Bible as the "word of God".

2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, And is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Because it qualifies for all of the conditions listed above, it has to be trustworthy and consistent. It is both.

Christ said every word of the OT was put there by God. So our conundrum is, do we believe Christ, or Hazlnut....
The Old Testament is a canon of books edited and agreed upon by the Council of Nicea long after the death of Jesus.
If you ask the Jews about what the Word of God is, they will tell you that it is the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Bible.

They will also tell you that the rest of the OT is pretty much a history of the Hebrew people as it happened.

And......................the Jews should know about the OT, after all, it IS their book.
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, And is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Because it qualifies for all of the conditions listed above, it has to be trustworthy and consistent. It is both.

Christ said every word of the OT was put there by God. So our conundrum is, do we believe Christ, or Hazlnut....
The Old Testament is a canon of books edited and agreed upon by the Council of Nicea long after the death of Jesus.

what you call the OLD TESTAMENT------that which jews call ---
TANACH---plus a few more books (or you can make that scrolls)
The TANACH already existed at the time of Jesus-----it still exists---
as THE TANACH ------it does not include the book of Esther---
Macabees, Judith, -----and---whatever. OK?? got that?
If you ask the Jews about what the Word of God is, they will tell you that it is the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Bible.

They will also tell you that the rest of the OT is pretty much a history of the Hebrew people as it happened.

And......................the Jews should know about the OT, after all, it IS their book.

you did good------as you were, sailor-----uhm.... you can call me ma'am----
but you don't have to-----right now------I am not in uniform----I don't even
know where it is. -------ok --NOW----do not confuse people here----lots of
people ----when they hear the word "bible" think of that book in the hotel
night table drawer. Jews actually do not use the word "bible" ------except
when ----they have to.. OT ??? watdahell is THAT??

the book in the hotel night table drawer is the Christian bible------it
includes books not included in the jewish TANACH----- which is---approximately
the first five books-----and what you guys call PSALMS and PROVERBS----
(I think) -----and also the PROPHET books----eg Joel, Jeremiah, Amos etc
****no Emily----you support slavery as do all islamo nazis

*****Islam did not "ONCE" support slavery and rape----it still does
You got a muslim over there in Houston willing to admit
that shariah law STINKS? --------btw---in the land in which
my very own husband was born------so saying is a capital crim

And as Americans, we buy lots of goods made with slave labor.
So our money and our competitive prices drive the market.

Does that mean you and I support slavery?

BTW irosie91 you act like I support Islam taught as is, this is not true.
I believe that Islam should include Constitutional laws and Christianity to stop the abuses
and also require RESTITUTION for all these wrongs done by the wrongdoers.

So all the Boko Haram and ISIS kidnapping and raping people
will owe RESTITUTION For those wrongs.

The way to INVOKE that authority is to go through the MUSLIM leaders
and unite with Christian and Jewish to hold those people to account.

The Christians rebuke fellow Christians.
The Jewish rebuke fellow Jewish.
The Muslims rebuke fellow Muslims.

We can do this stronger by uniting standing together and invoking the laws of God as one.

irosie91 as long as the people are divided, that is why the Jihadists take advantage
and run over the people. They kill Muslims, Jews, Christians anyone they deem against them.
So Muslims are victims also.

Emily-----you are a propagandaist for the filth of islamo Nazism-----you disgust

No, irosie91
I am AGAINST the trafficking worldwide (not just Jihadists but any group doing this), and the terrorism,
and both being done by Jihadists and Boko Haram, etc.
The difference between you and me:
A. I align with the Muslim Jewish and Christian leaders who can stand up and put
an end to these wars by uniting together
B. You blame the entire Muslim population, so the Jihadists use this to hide behind.
Sorry I do not play the same game the Jihadists do.
They cannot take over unless people are divided.
The reason they could hijack and brainwash kids is the kids
listened to propaganda and "turned against" people. So I don't do that.

If we help all the Jewish Christian and Muslim people and leaders
stand together and enforce God's laws where the ALL agree, including and especially
people like you who will not tolerate any propaganda, then the Jihadists and ISIS cannot take control!

irosie said:
Emily-----you should read the propaganda written by your colleagues
in Egypt and Syria in the post World War II era by Nazis who
escaped the Nuremburg trials--------you will find yourself. I read it as a child---
and then heard it from the mouths of young Pakistani and Indian muslim doctors.
All very "reasonable"------if the listener is an idiot

Dear irosie: WHY Are you saying "people don't read or support" are my COLLEAGUES?

