Biden and Buttigieg Say You Can Keep Your Health-Care Plan. They’re Lying — Just Like Obama


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

Just like Obama’s false promise 10 years ago, the Biden-Buttigieg promise that you can keep your plan is a lie. As Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has explained, “the public option is a Trojan horse with single-payer hiding inside.” Verma points out that private insurance pays hospitals 75 percent more than Medicare for the same services. In 2017, for example, Medicare underpaid hospitals by $54 billion. They make up the lost revenue by charging private insurers more — which means private plans are essentially subsidizing Medicare for seniors.

But if tens of millions of Americans under 65 sign up for a public option, the population requiring subsidies will expand dramatically, while the source of private revenue will dry up. To stay afloat, doctors and hospitals will have to charge even higher prices to private insurers, which in turn will force insurers to raise prices and reduce services — making it harder for them to compete with the government for customers. A death spiral for private insurance will ensue. The higher private insurance premiums go, the more people will be pushed into the public option — until eventually the private option all but disappears.

In other words, the end result of Medicare-for-all and “Medicare for All Who Want It” is exactly the same: the elimination of private insurance.

A good article, read all of it.

Here's the thing, though. Private health insurance costs have been skyrocketing for decades and decades. Health insurance costs are at record highs.

So private health insurance is going to fail eventually, no matter what.

Private health insurance could be saved, but the Republican party has made it very clear they have no intention of doing so.

Thus the real issue is deciding just how quickly or how slowly to let private insurance die.

It's too bad the Republican party has sold us all down the river to the Democrats and their socialized medicine plan.
Holy cow! g5000 comes thru with a good article showing how the democrats want to screw us over for healthcare. Thanks!

So which democrat do you support, or do you hold your nose and vote for Trump?
Health insurance costs at record highs, coverage erodes

Trump and the GOP have utterly failed to do anything to stop private insurance from going under.

It's just a matter of time before the country is forced into single-payer.

Healthcare was better before Obamacare. Obamacare took away healthcare and gave us $10,000 deductibles, so we pay premiums for nothing.
The "pre-existing conditions" requirement means that the super expensive care needs to be given.
Some things don't make sense, like the rising cost of insulin.

You can either get a job that has healthcare or get on the ACA. Health ins was a disaster before the ACA.
I do agree, the Democrats should be more honest about keeping your doctor or not. A change in insurance can change that. However, you're never guaranteed a specific doctor regardless of what insurance you have. Providers are added and removed from insurance policies all the time. We have an awful system that is entrenched and there will be pain points to move forward.

The system we have now, you're not guaranteed health insurance at all.
Holy cow! g5000 comes thru with a good article showing how the democrats want to screw us over for healthcare. Thanks!

So which democrat do you support, or do you hold your nose and vote for Trump?
I have always opposed Obamacare and single-payer, dumbass.

I will not be voting for any Democrat, including Trump.
You can either get a job that has healthcare or get on the ACA. Health ins was a disaster before the ACA.
The Republican party very much wants you to be hostage to your employer for your survival.

Just like Obama’s false promise 10 years ago, the Biden-Buttigieg promise that you can keep your plan is a lie. As Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has explained, “the public option is a Trojan horse with single-payer hiding inside.” Verma points out that private insurance pays hospitals 75 percent more than Medicare for the same services. In 2017, for example, Medicare underpaid hospitals by $54 billion. They make up the lost revenue by charging private insurers more — which means private plans are essentially subsidizing Medicare for seniors.

But if tens of millions of Americans under 65 sign up for a public option, the population requiring subsidies will expand dramatically, while the source of private revenue will dry up. To stay afloat, doctors and hospitals will have to charge even higher prices to private insurers, which in turn will force insurers to raise prices and reduce services — making it harder for them to compete with the government for customers. A death spiral for private insurance will ensue. The higher private insurance premiums go, the more people will be pushed into the public option — until eventually the private option all but disappears.

In other words, the end result of Medicare-for-all and “Medicare for All Who Want It” is exactly the same: the elimination of private insurance.

A good article, read all of it.

Here's the thing, though. Private health insurance costs have been skyrocketing for decades and decades. Health insurance costs are at record highs.

So private health insurance is going to fail eventually, no matter what.

Private health insurance could be saved, but the Republican party has made it very clear they have no intention of doing so.

