Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years

Truth is always excellent, but believing the false narrative that makes one think in terms of marginalization of unknown quantities still doesn't make the guy who pulled off a burgeoning, healthy market any less than a national hero for the job market it replenished. The government is showing unemployment is still down to 3.7% but that in June, 224,000 new jobs were created. That just couldn't be cooler. And those who got jobs where there were none before are celebrating this good turn of fortune for Americans one and all. :thup:

Trump has NOTHING to do with with the current booming economy. It’s Obama’s economy.
Do you honestly believe that the economy will just take off with out the hard work from 2015 and 2016 investments?

Look at his popularity at the highest is 44% even from his Trump TV network Fox News told him that. You would think at the minimum at least 60%.
At times he doesn’t even know what he is babbling about. Look at the trade wars or the Iran conflict. Totally totally idiot.
Your great grandchildren will still be paying for Obama's $13 trillion dollar spend-a-thon. Confine your boasting to those who will really believe you, because USMB has many wise men over in the stock market boards, and some of them are Democrats. They don't always agree, but many of them are so busy enjoying such great returns on Wall Street and the Chicago Market we're lucky that they show up here at all. ;)

Time for my nap. Y'all have a wonderful week, and don't forget, when you figure it all out there's a nice group out there called the Walkaway group, and they're fed up with the 3 years of lying the Democrats did to try to ensnare President Trump over their little false narrative :blahblah: known as the now-discredited Steele Dossier. :sleep:

Biden is an idiot who will say whatever it takes to get your vote. If he gets elected, or any one of those other Dem yahoos, we'll get what we deserve.

And BY FAR......... Trump lies just about every time he open his mouth just to make him big. That is called coward hypocrite pathological liar.
No, he isn't. The Democrats are making up things in their heads and that is the basis for Trump's alleged "lies."
So how come all those Democrats aren't in prison? A giant conspiracy, conspiracy Nut Job? Google the only tax graph you need to know. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, a give away to the rich and a screw job for the rest. Wake up zombie.
Truth is always excellent, but believing the false narrative that makes one think in terms of marginalization of unknown quantities still doesn't make the guy who pulled off a burgeoning, healthy market any less than a national hero for the job market it replenished. The government is showing unemployment is still down to 3.7% but that in June, 224,000 new jobs were created. That just couldn't be cooler. And those who got jobs where there were none before are celebrating this good turn of fortune for Americans one and all. :thup:

Trump has NOTHING to do with with the current booming economy. It’s Obama’s economy.
Do you honestly believe that the economy will just take off with out the hard work from 2015 and 2016 investments?

Look at his popularity at the highest is 44% even from his Trump TV network Fox News told him that. You would think at the minimum at least 60%.
At times he doesn’t even know what he is babbling about. Look at the trade wars or the Iran conflict. Totally totally idiot.
Your great grandchildren will still be paying for Obama's $13 trillion dollar spend-a-thon. Confine your boasting to those who will really believe you, because USMB has many wise men over in the stock market boards, and some of them are Democrats. They don't always agree, but many of them are so busy enjoying such great returns on Wall Street and the Chicago Market we're lucky that they show up here at all. ;)

Time for my nap. Y'all have a wonderful week, and don't forget, when you figure it all out there's a nice group out there called the Walkaway group, and they're fed up with the 3 years of lying the Democrats did to try to ensnare President Trump over their little false narrative :blahblah: known as the now-discredited Steele Dossier. :sleep:

80% at least of Obama's debt was averting another full-blown GOP corrupt World depression, brainwashed functional moron. and eight hundred billion dollars a year for welfare and unemployment for the victims. You dupes are absolutely clueless, you do know that right?
The problem is this.
There's a ton of friction in the USA, and I suspect if Trump wins, or loses there will be chaos, and the start of an Civil War.

Divided we fall.
The Left went more Left, and the Right went more Right.
Both got more obnoxious, and stupid.

There's already fighting in the streets.

Now, here's the thing, if there's a Civil War, not only will Russia invade Europe, and the Middle-East a lot more.
China will invade Korea, Japan, etc.

Well, if we don't come back to our senses quick.

Then we lost the game & our country forever.

Because, Russia, and China, will probably use Mexico / Proxies to collapse, and eventually conquer the USA.

Seriously. Excellent assessments and beautifully well done.

Its worse if we let this MORON of 4 more years...... Evidence is already here heading in to that directions you just mentioned. I can’t picture of 4 more years of ineptness, incompetence and unfit POTUS.

Fine, except that nothing the democrats have shown us or produced in YEARS wasn't orders of magnitude WORSE.

Idiots like you sound like someone tired of driving around with low air in one tire so decide to drive around with the tire and wheel taken completely OFF.

I understand reality hurts.

How will you ever possibly know? Oh yeah. When it hits you upside the face again a year from this November.

Like I just said. Reality hurts. Look at this country where are heading. So far Trump has not MAKE this country great. But a laughing stock, bully, racist assholes, ignorant stupid around the globe. Total embarrassment.

