Biden Incompetence In Foreign Affairs Is Glaring


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Rarely has there been a US president that has shown more incompetence in Foreign Affairs in just his first few months, than what we are witnessing with the pitiful Biden administration. It is in a word, UGLY.

This minute, hundreds if not thousands, of good Afghans are being slaughtered by terrorist Taliban, in what was fully avoidable. President Trump, in his (I think ill-advised) wish to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, at least set it up so this removal would be peaceful and orderly.

The February 2020 Doha Agreement that he engineered with the Taliban, required US troops to be removed by May 1, 2021. Everything was all set for the Taliban takeover to at least be peaceful. Enter Joe "Botch" Biden into the picture, and the whole thing turned into the mess that it is. Biden allowed the May 1st deadline to go by, with US troops still in place in Afghanistan. Goodbye agreement.

Biden also foolishly claims that that Washington had accomplished its mission in the region by killing Osama bin Laden and depriving al Qaeda of its sanctuary in Afghanistan, and had nothing to gain by perpetuating its military deployments in the country. FALSE! Who is naive enough to think that the reason why US troops have been fighting there for 20 years, is now suddenly solved ? Who, other than Joe Biden, that is.

Are we to think that for some reason, now in 2021, al Qaeda will not use the country as a base for their terrorist operations ? Training camps ? Bomb-making schools ? Bomb-making factories (possibly eve nuclear) ?

Who is naive enough to think that half of Afghanistan's population (females) won't be subjected to severe mistreatment (including executions) by the Taliban rulers ? I spent just 5 days in Afghanistan, and was horrified and disturbed by the almost constant sound of women screaming, resulting from wife beating, as advocated in the Koran (4:34), and that was while US troops were there. Who is naive enough to think that once again, as before, women will not be executed in the street, for reading a book, attending a class, or leaving her house unescorted by a man ?

Biden claims that >> "an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.” One of the prime requirements for a POTUS, is to accept reality, and one of those realities is the responsibility of the president to PROTECT the American people. In this case, that means an endless presence of US troops in Afghanistan, as long as that county is a threat to US national security, and it most certainly is.

Biden's miscalculations are adding up. I think it is damning for him to have created this situation in his first significant action as commander in chief,” said Ryan Crocker, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the Obama administration and has worked under Democratic as well as Republican presidents. “It’s an unforced error, and as an American I am deeply concerned.”

Biden just recently, stated that with 300,000 Afghan troops, trained by US military, the Taliban were not a threat to overthrow the current Afghan government. What he grossly miscalculated is that despite the Afghan troops having the advantage in numbers (4 to 1), airplanes, equipment and training compared to the Taliban, there is the subject of willingness to fight. Richard Fontaine, a former foreign-policy adviser to the late Sen. John McCain and the chief executive officer of the Center for American Security, a think tank, said it well >> "“All of that is true, but it comes down to will. And it turns out the Afghan military’s will to fight for the government was bound up in our will to remain supportive of that government, and present on the ground.”

Take away US troops and the Afghan military ceases to exist. This has been known for quite some time, without going to Afghanistan for 5 days, and seeing it up close.

Biden's Afghanistan Exit Raises Questions About His Foreign-Policy Record (
Rarely has there been a US president that has shown more incompetence in Foreign Affairs in just his first few months, than what we are witnessing with the pitiful Biden administration. It is in a word, UGLY.

This minute, hundreds if not thousands, of good Afghans are being slaughtered by terrorist Taliban, in what was fully avoidable. President Trump, in his (I think ill-advised) wish to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, at least set it up so this removal would be peaceful and orderly.

The February 2020 Doha Agreement that he engineered with the Taliban, required US troops to be removed by May 1, 2021. Everything was all set for the Taliban takeover to at least be peaceful. Enter Joe "Botch" Biden into the picture, and the whole thing turned into the mess that it is. Biden allowed the May 1st deadline to go by, with US troops still in place in Afghanistan. Goodbye agreement.

Biden also foolishly claims that that Washington had accomplished its mission in the region by killing Osama bin Laden and depriving al Qaeda of its sanctuary in Afghanistan, and had nothing to gain by perpetuating its military deployments in the country. FALSE! Who is naive enough to think that the reason why US troops have been fighting there for 20 years, is now suddenly solved ? Who, other than Joe Biden, that is.

Are we to think that for some reason, now in 2021, al Qaeda will not use the country as a base for their terrorist operations ? Training camps ? Bomb-making schools ? Bomb-making factories (possibly eve nuclear) ?