Thus the real issue is deciding just how quickly or how slowly to let private insurance die.

It's too bad the Republican party has sold us all down the river to the Democrats and their socialized medicine plan.
Private corporate health insurance for profit is illegal in advanced post-industrial civilized societies that invest in themselves as opposed to investing in their oligarchs. "Neither" of our donor class funded political parties is going to free the people from being cucked to an employer for access to american hellthcare.

We the people will either force them to or we won't.
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You can either get a job that has healthcare or get on the ACA. Health ins was a disaster before the ACA.
The Republican party very much wants you to be hostage to your employer for your survival.

Single payer. Dems ain't showing me much either. Took Dick Gephardt less than 30 days to set up a lobbying firm against single payer once he'd left "public" life.
Health insurance costs at record highs, coverage erodes

Trump and the GOP have utterly failed to do anything to stop private insurance from going under.
Ever heard of the "RESISTANCE?"

There's your answer why NOTHING has gotten done. The democrats have been SEETHING with HATRED ever since election night, and instead of getting ANYTHING done, they have focused ALL their time and energy on GETTING RID OF TRUMP, IMPEACHMENT, the RESISTANCE.

THAT is why NOTHING has gotten done. It isn't Trump OR the GOP's fault. The president is TRYING to work on drug prices, trade, the border crisis, etc, but he runs into a BRICK WALL every time it comes to DEMOCRATS. ANYTHING that is GOOD for America, is BAD for DEMOCRATS. They WILL NOT give the president ANYTHING that he could consider a WIN, so, that means they ALSO, WON'T GIVE, the AMERICANS PEOPLE a WIN either!

Just like Obama’s false promise 10 years ago, the Biden-Buttigieg promise that you can keep your plan is a lie. As Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has explained, “the public option is a Trojan horse with single-payer hiding inside.” Verma points out that private insurance pays hospitals 75 percent more than Medicare for the same services. In 2017, for example, Medicare underpaid hospitals by $54 billion. They make up the lost revenue by charging private insurers more — which means private plans are essentially subsidizing Medicare for seniors.

But if tens of millions of Americans under 65 sign up for a public option, the population requiring subsidies will expand dramatically, while the source of private revenue will dry up. To stay afloat, doctors and hospitals will have to charge even higher prices to private insurers, which in turn will force insurers to raise prices and reduce services — making it harder for them to compete with the government for customers. A death spiral for private insurance will ensue. The higher private insurance premiums go, the more people will be pushed into the public option — until eventually the private option all but disappears.

In other words, the end result of Medicare-for-all and “Medicare for All Who Want It” is exactly the same: the elimination of private insurance.

A good article, read all of it.

Here's the thing, though. Private health insurance costs have been skyrocketing for decades and decades. Health insurance costs are at record highs.

So private health insurance is going to fail eventually, no matter what.

Private health insurance could be saved, but the Republican party has made it very clear they have no intention of doing so.

Thus the real issue is deciding just how quickly or how slowly to let private insurance die.

It's too bad the Republican party has sold us all down the river to the Democrats and their socialized medicine plan.

Krugman spelled out how it works in conscience of a liberal. But it's not really nefarious as to consumers. If you get more via Medicare, you will choose medicare … assuming consumers behave rationally in a "free market."

But the objection is whether Medicare engages in false costing. The ultimate goal is to get the best treatments at the lowest costs. But the pt of your post is that without PI then Medicare costs would go up. So, pitting PI v. Medicare may be a false comparison.
Health insurance costs at record highs, coverage erodes

Trump and the GOP have utterly failed to do anything to stop private insurance from going under.
Ever heard of the "RESISTANCE?"

There's your answer why NOTHING has gotten done. The democrats have been SEETHING with HATRED ever since election night, and instead of getting ANYTHING done, they have focused ALL their time and energy on GETTING RID OF TRUMP, IMPEACHMENT, the RESISTANCE.

THAT is why NOTHING has gotten done. It isn't Trump OR the GOP's fault. The president is TRYING to work on drug prices, trade, the border crisis, etc, but he runs into a BRICK WALL every time it comes to DEMOCRATS. ANYTHING that is GOOD for America, is BAD for DEMOCRATS. They WILL NOT give the president ANYTHING that he could consider a WIN, so, that means they ALSO, WON'T GIVE, the AMERICANS PEOPLE a WIN either!
That's hilarious! :lol:

The Republicans have had TEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for Obamacare.

