Biden Administration Can’t Find 20 Million Doses Of COVID Vaccine

They took those doses to give to China or some other country. They’re just setting up to claim Trump lost them.

Trump didn't lose them. He refused to buy them. Then he left it up to the states to distribute them.

Another failure, in the total failure of the Trump legacy.

Maybe he'll tell federal prosecutors why he did it when he makes a plea deal after his arrest.
If trump didn't buy them then the writer would know where they are at--the manufacturer. This isn't the case.

The doses disappeared once the states got them----so which state is big enough to get 20 million doses and lose them? Ny or cali?
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.

I know EXACTLY what happened last year and Trump had nothing to do with it. The WHO got right onto the vaccine, the moment they had a test. Canada and Great Britain both had a vaccine before the USA.

Pfizer is a Germany company and they had the first vaccine approved. Pfizer told Trump to go fuck himself when he offered them money. The company wanted nothing to do with the Americans. Then, when the vaccine rollouts started, Trump had only bought 100 million doses.

The USA has a vaccine shortgage, and distribution problems, due to a lack of a national plan.. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are the only countries who don't have a vaccine shortgage right now. Biden had to invoke the Defense Production Act to ramp up your supplies.

Trump blew the vaccine, just like everything else he did.
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.

I know EXACTLY what happened last year and Trump had nothing to do with it. The WHO got right onto the vaccine, the moment they had a test. Canada and Great Britain both had a vaccine before the USA.

Pfizer is a Germany company and they had the first vaccine approved. Pfizer told Trump to go fuck himself when he offered them money. The company wanted nothing to do with the Americans. Then, when the vaccine rollouts started, Trump had only bought 100 million doses.

The USA has a vaccine shortgage, and distribution problems, due to a lack of a national plan.. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are the only countries who don't have a vaccine shortgage right now. Biden had to invoke the Defense Production Act to ramp up your supplies.

Trump blew the vaccine, just like everything else he did.
You are insane--they are specifically reporting that the vaccines were ordered and shipped to the states. Once they hit the states, they lost tract of the vaccines. They are saying that it is possible that holding vaccines in reserve for the 2nd doses may account for part of the missing supplies.

As far as for your claims about pfizer telling trump to go f himself. You are an idiot---the pharma companies make most of their money off americans...remember they charge american more for all drugs than they do anyone else in the world saying that they need the extra money for Research and development and Canadians and Europeans are mooches almost as bad as the chinese and africans and everyone that have to charge ameicans more. No f'ing way any pharm ceo would refuse to see drugs to Trump---he would be fired from his position for doing such a stupid stunt.
The doses go from the manufacturer to Fedex and other transport companies.
There is no reason to believe that any were "misplaced".
If the doses were delivered to the states, that's who has them, unless they were discarded like NY did.
I can't blame Biden for states not tracking doses properly.
Ya, that is that state's issue. However, MSM and Biden admin said that this is TRump admin not doing their job.

Biden's team can NOT find 20M doses of COVID vaccine sent out to states and 'underestimated' difficulty of their 100M in 100 days promise

Biden's COVID response team is scrambling to find 20 million coronavirus vaccine doses the Trump administration didn't bother tracking
Biden's COVID response team is scrambling to find 20 million coronavirus vaccine doses the Trump administration didn't bother tracking

Biden Team Trying to Track 20 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Distributed by Trump Administration

Ofcourse they did say that...Democrats never take responsibility for negative things....
...No. He hid in his bunker the entire campaign...
It's called "safe campaigning" in the Internet Age, whilst a pandemic was raging... it's called Leadership by Example.

Something your Orange Baboon-God never understood... considering the Super-Spreader events he insisted upon.

"Leadership"... look it up in Webster's... you'll find the definition different than either "abdication" or "abandonment"... :cool:

Given that your Whiny-Bitch-in-Chief abdicated such leadership and abandoned his post in his last two months, the verbiage was dead-center on-target.

...and you leftists beleive he got the most votes in history.
Your side never managed to prove he did not, and 60+ court cases were laughed out of court, including the Supreme Court, with Rump-appointed justices.


Better luck in 2022 and 2024... just remember this phrase: "Right Message... Wrong Messenger" and you might actually win something.
Last edited:
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.