Who is naive enough to think that half of Afghanistan's population (females) won't be subjected to severe mistreatment (including executions) by the Taliban rulers ? I spent just 5 days in Afghanistan, and was horrified and disturbed by the almost constant sound of women screaming, resulting from wife beating, as advocated in the Koran (4:34), and that was while US troops were there. Who is naive enough to think that once again, as before, women will not be executed in the street, for reading a book, attending a class, or leaving her house unescorted by a man ?

Biden claims that >> "an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.” One of the prime requirements for a POTUS, is to accept reality, and one of those realities is the responsibility of the president to PROTECT the American people. In this case, that means an endless presence of US troops in Afghanistan, as long as that county is a threat to US national security, and it most certainly is.

Biden's miscalculations are adding up. I think it is damning for him to have created this situation in his first significant action as commander in chief,” said Ryan Crocker, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the Obama administration and has worked under Democratic as well as Republican presidents. “It’s an unforced error, and as an American I am deeply concerned.”

Biden just recently, stated that with 300,000 Afghan troops, trained by US military, the Taliban were not a threat to overthrow the current Afghan government. What he grossly miscalculated is that despite the Afghan troops having the advantage in numbers (4 to 1), airplanes, equipment and training compared to the Taliban, there is the subject of willingness to fight. Richard Fontaine, a former foreign-policy adviser to the late Sen. John McCain and the chief executive officer of the Center for American Security, a think tank, said it well >> "“All of that is true, but it comes down to will. And it turns out the Afghan military’s will to fight for the government was bound up in our will to remain supportive of that government, and present on the ground.”

Take away US troops and the Afghan military ceases to exist. This has been known for quite some time, without going to Afghanistan for 5 days, and seeing it up close.

Biden's Afghanistan Exit Raises Questions About His Foreign-Policy Record (

Every president since Reagan has been "incompetent" in Afghanistan.
We should have eradicated the Taliban in their hideouts at the very beginning; a lot fewer people would be dying now if we had done so and ignored the hippies and commie vemin and their fake concerns over civilian casualties; now we will see millions dead instead of a few hundred to a couple of thousand.
We should have eradicated the Taliban in their hideouts at the very beginning; a lot fewer people would be dying now if we had done so and ignored the hippies and commie vemin and their fake concerns over civilian casualties; now we will see millions dead instead of a few hundred to a couple of thousand.

The Taliban didn't exist until 1994. We've been in Afghanistan off and on since 1979.
Rarely has there been a US president that has shown more incompetence in Foreign Affairs in just his first few months, than what we are witnessing with the pitiful Biden administration. It is in a word, UGLY.

This minute, hundreds if not thousands, of good Afghans are being slaughtered by terrorist Taliban, in what was fully avoidable. President Trump, in his (I think ill-advised) wish to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, at least set it up so this removal would be peaceful and orderly.

The February 2020 Doha Agreement that he engineered with the Taliban, required US troops to be removed by May 1, 2021. Everything was all set for the Taliban takeover to at least be peaceful. Enter Joe "Botch" Biden into the picture, and the whole thing turned into the mess that it is. Biden allowed the May 1st deadline to go by, with US troops still in place in Afghanistan. Goodbye agreement.

Biden also foolishly claims that that Washington had accomplished its mission in the region by killing Osama bin Laden and depriving al Qaeda of its sanctuary in Afghanistan, and had nothing to gain by perpetuating its military deployments in the country. FALSE! Who is naive enough to think that the reason why US troops have been fighting there for 20 years, is now suddenly solved ? Who, other than Joe Biden, that is.

Are we to think that for some reason, now in 2021, al Qaeda will not use the country as a base for their terrorist operations ? Training camps ? Bomb-making schools ? Bomb-making factories (possibly eve nuclear) ?

Who is naive enough to think that half of Afghanistan's population (females) won't be subjected to severe mistreatment (including executions) by the Taliban rulers ? I spent just 5 days in Afghanistan, and was horrified and disturbed by the almost constant sound of women screaming, resulting from wife beating, as advocated in the Koran (4:34), and that was while US troops were there. Who is naive enough to think that once again, as before, women will not be executed in the street, for reading a book, attending a class, or leaving her house unescorted by a man ?

Biden claims that >> "an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.” One of the prime requirements for a POTUS, is to accept reality, and one of those realities is the responsibility of the president to PROTECT the American people. In this case, that means an endless presence of US troops in Afghanistan, as long as that county is a threat to US national security, and it most certainly is.

Biden's miscalculations are adding up. I think it is damning for him to have created this situation in his first significant action as commander in chief,” said Ryan Crocker, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the Obama administration and has worked under Democratic as well as Republican presidents. “It’s an unforced error, and as an American I am deeply concerned.”