You are just a Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know any way? NOTHING.
Except listening a pathological hypocrite liar POTUS.
I can’t wait for 2020 presidential election.
What are you going to beat Trump on, open borders or going back to the Obama economy?
Biden has already lost. The radical-left element is out to skewer him like Kamala did in the debate. Advice to Biden....Stop being a Weenie and then, IF you get the Democrat nomination, prepare to be decimated by Trump. Good luck with that. Biden should have retired.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
Kinda crazy how all of the democrat positions involve helping other countries and their citizens at our expense. No concern for our own people.

Interesting considering all the USA paid off to Israel & all the infrastructure built in Iraq & Afghanistan on our tab.

Knock, Knock, the thread is about Joe Biden.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
Kinda crazy how all of the democrat positions involve helping other countries and their citizens at our expense. No concern for our own people.

Interesting considering all the USA paid off to Israel & all the infrastructure built in Iraq & Afghanistan on our tab.
How is that interesting? Do you have a point?
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.
Kinda crazy how all of the democrat positions involve helping other countries and their citizens at our expense. No concern for our own people.

Interesting considering all the USA paid off to Israel & all the infrastructure built in Iraq & Afghanistan on our tab.
How is that interesting? Do you have a point?

That it's not just Democrats against our best interest.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.

Yep, Biden may wish his boss hadn't signed the international agreement on corruption. It makes him responsible for bribery in his enriching his family, he doesn't have to personally profit.
OKTexas, you know that Biden used his leverage against them to win a plum for his kid, and I know it. And it may be treason with a sentence of jail for the duration of our life upon conviction. Ergo, if one of us did it, our ass would so be grass. Why don't American leaders caught with their hand in the cookie jar fail to get so much as a slap on the wrist? We have people saying that Obama approved of the Steele Dossier, and Hillary and her spin room crew did the dirty to route it to the correct corrupt official, who leaked it to the press, who were thrilled to start the beating up on President Trump since it was Hillary's alleged "insurance policy" in case Trump won the election. Why isn't Obama being called out for this crime of treason? Why isn't Hillary and her spin room of knowledgable writers and lawyers being called out for this crime of treason? And why isn't Mueller being held to his part in overlooking this incriminating bit of false evidence and not even "seeing" it as treason by the players who used it like a whip for 2 and one-half years against an honest President Trump who was even beaten up for saying he had nothing to do with the contents of this fabrication, although it certainly looked like somebody did. Fortunately it was no Republican, although mud was being slung around like froth on the wave against Trump, Trump's staff, Trump's supporters, all Republicans, Conservatives in general, and any Democrat who winced even ever so slightly at the wrongdoing his brethren were doing (namely, Alan Derschowitz). Why aren't subpoenas being sent to these lying, cheating, false-narrative-pushing former leaders in the Democrat Party? Some Impeach-Trump-Democrat Socialist accusers (Pelosi, Nadler, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Escobar, Omar, Waters, Sherman, Green, et al) are likely knowledgable of the truth behind the sham that the Steele Dossier was and still is.

I am so not amused at why these criminal prevaricators have not been taken to court for false accusations. The longer this garbage is unsettled, the angrier the American people are going to be. We need resolution and closure.
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. Our law enforcement and the worlds respected journalist and intelligent people think you are nuts LOL aaarrrggghhh
Look at this country where are heading.
Where was it heading under Barack? The country so reviled him, he cost democrats the 2010, 2014 and 2016 election! HaHa. Our economy is the best since 1945 now, unemployment at an all time low, wages up, taxes down, and we are ironing out many of the worlds greatest problems after Obama caused the death of millions.
So far Trump has not MAKE this country great. But a laughing stock,
To who? To those that fear we are pulling the American safety blanket out from under their lame ass feet? Just shows how closely the Left is allied with the socialist European tribe. You are NOT of America.
Speaking all about Obumma again? Shall I list again all his abuses of power where he spied on and harassed journalists and others who did not go along with his criminal organization? Did you already forget?
racist assholes,
You can't seem to get off the topic of Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and the rest of his racist, thieving tribe!
ignorant stupid around the globe. Total embarrassment.
Nothing compares to giving a Nobel Peace Prize to a flaming butthole who's done nothing just because his skin was black, who then went on to kill millions.
I can’t wait for 2020 presidential election.
I bet you can't, just like you couldn't wait for Hillary. HaHa. The best guy you have now is a 4-time loser who has lost every election he's run for in 45 years! Oh My!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Good riddance. The last time the U.S. used NATO was in 1999 when the Spanish socialist politician Javier Solana who happened to be in charge of NATO at the time authorized president Clinton to bomb a defenseless country in Europe when was caught with his pants down.
Only 2019 and Democrats are working OT to get Trump elected again.

Biden: If Trump Wins 2020 NATO Will Cease to Exist in 4-5 Years.

Biden is a damn fool that needs to retire.
He used his Vice Presidency to get a millionaire's job for his son. It's nice to do for one's own, but threatening a foreign country with cessation of funding in order to achieve personal fortune for self and family, that's abuse of power. Fool? I don't think he thought he'd ever get caught, but instead of being called on the carpet for it, He's close to getting the nomination for President from his party.

