Biden Administration Using The Delta Variant To Continue to Engage In Fear-Mongering - Lethality Rate 0.08%

Don't vote Democrat.
Don't listen to Democrats.
Don't follow Democrats.
Avoid Democrats.

And because of this political opinion you support the enemy of your enemy - the Sars-Co-V2 virus, whihc is an enemy of all mankind? Do you also support ISIS and ISKP, because they are enemies of the Taliban? Or the Taliban because they are enemies of ISIS and ISKP?
Yawwwwwwwn.....not vaxxed, not masked....plenty of daily exposure...
I feel great..... never felt better.


Idiot, why do you take the risk to get covid-19 and to carry the virus to your family, your neighbors and anyone else?
Delta variant: Basically a mild flu.

What you call "flu" is a cold. An influenza is damned dangerous. Much more dangerous is covid-19. And the delta-variant is 50% more infectious what is much more worse than it would "only" be 50% more deadly. And the unvaccinated will get the full power of this problem - shielded from the vaccinated, who minimize the storms of heavy problems.

Hope is real now and is spelled "v-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-i-o-n"
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Vaccinated people are dying. They are getting covid, they are getting delta, they are DYING.

Brainwashy nonsense. The clinics in Dixie are full of unvaccinated people and many of them die with a broken heart - not only because they die a terrible death - also because they believed in the wrong idiots and they have to die on a totally superflous reason. Fight for vaccinations - not against vaccinations. Fight for the fighters who fight the virus!

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The majority of people hospitalized and dying now are vaccinated.

Hopefully soon all people who will die in all hospitals will be vaccinated. Then the game which no one likes to play will be over because covid-19 will be dead.
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



Dude… your own links dispute your claims. Did you read them?
Two of my middle daughters friends, both in their early 40's, died of it last week.

The older the higher is the probability to die. But it exist much more younger people than older people.

Could be with some comorbidity factors though,

Not in all cases. No one is in a safe position. We have here in the near a 39 years old young man who trained also for half-marathon just for fun. He was a soldier with lots of medical check-ups. He had been always in top form. He got covid-19 and survived only with a lot of luck. But now he's not as powerful as he was once and needs medicaments for the normal efforts of daily life. But there will be perhaps a new way with a medicament called "BC007" which will be able to help him and many others. It is tested in 4 cases and had helped very good. We will see.

This man made by the way a vaccination when the first vaccinations were available and he is a clear promoter of vaccinations.

I haven't seen them since they were in High School. We'll get to herd immunity (if there is such a thing), hopefully before it mutates into a more deadly virus. But then again, couldn't it mutate into a less deadly form as well.

We calculate if 85% of the adults are vaccinated then this causes an herd immunity which protects also the unvaccinated.
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I've had Covid---it was like having a cold for me. Ebola would probably kill me.

I had a vaccination - was like having a half cold for me and most others had much less problems with a vaccination. And covid-19 will not kill them.
What you call "flu" is a cold.
An influenza is damned dangerous.
It can be for the vulnerable.
Much more dangerous is covid-19.
Generally depends on the variant, co-morbidities & so forth; the DV is a mild flu.
And the delta-variant is 50% more infectious what is much more worse than it would "only" be 50% more deadly.
Makes no sense.
And the unvaccinated will get the full power of this problem
If they have co-morbidities and/or are in other vulnerable groups, and succumb to some allegedly powerful variant, perhaps, but life is full of risk.
- shielded from the vaccinated, who minimize the storms of heavy problems.
Makes no sense.

Can't play.
Hope is real now and is spelled "v-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-i-o-n"
Bizarre/treacherous fear mongering.

I don't know what country you're posting from or why you're propagandizing here, but find it difficult to take you seriously.
No risk at all idiot....

By not destroying my own natural immune system with a liquid poison injection.

Seldom heard such a bullshit. The immune system becomes for example in case of the BionTech/Pfizer vaccine trained with a substance which 50 hours later will not exist any longer.

I have allowed my body to develop a much better protection for myself and my family.

With the risk to die or to get one of the long covid problems. And I doubt whether a natural infection really is better than a vaccination because of the boost effects of a vaccination. What you did do is for sure not a medical method - it's a form of Russian roulette.

Then it is nonsense what you say. An influenza is damned dangerous. Fortunatelly in season 2020/2021 was no influenza, on reason of a side effect of the fight against Corona.