It is positively fucking amazing you rubes have STILL not figured out you've been hoaxed.


Just like Obama’s false promise 10 years ago, the Biden-Buttigieg promise that you can keep your plan is a lie. As Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has explained, “the public option is a Trojan horse with single-payer hiding inside.” Verma points out that private insurance pays hospitals 75 percent more than Medicare for the same services. In 2017, for example, Medicare underpaid hospitals by $54 billion. They make up the lost revenue by charging private insurers more — which means private plans are essentially subsidizing Medicare for seniors.

But if tens of millions of Americans under 65 sign up for a public option, the population requiring subsidies will expand dramatically, while the source of private revenue will dry up. To stay afloat, doctors and hospitals will have to charge even higher prices to private insurers, which in turn will force insurers to raise prices and reduce services — making it harder for them to compete with the government for customers. A death spiral for private insurance will ensue. The higher private insurance premiums go, the more people will be pushed into the public option — until eventually the private option all but disappears.

In other words, the end result of Medicare-for-all and “Medicare for All Who Want It” is exactly the same: the elimination of private insurance.

A good article, read all of it.

Here's the thing, though. Private health insurance costs have been skyrocketing for decades and decades. Health insurance costs are at record highs.

So private health insurance is going to fail eventually, no matter what.

Private health insurance could be saved, but the Republican party has made it very clear they have no intention of doing so.

Thus the real issue is deciding just how quickly or how slowly to let private insurance die.

It's too bad the Republican party has sold us all down the river to the Democrats and their socialized medicine plan.

Krugman spelled out how it works in conscience of a liberal. But it's not really nefarious as to consumers. If you get more via Medicare, you will choose medicare … assuming consumers behave rationally in a "free market."

But the objection is whether Medicare engages in false costing. The ultimate goal is to get the best treatments at the lowest costs. But the pt of your post is that without PI then Medicare costs would go up. So, pitting PI v. Medicare may be a false comparison.
No the point of my post is that the public option will cause more and more people to flee from private insurance in favor of the cheaper public option, thus causing private insurance costs to climb ever higher and higher, which then creates a death spiral of more and more people fleeing private insurance.
Health insurance costs at record highs, coverage erodes

Trump and the GOP have utterly failed to do anything to stop private insurance from going under.
Ever heard of the "RESISTANCE?"

There's your answer why NOTHING has gotten done. The democrats have been SEETHING with HATRED ever since election night, and instead of getting ANYTHING done, they have focused ALL their time and energy on GETTING RID OF TRUMP, IMPEACHMENT, the RESISTANCE.

THAT is why NOTHING has gotten done. It isn't Trump OR the GOP's fault. The president is TRYING to work on drug prices, trade, the border crisis, etc, but he runs into a BRICK WALL every time it comes to DEMOCRATS. ANYTHING that is GOOD for America, is BAD for DEMOCRATS. They WILL NOT give the president ANYTHING that he could consider a WIN, so, that means they ALSO, WON'T GIVE, the AMERICANS PEOPLE a WIN either!
That's hilarious! :lol:

The Republicans have had TEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for Obamacare.

It is positively fucking amazing you rubes have STILL not figured out you've been hoaxed.

The dems are not holding up paying pharma less for drugs. But you're right that Trumpstettes' delusions are so bad, they have to buy into tripe like this.

And I'm not necessarily saying we should weaken pharma's ability to patent protect new meds. We can use private and public money to subsidize their use, when they really are the only option. Even now, we're seeing physicians limit the use of brand name rheumatoid arthritis drugs … although if you have Phil Mickelson money, you'll get them regardless of anything.
Health insurance costs at record highs, coverage erodes

Trump and the GOP have utterly failed to do anything to stop private insurance from going under.
Ever heard of the "RESISTANCE?"

There's your answer why NOTHING has gotten done. The democrats have been SEETHING with HATRED ever since election night, and instead of getting ANYTHING done, they have focused ALL their time and energy on GETTING RID OF TRUMP, IMPEACHMENT, the RESISTANCE.