My colleagues I support are people who INCLUDE all people including you,
and don't reject much less censor or kill anyone!

Can I ask you why you assume these are my colleagues?
I don't see where you made this huge leap. Sorry, irosie.

I can see why you are so panicked if you think for once second
I support any kind of oppression or terrorism or anything wrong.

Gee whiz! My friends are all trying to STOP war and trafficking,
STOP rape and crime. My colleagues believe in spiritual healing to STOP abuse and violence,
and helping war and crime victims RECOVER from these mass violations.
My colleagues believe in peace and justice.

Where do you get that I have these colleagues
I don't even know, don't even know what literature or propaganda you are talking about?

No wonder you are so worried that I am either totally dangerous and evil
or I am totally ignorant and naive!

Sorry irosie but thank you for explaining where this was coming from.

irosie91 said:
1971 civil war between West and East Pakistan----East Pakistan is now
Bangla Desh ------before MUSLIM CLERICS in west Pakistan ----
BY ISLAMIC LAW----declared the people of east Pakistan
"TAKFIR"---------thus making them eligible for rape, murder and
pillage by the army of allah-------1/4 million girls were raped over
a few months------I was horrified-----but that's ok----it was just
a military thing from the mouth of muhummad. BTW---the
Armenian genocide was also LEGAL by Islamic law------which is
why turks deny it took place----it was JUSTICE by islam

BTW-----according to Islamic law----it is legal for any muslim
in the world to kill any jew in the world----because all jews are
potential Zionists---------here's another example of the laws you
love------a muslim who decides to chop one of your children to
pieces has not committed a capital crime----muslims can kill non
muslims------if you can prove you love islam----you might be eligible
for a payment of 1/4 the value of a muslim life-----maybe---but
probably not Ask your muzzie friend to spit on that law

I read the Koran ---age 19----I learned about islam from muslims---
I was such a nice kid that I got invited to a mosque where I almost
threw up listening to the "wisdom" of Islamic law from the
GENIUS QADI IMAM ------ (qadi is judge of Islamic law) ---he was not
Isis-------he was not a JIHADIST----he was an Egyptian QADI----
HE SPOKE NICELY----about justice and compassion -----well--not
for everyone and certainly not for Coptic christians

^ Thank you irosie ^

This is why I oppose such false teachings, I AGREE these are wrong.

It is equally wrong to take portions out of the Bible and try to act those out, too!

That is NOT what the law means.

Many of these laws and teachings came out of time of religious warfare.
"War time"
So these are NOT applicable to civilians.

The problem is many of the countries are taken over by people trying
to rule by force like the old ways. And they ABUSE the religion to claim authority.

Anyone who is ignorant and doesn't know the whole of the law
is killed and forced to follow these violent regimes.

It is all false, I agree it must be stopped by all means!

The way I propose (that is different from yours) is to rally together all the Jews Christians and Muslims
to stop it together.

Part of our responsibility as people of God is to defend against these false attacks and abuses,
and stop them.

So we can best achieve this by working together.

Example: the groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan were able to set up schools
by working WITH the people who opposed the schools at first. They banded together
and ADDRESSED the leaders in opposition, and made sure everyone agreed the schools were good!

Same with how Tibetan monks worked WITH the Chinese govt to set up schools because they AGREED
that education was needed by the children especially the girls. And this would benefit China, so they AGREED.

Example: When Gandhi organized Muslims and Hindus to
take back India from oppressive foreign rule, the first step
was to UNITE them against a common enemy.

As long as Hindus were against Muslims, the Colonizing forces
could keep the DIVIDED and retain power. But when they UNITED
they won their freedom for India.

So this is where I see the future of Israel
When the Jews Christians and Muslims unite
and are no longer victimized by any more wars by military forces taking advantage of the people.
This is why I oppose such false teachings, I AGREE these are wrong.
It is equally wrong to take portions out of the Bible and try to act those out, too!
That is NOT what the law means.

I got bad news for you-------SHARIAH IS SHARIAH-----call it a false teaching
and you have committed blasphemy in several countries---a capital crime---
Muhummad specifically stated that it is ok to rape female captives of war. ---
more than OK------a good idea.
In fact, I questioned that rule way back in 1971----and got very negative
responses ---"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY CULTURE"---all the way to

Jewsh jurisprudence is jewish jurisprudence----the Talmud is actually a
book of Jurisprudence. Hillel was a Talmudist-----ask Jesus ---he quotes
Hillel all the time. If you expect a million Imams to stand up and say----
we have been wrong for the past 1400 years-----well..... don't hold your breath.
Pope John XXIII was very brave
Neither do you, nor many Muslims for that matter, know what is in the teachings of Mohammad. My friend Mustafaa Carroll clearly stated that many Muslims are in need of reform!