I know EXACTLY what happened last year and Trump had nothing to do with it. The WHO got right onto the vaccine, the moment they had a test. Canada and Great Britain both had a vaccine before the USA.

Pfizer is a Germany company and they had the first vaccine approved. Pfizer told Trump to go fuck himself when he offered them money. The company wanted nothing to do with the Americans. Then, when the vaccine rollouts started, Trump had only bought 100 million doses.

The USA has a vaccine shortgage, and distribution problems, due to a lack of a national plan.. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are the only countries who don't have a vaccine shortgage right now. Biden had to invoke the Defense Production Act to ramp up your supplies.

Trump blew the vaccine, just like everything else he did.
Dumbass liar.
Pfizer Inc. (/ˈfaɪzər/)[3] is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation. Pfizer is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, and was ranked 64th on the 2020 Fortune 500 list of the largest U.S. corporations by total revenue, at $51.75 billion.[4][5]
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.

I know EXACTLY what happened last year and Trump had nothing to do with it. The WHO got right onto the vaccine, the moment they had a test. Canada and Great Britain both had a vaccine before the USA.

Pfizer is a Germany company and they had the first vaccine approved. Pfizer told Trump to go fuck himself when he offered them money. The company wanted nothing to do with the Americans. Then, when the vaccine rollouts started, Trump had only bought 100 million doses.

The USA has a vaccine shortgage, and distribution problems, due to a lack of a national plan.. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are the only countries who don't have a vaccine shortgage right now. Biden had to invoke the Defense Production Act to ramp up your supplies.

Trump blew the vaccine, just like everything else he did.

The only thing you know about last year, is Trump bad.
Biden's COVID-19 Record Failure Began Last Year:

Led Democrat Party Opposition Of President Trump's Life-Saving COVID-19 China Travel Bans
- Democrats authored legislation to block the life-saving travel ban

Called the Life-Saving Travel Bans 'Xenophobic'

Declared it was 'Impossible' to research, test, develop, and start distributing vaccines unless than a year

Attempted To Undermine The President and The Vaccines By Declaring He Would Not Take It
- Immediately took the shot

Appointed Un-qualified, In-Experienced COVID-19 Team Members
- Personally Publicly Rebuked His Team For Under-Performing and Not Being Ready

Got Caught Lying Claiming President Trump's COVID-19 Team Had No Plan, Especially For Distributing The Vaccine
- Distributed millions of vaccines to states; Trump Team Provided Evidence They Met With Biden's Team 300 Times On Their Plan
- Democrat Governors/Mayors in Multiple States Discovered Throwing Vaccines In the Trash - Failed Democrat Vaccination Programs

NOW The BIDEN Administration Can't Find 20 MILLION Doses Of Vaccine Sent To States

Meanwhile the dementia-suffering Manchurian puppet dictator (by his own words) has ruled the nation so far through tyrannical edict, by-passing Congress to do so, imposing 26 Dictatorial Executive Orders in his 1st 10 days, more than the last 5 -6 Presidents COMBINED!
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.

I know EXACTLY what happened last year and Trump had nothing to do with it. The WHO got right onto the vaccine, the moment they had a test. Canada and Great Britain both had a vaccine before the USA.

Pfizer is a Germany company and they had the first vaccine approved. Pfizer told Trump to go fuck himself when he offered them money. The company wanted nothing to do with the Americans. Then, when the vaccine rollouts started, Trump had only bought 100 million doses.

The USA has a vaccine shortgage, and distribution problems, due to a lack of a national plan.. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are the only countries who don't have a vaccine shortgage right now. Biden had to invoke the Defense Production Act to ramp up your supplies.

Trump blew the vaccine, just like everything else he did.
Joe and Hunter made millions off of it. They used their Pedo ring stuffing the vials of corona vaccine up the children's azzes to export around the world. Stop being naive.
...and let's not forget how the CCP's $1 BILLION man has been China's shield, sword, and cheerleader during the pandemic.

Joe blamed the President of the United States for a virus, and its deadly impact, that the CCP created in a Chinese lab and unleashed on the world from Day 1.

While the CCP publicly declared they would MURDER millions of Americans by withholding critical drugs Americans need to live that China manufactures, Biden was publicly telling Americans what 'great people' the CCP are. WTF?!
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
Operation Warp Speed was responsible for vaccines hitting the market so fast. Trump removed all kinds of regulations and obstacles that made that possible.