THAT is why NOTHING has gotten done. It isn't Trump OR the GOP's fault. The president is TRYING to work on drug prices, trade, the border crisis, etc, but he runs into a BRICK WALL every time it comes to DEMOCRATS. ANYTHING that is GOOD for America, is BAD for DEMOCRATS. They WILL NOT give the president ANYTHING that he could consider a WIN, so, that means they ALSO, WON'T GIVE, the AMERICANS PEOPLE a WIN either!
That's hilarious! :lol:

The Republicans have had TEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for Obamacare.

It is positively fucking amazing you rubes have STILL not figured out you've been hoaxed.

You think the RESISTANCE is HILARIOUS? Well that speaks VOLUMES about you.

You poor little BRAIN DEAD dweeb.

Just like Obama’s false promise 10 years ago, the Biden-Buttigieg promise that you can keep your plan is a lie. As Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has explained, “the public option is a Trojan horse with single-payer hiding inside.” Verma points out that private insurance pays hospitals 75 percent more than Medicare for the same services. In 2017, for example, Medicare underpaid hospitals by $54 billion. They make up the lost revenue by charging private insurers more — which means private plans are essentially subsidizing Medicare for seniors.

But if tens of millions of Americans under 65 sign up for a public option, the population requiring subsidies will expand dramatically, while the source of private revenue will dry up. To stay afloat, doctors and hospitals will have to charge even higher prices to private insurers, which in turn will force insurers to raise prices and reduce services — making it harder for them to compete with the government for customers. A death spiral for private insurance will ensue. The higher private insurance premiums go, the more people will be pushed into the public option — until eventually the private option all but disappears.

In other words, the end result of Medicare-for-all and “Medicare for All Who Want It” is exactly the same: the elimination of private insurance.

A good article, read all of it.

Here's the thing, though. Private health insurance costs have been skyrocketing for decades and decades. Health insurance costs are at record highs.

So private health insurance is going to fail eventually, no matter what.

Private health insurance could be saved, but the Republican party has made it very clear they have no intention of doing so.

Thus the real issue is deciding just how quickly or how slowly to let private insurance die.

It's too bad the Republican party has sold us all down the river to the Democrats and their socialized medicine plan.

Krugman spelled out how it works in conscience of a liberal. But it's not really nefarious as to consumers. If you get more via Medicare, you will choose medicare … assuming consumers behave rationally in a "free market."

But the objection is whether Medicare engages in false costing. The ultimate goal is to get the best treatments at the lowest costs. But the pt of your post is that without PI then Medicare costs would go up. So, pitting PI v. Medicare may be a false comparison.
No the point of my post is that the public option will cause more and more people to flee from private insurance in favor of the cheaper public option, thus causing private insurance costs to climb ever higher and higher, which then creates a death spiral of more and more people fleeing private insurance.

Well if costs between the public and private HC plans are equal, and benefits equal, that SHOULD happen. "Private plans" are taxpayer subsidized too, as you have pointed out.

But the dems are rigging the test.
Health insurance costs at record highs, coverage erodes

Trump and the GOP have utterly failed to do anything to stop private insurance from going under.
Ever heard of the "RESISTANCE?"

There's your answer why NOTHING has gotten done. The democrats have been SEETHING with HATRED ever since election night, and instead of getting ANYTHING done, they have focused ALL their time and energy on GETTING RID OF TRUMP, IMPEACHMENT, the RESISTANCE.

THAT is why NOTHING has gotten done. It isn't Trump OR the GOP's fault. The president is TRYING to work on drug prices, trade, the border crisis, etc, but he runs into a BRICK WALL every time it comes to DEMOCRATS. ANYTHING that is GOOD for America, is BAD for DEMOCRATS. They WILL NOT give the president ANYTHING that he could consider a WIN, so, that means they ALSO, WON'T GIVE, the AMERICANS PEOPLE a WIN either!
That's hilarious! :lol:

The Republicans have had TEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for Obamacare.

It is positively fucking amazing you rubes have STILL not figured out you've been hoaxed.

You think the RESISTANCE is HILARIOUS? Well that speaks VOLUMES about you.

You poor little BRAIN DEAD dweeb.
Again, the Republican party has had TEN YEARS to come up with a replacement for Obamacare.

It is weird watching a tard not figure out he's been hoaxed all this time.

Really weird.
As if Obama didn't have resistance...


What a bunch of lame cucks the pseudocons are.

Single-payer, here we come!

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