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught and left his teachings as a legacy. Then the saints of Islam that come on earth at every century understand how these teachings fit in the context of the day. So that legacy is available for all to learn. But most Islamic scholars are not saints. They are normal human beings. Whatever they say may be subjective, mistaken or false, intentionally or not.

Here is one response explaining that the Medina Charter was a constitution drawn up by Mohammad, including the principles of democracy and "no compulsion in religion"

It was not a constitution. Islam has its own idea of a constitution. This was an agreement or a treaty that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made with the Jews, when he arrived at Madina.

2. The Qur'an specifically cites peoples of the book. Qur'an Chapter 2 Verse 62: "Surely those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in God and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

Yes, because in the early days, you could be a Christian in Europe, and though Muhammad was alive in Arabia, you would have never heard about him. Since Islam makes it one of the conditions for salvation to believe in Muhammad, people wonder what happens with these people who never heard about Muhammad and Islam. So this verse adresses that issue.

Islam does permit Muslims to fight in defense (only) of themselves, their families, their property, and oppression. Chapter 2:190 & 193:"fight in the cause of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo, God loveth not the aggressors." "And fight them until there is no more oppression or persecution and until justice and faith in God prevails. But if they desist, let there be no hostility except against those wrongdoers who practice oppression."

Islam specifically forbids people to fight, to retaliate or even to get angry. Islam teaches to love God and that means not to get offended at the things He does, and everything that possibly happens, it is God that did it. Those verses are not for all Muslims. They were revealed when Muhammad was at war. They are for him only. Like after he secures one victory, verses are revealed telling him it's not over, keep doing what you do, you're doing good, etc...So these verses are for Muhammad only, who was at war.

You may say, is this not the same Qur'an all Muslims read and sing today ? Yes it is, Muslims sing the Qur'an, not because of the content, but because it is the word of God to His beloved (Muhammad) and we cherish the Holy word of God. Those words are heavenly and also beautiful words, and amazing in its literary style. It has nothing to do with the contents.

3. "The Qur'an specifies Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because they have monotheistic beginnings and share many of the same prophets. ===================
Judaism was awaiting a saviour after Moses. When Jesus came he said I am not that one. That one will come after me, his name is Muhammad. When Muhammad came, the jews refused to believe in him. It was too painful for them to accept that prophethood left the sons of Israel in favour of the Arabs; though hundreds of prophets were previously raised from the sons of Israel. The Christians were like stuck in between Judaism and Islam. This is how we see the Qur'an's mention of Judaism and Christianity.

My friend Mustafaa Carroll above does believe in establishing truth and resolving error to create peace and justice in relations with all others. This is the correct teachings in both Christianity and in Islam as he teaches and practices it.
Islam is very clear. To everyone his personal belief. You are not responsible to make one to believe.

islamo Nazism
What does Islam have to do Nazism ? From the early days of Islam, the Jews have sought to come against Muhammad. Even when he was a child, he had to be hidden from the Jews, lest they would kill him. So Islam and Nazism do not share in anything. In Islam, all men are born pure.

2. the 9 year old that was given to him in marriage was an old cultural tradition.
in those days, and practiced in some countries today, you give your daughters to men as a gift, as an honor. I don't agree with that cultural practice, and to most people it is outdated.

Islam does not like that a virgin girl, after puberty, be unmarried. But the real marriage (the relationship) happens only after she becomes an adult.

He was a military commander and had to go to war very viciously to build an empire.

So he hijacked a caravan, and they went to war. That war was 313 Muslims against 1000 unbelievers, face to face. That was the very first battle of Islam. This is not vicious in the least. The vicious ones were the unbelievers. The victory of that day, the victory of Badr is the victory of Islam up to this very day, in 2014.

The Jihadists who are wrong take Mohammad's military commands out of context, and they try to take justice into their own hands and declare war on innocent civilians.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did not leave military commands. The Jihadists have their own agenda.

