been erased by the sudden surge of inflation on President Biden's watch.
That means workers aren't running in place, they are actually falling behind as rising prices force middle- and working-class families to make hard choices, like whether to fill the gas tank or the refrigerator.
Inflation topped out at 5.4% in July, the government reported Wednesday, the third straight month above 5%. When President Trump left office in January, inflation was in check at just 1.4%.
Economists fear the multitrillion dollar spending that Biden and the Democrats launched in Washington — $4.5 trillion more was added by the Senate in a 24-hour period on Tuesday — is fueling the disadvantage.
"I support heating the economy one log at a time, not throwing them all on the fire at once," Harvard economist Jason Furhman, one of President Obama's top economic advisers, tweeted on Wednesday. "To the degree the [latter] leads to prices rising more than wages it won't leave workers better off."
Furhman should know. He created an analysis two weeks ago showing the wage-to-price ratio fell in the 2nd quarter of 2021, meaning workers lost buying power.
"Paychecks aren't going as far as they used to," he wrote. "Price increases have outpaced compensation growth in 2021, causing real compensation to fall. In June 2021, real compensation was 0.7 percent below December 2019 levels, and 2 percent below its pre-pandemic trend."

Yeah...exactly. This is a shell game with the consumer on the losing end. Who cares if they are passing out dollars? With each one they hand over the whole pile of dollars devalues accordingly. It's a massive ruse....a bubble.

I know it pisses me off.

Last year I got a new job where I finally was making good money, with the way inflation is going soon I'll just be making decent money.

I was looking forward to paying off my debt, buy a new car, do some home improvements and shunting more money into my 401k. If things keep going the way they are I'll have to scale them all back or cancel a couple plans.
Thanks, Joe. Thanks, all you Biden voters, and all who still support this grossly incompetent man and his shit-show administration.

One promise from the U.S. economy emerging from the pandemic was that American workers would benefit from a tight labor pool driving up salary and pay. And while that happened, the benefits have all been erased by the sudden surge of inflation on President Biden's watch.
That means workers aren't running in place, they are actually falling behind as rising prices force middle- and working-class families to make hard choices, like whether to fill the gas tank or the refrigerator.
Inflation topped out at 5.4% in July, the government reported Wednesday, the third straight month above 5%. When President Trump left office in January, inflation was in check at just 1.4%.
Economists fear the multitrillion dollar spending that Biden and the Democrats launched in Washington — $4.5 trillion more was added by the Senate in a 24-hour period on Tuesday — is fueling the disadvantage.
"I support heating the economy one log at a time, not throwing them all on the fire at once," Harvard economist Jason Furhman, one of President Obama's top economic advisers, tweeted on Wednesday. "To the degree the [latter] leads to prices rising more than wages it won't leave workers better off."
Furhman should know. He created an analysis two weeks ago showing the wage-to-price ratio fell in the 2nd quarter of 2021, meaning workers lost buying power.
"Paychecks aren't going as far as they used to," he wrote. "Price increases have outpaced compensation growth in 2021, causing real compensation to fall. In June 2021, real compensation was 0.7 percent below December 2019 levels, and 2 percent below its pre-pandemic trend."

It is not Biden inflation. It is pandemic inflation. The demand for many goods and services fell in 2020. For example, the demand for oil fell and as a result many producers cut back on the production of oil. OPEC was on the verge of breaking up when Trump brokered a agreement with OPEC+ to cut oil production.

This is typical bullshit from economists. Blame Americans for getting a few dollars in their pocket. That is somehow a menace to the country. The fact is that the pandemic has exposed the fact that the emperor has no clothes. Businesses are responsible for inflation. They treated workers like slaves for years and workers have had enough. Many truck drivers have moved to jobs that have better pay and better working conditions.

5.4% inflation is hardly something to jump off a cliff over. If the people would get vaccinated then we could put this pandemic behind us.
it didn’t take xiden and the demafascist long to undo the magic wand trump waved and get us back to obama’s “new normal” of poverty and unemployment

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