Biden just recently, stated that with 300,000 Afghan troops, trained by US military, the Taliban were not a threat to overthrow the current Afghan government. What he grossly miscalculated is that despite the Afghan troops having the advantage in numbers (4 to 1), airplanes, equipment and training compared to the Taliban, there is the subject of willingness to fight. Richard Fontaine, a former foreign-policy adviser to the late Sen. John McCain and the chief executive officer of the Center for American Security, a think tank, said it well >> "“All of that is true, but it comes down to will. And it turns out the Afghan military’s will to fight for the government was bound up in our will to remain supportive of that government, and present on the ground.”

Take away US troops and the Afghan military ceases to exist. This has been known for quite some time, without going to Afghanistan for 5 days, and seeing it up close.

Biden's Afghanistan Exit Raises Questions About His Foreign-Policy Record (
If they are not willing to fight for themselves..why should we do for them?

Enough of the Bullshit nation-building! It enriches the businesses involved while it kills our soldiers and drains our treasury.
Rarely has there been a US president that has shown more incompetence in Foreign Affairs in just his first few months, than what we are witnessing with the pitiful Biden administration. It is in a word, UGLY.

This minute, hundreds if not thousands, of good Afghans are being slaughtered by terrorist Taliban, in what was fully avoidable. President Trump, in his (I think ill-advised) wish to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, at least set it up so this removal would be peaceful and orderly.

The February 2020 Doha Agreement that he engineered with the Taliban, required US troops to be removed by May 1, 2021. Everything was all set for the Taliban takeover to at least be peaceful. Enter Joe "Botch" Biden into the picture, and the whole thing turned into the mess that it is. Biden allowed the May 1st deadline to go by, with US troops still in place in Afghanistan. Goodbye agreement.

Biden also foolishly claims that that Washington had accomplished its mission in the region by killing Osama bin Laden and depriving al Qaeda of its sanctuary in Afghanistan, and had nothing to gain by perpetuating its military deployments in the country. FALSE! Who is naive enough to think that the reason why US troops have been fighting there for 20 years, is now suddenly solved ? Who, other than Joe Biden, that is.

Are we to think that for some reason, now in 2021, al Qaeda will not use the country as a base for their terrorist operations ? Training camps ? Bomb-making schools ? Bomb-making factories (possibly eve nuclear) ?

Who is naive enough to think that half of Afghanistan's population (females) won't be subjected to severe mistreatment (including executions) by the Taliban rulers ? I spent just 5 days in Afghanistan, and was horrified and disturbed by the almost constant sound of women screaming, resulting from wife beating, as advocated in the Koran (4:34), and that was while US troops were there. Who is naive enough to think that once again, as before, women will not be executed in the street, for reading a book, attending a class, or leaving her house unescorted by a man ?

Biden claims that >> "an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.” One of the prime requirements for a POTUS, is to accept reality, and one of those realities is the responsibility of the president to PROTECT the American people. In this case, that means an endless presence of US troops in Afghanistan, as long as that county is a threat to US national security, and it most certainly is.

Biden's miscalculations are adding up. I think it is damning for him to have created this situation in his first significant action as commander in chief,” said Ryan Crocker, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the Obama administration and has worked under Democratic as well as Republican presidents. “It’s an unforced error, and as an American I am deeply concerned.”

Biden just recently, stated that with 300,000 Afghan troops, trained by US military, the Taliban were not a threat to overthrow the current Afghan government. What he grossly miscalculated is that despite the Afghan troops having the advantage in numbers (4 to 1), airplanes, equipment and training compared to the Taliban, there is the subject of willingness to fight. Richard Fontaine, a former foreign-policy adviser to the late Sen. John McCain and the chief executive officer of the Center for American Security, a think tank, said it well >> "“All of that is true, but it comes down to will. And it turns out the Afghan military’s will to fight for the government was bound up in our will to remain supportive of that government, and present on the ground.”

Take away US troops and the Afghan military ceases to exist. This has been known for quite some time, without going to Afghanistan for 5 days, and seeing it up close.

Biden's Afghanistan Exit Raises Questions About His Foreign-Policy Record (
Where is Biden? Is he hiding in his basement again?
Why has he not come out and tell the American people what is going on, Biden is a full blown coward
Rarely has there been a US president that has shown more incompetence in Foreign Affairs in just his first few months, than what we are witnessing with the pitiful Biden administration. It is in a word, UGLY.

This minute, hundreds if not thousands, of good Afghans are being slaughtered by terrorist Taliban, in what was fully avoidable. President Trump, in his (I think ill-advised) wish to remove all US troops from Afghanistan, at least set it up so this removal would be peaceful and orderly.