When I was growing up, teachers taught that we're all equal under the law, whether we are President or a dishwasher. Now, with instant information via the internet, we're finding out instead of equality, our leaders are demanding royalty privileges when nobody's looking.

However, it could be that instead of NATO ceasing to exist, President Trump has the skilled deal to bring peace on earth, which should be the #1 goal of not only NATO, but also the UN.

I pray for our nation, OKTexas, our President, for sure, and what's happening to the pathetic Democrats and their socialism that is more like communism than it is socialism. And I'm tired of all politicians putting the wrecking ball on conserving a little money to pay the national debt down.

Oh, yes, and I just think former Vice-President Biden is mistaken about NATO. If it fails, it will not be due to President Trump, I'm pretty sure. Seems it was going down considerably all by itself before President Trump even decided to run for President.

Yep, Biden may wish his boss hadn't signed the international agreement on corruption. It makes him responsible for bribery in his enriching his family, he doesn't have to personally profit.
OKTexas, you know that Biden used his leverage against them to win a plum for his kid, and I know it. And it may be treason with a sentence of jail for the duration of our life upon conviction. Ergo, if one of us did it, our ass would so be grass. Why don't American leaders caught with their hand in the cookie jar fail to get so much as a slap on the wrist? We have people saying that Obama approved of the Steele Dossier, and Hillary and her spin room crew did the dirty to route it to the correct corrupt official, who leaked it to the press, who were thrilled to start the beating up on President Trump since it was Hillary's alleged "insurance policy" in case Trump won the election. Why isn't Obama being called out for this crime of treason? Why isn't Hillary and her spin room of knowledgable writers and lawyers being called out for this crime of treason? And why isn't Mueller being held to his part in overlooking this incriminating bit of false evidence and not even "seeing" it as treason by the players who used it like a whip for 2 and one-half years against an honest President Trump who was even beaten up for saying he had nothing to do with the contents of this fabrication, although it certainly looked like somebody did. Fortunately it was no Republican, although mud was being slung around like froth on the wave against Trump, Trump's staff, Trump's supporters, all Republicans, Conservatives in general, and any Democrat who winced even ever so slightly at the wrongdoing his brethren were doing (namely, Alan Derschowitz). Why aren't subpoenas being sent to these lying, cheating, false-narrative-pushing former leaders in the Democrat Party? Some Impeach-Trump-Democrat Socialist accusers (Pelosi, Nadler, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Escobar, Omar, Waters, Sherman, Green, et al) are likely knowledgable of the truth behind the sham that the Steele Dossier was and still is.

I am so not amused at why these criminal prevaricators have not been taken to court for false accusations. The longer this garbage is unsettled, the angrier the American people are going to be. We need resolution and closure.
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. Our law enforcement and the worlds respected journalist and intelligent people think you are nuts LOL aaarrrggghhh
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. Our law enforcement and the worlds respected journalist and intelligent people think you are nuts LOL aaarrrggghhh

Tell us more about humans changing sex on whims, violence justified because a red hat was spotted, and climates never changed until now.
Good riddance. The last time the U.S. used NATO was in 1999 when the Spanish socialist politician Javier Solana who happened to be in charge of NATO at the time authorized president Clinton to bomb a defenseless country in Europe when was caught with his pants down.

Take away NATO & Russia will invade & collapse one European country after another to increase Russian power.

Not a good idea if you want the US to be top dog.
Seriously. Excellent assessments and beautifully well done.

Its worse if we let this MORON of 4 more years...... Evidence is already here heading in to that directions you just mentioned. I can’t picture of 4 more years of ineptness, incompetence and unfit POTUS.

Fine, except that nothing the democrats have shown us or produced in YEARS wasn't orders of magnitude WORSE.

Idiots like you sound like someone tired of driving around with low air in one tire so decide to drive around with the tire and wheel taken completely OFF.

I understand reality hurts.

How will you ever possibly know? Oh yeah. When it hits you upside the face again a year from this November.

Like I just said. Reality hurts. Look at this country where are heading. So far Trump has not MAKE this country great. But a laughing stock, bully, racist assholes, ignorant stupid around the globe. Total embarrassment.

You are just a Trump ignorant supporter. What do you know any way? NOTHING.
Except listening a pathological hypocrite liar POTUS.
I can’t wait for 2020 presidential election.
What are you going to beat Trump on, open borders or going back to the Obama economy?

No, higher taxes for Americans and free billions to blacks, free housing to illegals and free sanctuary to anyone wanting to take down America. The Democratic Triumvirate!
Good riddance. The last time the U.S. used NATO was in 1999 when the Spanish socialist politician Javier Solana who happened to be in charge of NATO at the time authorized president Clinton to bomb a defenseless country in Europe when was caught with his pants down.

Take away NATO & Russia will invade & collapse one European country after another to increase Russian power.

Not a good idea if you want the US to be top dog.
Clinton stopped genocide without a single casualty, dumbass. Serbia deserved getting bombed. But 911 and Iraq were the silliest stuff ever. Bush's terrorism Czar said they were idiots and so are you, dupe..
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