It can be for the vulnerable.

Aha. A Darwinist. God is Cinderella, we are lentils and the death angels are doves singing "The good ones go into he pot, the bad ones go into your crop".

Generally depends on the variant, co-morbidities & so forth; the DV is a mild flu.

You lost in a very short time much more people by the "mild flu" covid-19 than you lost in world war 1+2.

Makes no sense.

Make a simulation then you will see that a 50% higher infection risk produces more dead people.

If they have co-morbidities and/or are in other vulnerable groups, and succumb to some allegedly powerful variant, perhaps, but life is full of risk.

Not directly untrue - but it's also not really true what you say here. What exactly is in your mind? Who dies is guilty?

Makes no sense.

A pandemic is a chain reaction. The more people thwart such exploding domino effects the less people will fall and if a critical mass of people is resistant the chain reaction will break down.

Can't play.

Bad luck. It's a nice song. Has even an English subtitle.

Bizarre/treacherous fear mongering.

Be happy that I do not shoot down everyeone who is not vaccinated in your country. This would be bizzare, but it could help a lot.

I don't know what country you're posting from

Germany. I'm a German.

or why you're propagandizing here,

You need an exchange brain.

but find it difficult to take you seriously.

Happy resurrection day. This day god will explain to you what you made wrong. Not sure whether you like to hear this.

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I don't care honestly. I was over the whole covid thing 6 months ago.

Pretty soon they will stop talking about it because people will get tired of it, then it's on to the new scare tactic.

I was inclined to agree with you, but recently I've seen more and more people in stores voluntarily masking up...close to 90% of the people at any given store this week...including parents masking children as young as 2 years old. These are the same people who shed the masks in unison a few months ago when the CDC advised that masks were unnecessary for vaccinated people (before flip flopping on their mask policy for the 100th time). Sadly, I believe the vast majority of people will do whatever the government tells them to do, without question, no matter how restrictive.

Perfect example. That guy is morbidly obese. Any respiratory virus is a potential death sentence to someone like that who is a couple hundred pounds overweight, with accompanying hypertension, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, and diminished lung capacity/emphysema. If I had to guess, I'd estimate that guy is close to 400 lbs.

If you look like that, you should absolutely be afraid of Covid-19. Get on a diet and start exercising ASAP.
The actual COVID death rate: About 2%. The permanent disability rate? About 10%.

So, the Trump cult lied. And nobody is surprised. Satan is constantly pissing lies down their eager throats, and they're constantly regurgitating the lies here.

The lesson? History demonstrates that every time a Trump cultist speaks, you should initially assume they're lying, unless independent evidence says otherwise.
Then it is nonsense what you say.
No - you're deeply confused.
An influenza is damned dangerous.
It can be, yes - to the vulnerable.
Fortunatelly in season 2020/2021 was no influenza, on reason of a side effect of the fight against Corona.
Yes - apparently.
Aha. A Darwinist. God is Cinderella, we are lentils and the death angels are doves singing "The good ones go into he pot, the bad ones go into your crop".
Makes no sense.
You lost in a very short time much more people by the "mild flu" covid-19 than you lost in world war 1+2.
100 years ago is not now.
Make a simulation then you will see that a 50% higher infection risk produces more dead people.
Not directly untrue - but it's also not really true what you say here. What exactly is in your mind? Who dies is guilty?
Makes no sense.
A pandemic is a chain reaction. The more people thwart such exploding domino effects the less people will fall and if a critical mass of people is resistant the chain reaction will break down.
Bad luck. It's a nice song. Has even an English subtitle.
Thank you for explaining.
Be happy that I do not shoot down everyeone who is not vaccinated in your country. This would be bizzare, but it could help a lot.
Bizarre comment.
Germany. I'm a German.
Thank you for explaining; I think things are being lost in translation.
You need an exchange brain.
Makes no sense.
Happy resurrection day. This day god will explain to you what you made wrong. Not sure whether you like to hear this.
Makes no sense.

Can't play.
These hoaxers are going to perpetuate this falsity and the never ending newly emerging variants it produces. As if no other virus Ever has produced variants.
Where we are now is trying to hide from our own shadows which is worse and more fruitless than libbie demands for all to hide under their beds.
100% freedom robbing control freak bogus dog and pony show.

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