Biden 2016


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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
I just have to wonder...

Dick Cheney is the only VP in my lifetime who didn't try and succeed the outgoing President. He made it public right away in 2001 that he wasn't interested.

However Biden hasn't made such a declaration, but there isn't even speculation that he might run. I haven't even heard jokes about that possibility. As funny as that concept is I can't believe there aren't even cartoons of it yet.

Does anyone have any insight as to why?

I do mean real info, besides what an absolute disastrous waste of money anyone gave him would be.

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The boob probably doesn't even realize there is an election in 2016

This is Joe Biden we're talking about... That's entirely plausible, and perhaps no one is telling him because they'd rather have him continue groping contributor's wives than exposing the democrook party for the joke that it is.

He intended to run. If he accepts reality he won't. O'Malley has it in a lock.
Cheney could only ride on someone else's coat tails to national office, and he was wise enough to know that.

JB has not a snowball's chance in the incinerator.
If Hillary wasn't in the race I'm pretty sure Biden would be running he knows that running against her would be a waste of his time and money he has been the VP I doubt there is any cabinet position he covets basically he has nothing to gain by running for a nomination he can't win.
He has no campaign staff or structure whatsoever, and never has. I think he planned to retire after his 2 terms as VP all along.

He intended to run. If he accepts reality he won't. O'Malley has it in a lock.

Yeah, that 2% polling for O'Malley is really showing that.......
I doubt very much that Biden would want to step into a position where he would need to have his head in the game 24/7.He generates a gaff a day.
He would rather be doing what he's doing...
Give a speech every now and then.
Grab a little ass.
Nuzzle a little neck.
Then go back to his office to take a little nap.

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Kinda late now...

Vice President Joe Biden regrets not running for president
Jan. 7, 2016 -- Vice President Joe Biden said he regrets "every day" not running for president but said it was the right decision for his family.
Biden, in an exclusive interview with NBC Connecticut, said he will remain involved with the 2016 presidential race and believes the Democratic party has two good candidates. Biden added the race between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is "what I expected." There has been a "real robust debate between Hillary and Bernie, as there would have been if I had gotten in the race," he said. "I regret it every day, but it was the right decision for my family and for me. And I plan on staying deeply involved," he said.

Biden's comments come as he pushes President Barack Obama's executive actions on gun control. Biden said the Republican race has not been "very illuminating" and pointed out the Democratic candidates have not been involved in personal attacks. Biden said he has spoken to three Republican candidates, whom he did not name, who said the race has been "crazy, absolutely crazy."

In October, Biden, 72, announced he would not seek a bid for the 2016 Democratic nomination, ending months of speculation about his future in politics. He said the death of his son Beau in May took an emotional toll on him and his family. He vowed to "speak out clearly and forcefully to influence as much as I can where we stand as a party and where we need to go as a nation."

Vice President Joe Biden regrets not running for president
I just have to wonder...

Dick Cheney is the only VP in my lifetime who didn't try and succeed the outgoing President. He made it public right away in 2001 that he wasn't interested.

However Biden hasn't made such a declaration, but there isn't even speculation that he might run. I haven't even heard jokes about that possibility. As funny as that concept is I can't believe there aren't even cartoons of it yet.

Does anyone have any insight as to why?

I do mean real info, besides what an absolute disastrous waste of money anyone gave him would be.

The Democrat Party Establishment already made it clear that they had every intention of crowning Hillary Queen of the Jackasses so what would be the point of Biden throwing his hat in the ring and risking the high(er) opinion of the citizenry he enjoyed after his son passed away? On the other hand, you can bet your rear end that he'll step up if (on the very slight chance) Hillary gets indicted or Bernie somehow pulls off a miracle and actually threatens her chances at the crown.
Nightfox wrote: The Democrat Party Establishment already made it clear that they had every intention of crowning Hillary Queen of the Jackasses so what would be the point of Biden throwing his hat in the ring and risking the high(er) opinion of the citizenry he enjoyed after his son passed away? On the other hand, you can bet your rear end that he'll step up if (on the very slight chance) Hillary gets indicted or Bernie somehow pulls off a miracle and actually threatens her chances at the crown.

I'd vote for him if he did...

... but I doubt it will happen.

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