You are an idiot.

And if there was no plan to distribute the vaccine, how did 38,000,000 vaccines get distributed before he left office, Stupid? The same vaccine you twits kept saying he would never get developed by the end of the year.

You really are an idiot.
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.
All she does is show up and spew lies all day. Nothing in her post is remotely connected to reality, as always.
...No. He hid in his bunker the entire campaign...
It's called "safe campaigning" in the Internet Age, whilst a pandemic was raging... it's called Leadership by Example.

Something your Orange Baboon-God never understood... considering the Super-Spreader events he insisted upon.

"Leadership"... look it up in Webster's... you'll find the definition different than either "abdication" or "abandonment"... :cool:

Given that your Whiny-Bitch-in-Chief abdicated such leadership and abandoned his post in his last two months, the verbiage was dead-center on-target.

...and you leftists beleive he got the most votes in history.
Your side never managed to prove he did not, and 60+ court cases were laughed out of court, including the Supreme Court, with Rump-appointed justices.


Better luck in 2022 and 2024... just remember this phrase: "Right Message... Wrong Messenger" and you might actually win something.

You also believe Quid Pro Pedo Joe got more black votes than the first black president. Hahahaha what morons!
Killing Americans, it what the Left do.

Has anybody blamed Trump yet?


Millions of Covid vaccines missing under Trump | The Independent

If it weren't for President Trump, there would have been no vaccines. He was the one who mobilized the pharmaceutical industry to come up with the vaccines, in the first place. No other President could have accomplished Operation Warp Speed with such efficiency, as did Trump. Certainly not the current administration.

As far as the logistics to get the vaccines to the public, Trump can't be blamed for the hundreds if not thousands of underlings in the federal, state, and local governments who either dropped the ball in the dissemination or tried to profit by directing the vaccines toward their own interests.

No he wasn't. Trump had NOTHING to do with it. The WHO mobilized the pharmaceutical companies, with the assistance of ALL of the first world leaders. Trump just ponied up some money. Several countries had vaccines BEFORE the USA.

Trump had no plan for distribution and completely botching the distribution, just like he did with testing. Dumping stuff on the states with no plan, without telling how much vaccine was coming or when, meant the states had no way to plan vaccinations, and no money to spend to get them into arms.

A typical Trump fuck up.
WHO, you must be kidding me. You have no idea what happened last year :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Without Trump pushed FDA, you might not have a vaccine in USA before Feb. Anyway, USA is one of the two western countries that are not in the vaccine shortage crisis.

I know EXACTLY what happened last year and Trump had nothing to do with it. The WHO got right onto the vaccine, the moment they had a test. Canada and Great Britain both had a vaccine before the USA.

Pfizer is a Germany company and they had the first vaccine approved. Pfizer told Trump to go fuck himself when he offered them money. The company wanted nothing to do with the Americans. Then, when the vaccine rollouts started, Trump had only bought 100 million doses.

The USA has a vaccine shortgage, and distribution problems, due to a lack of a national plan.. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain are the only countries who don't have a vaccine shortgage right now. Biden had to invoke the Defense Production Act to ramp up your supplies.

Trump blew the vaccine, just like everything else he did.
Haha, I live in Canada. Canada has no more vaccines coming in now. First of all, Pfizer wanted Trump admin to lock up Pfizer vaccines (~500 millions) the last summer. Trump admin believed there should had few more vaccines in the market already after the first few months. Besides, if the worst come to the worst, US will still get all Pfizer's "made in USA "vaccines. So, Trump admin only bought 200 miilion doses (100m from Pfizer, 100m from another). It was FDA's process that made Canada and Great Britain had the vaccine before the USA. You must forget MSM and NY gov told Trump to stop push ('force') FDA.
In the end, both Trump and Biden DPA were only for PPE and other medical equipment. It has nothing to do with vaccines :rolleyes:

BTW, are you coming from a parallel university?
...Biden accused Trump of not having adequate distribution in place and he was going to fix it. As usual Joe just lied.
You can't fix months of incompetence, abdication of responsibility and criminal neglect during a first week-and-a-half on-the-job.

Not to worry. Uncle Joe's people will fix what your people screwed-up. But it will take a few weeks, at the very least, or, more likely, a couple of months.


Joe not ready for Prime Time Biden

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