The February 2020 Doha Agreement that he engineered with the Taliban, required US troops to be removed by May 1, 2021. Everything was all set for the Taliban takeover to at least be peaceful. Enter Joe "Botch" Biden into the picture, and the whole thing turned into the mess that it is. Biden allowed the May 1st deadline to go by, with US troops still in place in Afghanistan. Goodbye agreement.

Biden also foolishly claims that that Washington had accomplished its mission in the region by killing Osama bin Laden and depriving al Qaeda of its sanctuary in Afghanistan, and had nothing to gain by perpetuating its military deployments in the country. FALSE! Who is naive enough to think that the reason why US troops have been fighting there for 20 years, is now suddenly solved ? Who, other than Joe Biden, that is.

Are we to think that for some reason, now in 2021, al Qaeda will not use the country as a base for their terrorist operations ? Training camps ? Bomb-making schools ? Bomb-making factories (possibly eve nuclear) ?

Who is naive enough to think that half of Afghanistan's population (females) won't be subjected to severe mistreatment (including executions) by the Taliban rulers ? I spent just 5 days in Afghanistan, and was horrified and disturbed by the almost constant sound of women screaming, resulting from wife beating, as advocated in the Koran (4:34), and that was while US troops were there. Who is naive enough to think that once again, as before, women will not be executed in the street, for reading a book, attending a class, or leaving her house unescorted by a man ?

Biden claims that >> "an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me.” One of the prime requirements for a POTUS, is to accept reality, and one of those realities is the responsibility of the president to PROTECT the American people. In this case, that means an endless presence of US troops in Afghanistan, as long as that county is a threat to US national security, and it most certainly is.

Biden's miscalculations are adding up. I think it is damning for him to have created this situation in his first significant action as commander in chief,” said Ryan Crocker, who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan during the Obama administration and has worked under Democratic as well as Republican presidents. “It’s an unforced error, and as an American I am deeply concerned.”

Biden just recently, stated that with 300,000 Afghan troops, trained by US military, the Taliban were not a threat to overthrow the current Afghan government. What he grossly miscalculated is that despite the Afghan troops having the advantage in numbers (4 to 1), airplanes, equipment and training compared to the Taliban, there is the subject of willingness to fight. Richard Fontaine, a former foreign-policy adviser to the late Sen. John McCain and the chief executive officer of the Center for American Security, a think tank, said it well >> "“All of that is true, but it comes down to will. And it turns out the Afghan military’s will to fight for the government was bound up in our will to remain supportive of that government, and present on the ground.”

Take away US troops and the Afghan military ceases to exist. This has been known for quite some time, without going to Afghanistan for 5 days, and seeing it up close.

Biden's Afghanistan Exit Raises Questions About His Foreign-Policy Record (

Afghanistan will forever be the sole responsibility of GWB.

President Biden is correct to end Bush’s failed, illegal war.

The United States cannot endlessly and forever support a government and military unwilling to become self-sufficient after 20 years – enough is more than enough.

And that the dishonest partisan right would attempt to ‘blame’ President Biden for GWB’s failure comes as no surprise.
Rarely has there been a US president that has shown more incompetence in Foreign Affairs in just his first few months, than what we are witnessing with the pitiful Biden administration. It is in a word, UGLY.

I just spent the morning watching CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox show after show go on about how Biddum made his foreign policy experience the cornerstone of his campaign! Yet it has unraveled as an epic disaster instead, the latest of which was his Administration's estimates of how long his US trained Afghan government could hold up has utterly collapse instead now to where the whole country is now imploding far faster than even their fastest estimates! Which means that either they were totally incompetent in their understanding and intelligence or they simply LIED to us.

And the thousands and thousands of people who had given aid or worked with the USA all fleeing , their lives in grave danger.

ITMT, the US has umpteen zillion dollars invested in training the Afghan military and government and it has all been wasted, for naught---- all falling apart, imploding with a concussive bang, so fast so that now the US must flee its own embassy as the USA hands a 20 year old Christmas gift to the Taliban as our allies and enemies look on watching.

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Afghanistan will forever be the sole responsibility of GWB.

President Biden is correct to end Bush’s failed, illegal war.

The United States cannot endlessly and forever support a government and military unwilling to become self-sufficient after 20 years – enough is more than enough.

And that the dishonest partisan right would attempt to ‘blame’ President Biden for GWB’s failure comes as no surprise.
Nope, Bush fucked the Taliban up. He never claimed that he was going to exterminate every last person. When has any war killed every last man? What Bush did was good and im glad he did it. The world is much better off for it. Those wars killed SOOO many terrorists.

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