Biblical miracle, God sent, KJB, 3 Pubs speaking about T


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
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I am a registered Democrat-------seems to be to be a good idea to support a sitting
president in his USUAL and Generally acceptable actions
This isn't about T , its about how messed up Alabama and their leaders are. They don't recognize the division of state and religion. What a bunch of messed up men. Read their bios and you will understand why.

Alabama should be dropped in the middle of SA and get a hint about how messed up their state is.
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Do any sane Democrats live in your neighborhood?

and you might want to check John 8:7

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!""
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Does KJB play classic rock?
This isn't about T , its about how messed up Alabama and their leaders are. They don't recognize the division of state and religion. What a bunch of messed up men. Read their bios and you will understand why.

Alabama should be dropped in the middle of SA and get a hint about how messed up their state is.

you have a LINK to your contentions about these particular men OTHER than -----"read their bios"?
I do not believe that any person -----in speaking----who says "I think this man is heaven sent"-----
violates any constitutional principles even if the speaker is a senator
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Does KJB play classic rock?

No rock in the King James Bible.
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Does KJB play classic rock?

No rock in the King James Bible.
Heavy rock in the Bible.
Psalm 150
Praise the Lord
Praise God in his sanctuary
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with timbrel and dancing,
praise him with the stringsI
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Does a stone count?

"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus

Luke 24
The KJB does not play classical rock , at least the last time I opened on no sound came out. :) You are right in that it does describe musical instruments and singers.
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
I wouldn't expect an anti-Semetic atheist to know the Bible, so here:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Do any sane Democrats live in your neighborhood?

and you might want to check John 8:7

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!""

They can throw stones, so I can as well.
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Does KJB play classic rock?

No rock in the King James Bible.
Heavy rock in the Bible.
Psalm 150
Praise the Lord
Praise God in his sanctuary
praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with timbrel and dancing,
praise him with the stringsI
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

good point. In fact------dancing and singing was quite a prominent part of
the TEMPLE (the big thing in Jerusalem) action. The dancing was kinda
flamboyant-------and included the use of PRE CASTANETS which are little finger
cymbals and other banging instruments like timbrels, The "levites" did it almost
as a profession (the talent failed to be hereditary------I am a levite ----virtually tone
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Do any sane Democrats live in your neighborhood?

and you might want to check John 8:7

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!""

They can throw stones, so I can as well.

not very Christian of you
Does a stone count?

"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus

Luke 24

Luke never met Jesus-----he did not attend the crucifixtion----his testimony is HERESAY
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
I wouldn't expect an anti-Semetic atheist to know the Bible, so here:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1

Israelis are anti Semites. I know what the bible says, and I also know the founding fathers wanted division between the Church and State. I'm a RC not a evangelical, they need to keep their preaching for the church not the government. If I am ruled by a Church let it be by the RCC, which at least believes in science and evolution. The law of the land comes before religious laws. If you give special attention to Christians then you need to accept Sharia law here, bad enough we allow sucking circumcision to continue.
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Do any sane Democrats live in your neighborhood?

and you might want to check John 8:7

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!""

They can throw stones, so I can as well.

not very Christian of you

Is that you judging me?
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
I wouldn't expect an anti-Semetic atheist to know the Bible, so here:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1

Israelis are anti Semites. I know what the bible says, and I also know the founding fathers wanted division between the Church and State. I'm a RC not a evangelical, they need to keep their preaching for the church not government. If I am rule by a Church let it be by the RCC, which at least believes in science and evolution.
I also know the founding fathers wanted division between the Church and State.

They did?
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
I wouldn't expect an anti-Semetic atheist to know the Bible, so here:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1

Israelis are anti Semites. I know what the bible says, and I also know the founding fathers wanted division between the Church and State. I'm a RC not a evangelical, they need to keep their preaching for the church not government. If I am rule by a Church let it be by the RCC, which at least believes in science and evolution.
I also know the founding fathers wanted division between the Church and State.

They did?
Must be why they mentioned God so much in the Declaration of Independence.
Incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat temporarily in February, called Trump's election a "Biblical miracle." Roy Moore, the twice-elected, twice-deposed Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, said, "God…sent Donald Trump in there." And Rep. Mo Brooks, a Tea Party favorite, has vowed to read the King James Bible on the Senate floor until the president's border wall gets built.

"You would think every candidate were his best friend, based on how they are talking about the president," said Montgomery-based Republican pollster Brent Buchanan. "And every time the media talks about Donald Trump and Russia, Republican voters become stronger Trump supporters."

GOP Civil War to Fill Jeff Sessions' Senate Seat

I do hope there a sane Democrat running against these 3 little devils. On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
On second thought, why would a sane Dem live in Alabama?
Do any sane Democrats live in your neighborhood?

and you might want to check John 8:7

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!""

They can throw stones, so I can as well.

not very Christian of you

Is that you judging me?

stating a fact.

Jesus also said to turn the other cheek, as I remember.

(but then, that was 55 years ago, in Bible class)

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