*****Islam did not "ONCE" support slavery and rape----it still does
You got a muslim over there in Houston willing to admit
that shariah law STINKS? --------btw---in the land in which
my very own husband was born------so saying is a capital crim

It was the culture at the time. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Sharia does not mean something external. All Muslims may follow sharia in their own rooms. Even in a Christian country one may follow Sharia privately. Sharia tells you for example to not eat more than two thirds of your stomach's capacity, or to not wear very tight or transparent clothes when you pray.

BTW-----according to Islamic law----it is legal for any muslim
in the world to kill any jew in the world----because all jews are
potential Zionists
I can not remember from whom I read this, Irosie91 or Emily, but it is obviously not true.

Muhummad specifically stated that it is ok to rape female captives of war. ---
more than OK------a good idea.

It was the culture at the time to have servants. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.
Neither do you, nor many Muslims for that matter, know what is in the teachings of Mohammad. My friend Mustafaa Carroll clearly stated that many Muslims are in need of reform!

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught and left his teachings as a legacy. Then the saints of Islam that come on earth at every century understand how these teachings fit in the context of the day. So that legacy is available for all to learn. But most Islamic scholars are not saints. They are normal human beings. Whatever they say may be subjective, mistaken or false, intentionally or not.

Here is one response explaining that the Medina Charter was a constitution drawn up by Mohammad, including the principles of democracy and "no compulsion in religion"

It was not a constitution. Islam has its own idea of a constitution. This was an agreement or a treaty that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made with the Jews, when he arrived at Madina.

2. The Qur'an specifically cites peoples of the book. Qur'an Chapter 2 Verse 62: "Surely those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in God and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

Yes, because in the early days, you could be a Christian in Europe, and though Muhammad was alive in Arabia, you would have never heard about him. Since Islam makes it one of the conditions for salvation to believe in Muhammad, people wonder what happens with these people who never heard about Muhammad and Islam. So this verse adresses that issue.

Islam does permit Muslims to fight in defense (only) of themselves, their families, their property, and oppression. Chapter 2:190 & 193:"fight in the cause of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo, God loveth not the aggressors." "And fight them until there is no more oppression or persecution and until justice and faith in God prevails. But if they desist, let there be no hostility except against those wrongdoers who practice oppression."

Islam specifically forbids people to fight, to retaliate or even to get angry. Islam teaches to love God and that means not to get offended at the things He does, and everything that possibly happens, it is God that did it. Those verses are not for all Muslims. They were revealed when Muhammad was at war. They are for him only. Like after he secures one victory, verses are revealed telling him it's not over, keep doing what you do, you're doing good, etc...So these verses are for Muhammad only, who was at war.

You may say, is this not the same Qur'an all Muslims read and sing today ? Yes it is, Muslims sing the Qur'an, not because of the content, but because it is the word of God to His beloved (Muhammad) and we cherish the Holy word of God. Those words are heavenly and also beautiful words, and amazing in its literary style. It has nothing to do with the contents.

3. "The Qur'an specifies Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because they have monotheistic beginnings and share many of the same prophets. ===================
Judaism was awaiting a saviour after Moses. When Jesus came he said I am not that one. That one will come after me, his name is Muhammad. When Muhammad came, the jews refused to believe in him. It was too painful for them to accept that prophethood left the sons of Israel in favour of the Arabs; though hundreds of prophets were previously raised from the sons of Israel. The Christians were like stuck in between Judaism and Islam. This is how we see the Qur'an's mention of Judaism and Christianity.

My friend Mustafaa Carroll above does believe in establishing truth and resolving error to create peace and justice in relations with all others. This is the correct teachings in both Christianity and in Islam as he teaches and practices it.
Islam is very clear. To everyone his personal belief. You are not responsible to make one to believe.

islamo Nazism
What does Islam have to do Nazism ? From the early days of Islam, the Jews have sought to come against Muhammad. Even when he was a child, he had to be hidden from the Jews, lest they would kill him. So Islam and Nazism do not share in anything. In Islam, all men are born pure.

2. the 9 year old that was given to him in marriage was an old cultural tradition.
in those days, and practiced in some countries today, you give your daughters to men as a gift, as an honor. I don't agree with that cultural practice, and to most people it is outdated.

Islam does not like that a virgin girl, after puberty, be unmarried. But the real marriage (the relationship) happens only after she becomes an adult.

He was a military commander and had to go to war very viciously to build an empire.

So he hijacked a caravan, and they went to war. That war was 313 Muslims against 1000 unbelievers, face to face. That was the very first battle of Islam. This is not vicious in the least. The vicious ones were the unbelievers. The victory of that day, the victory of Badr is the victory of Islam up to this very day, in 2014.

The Jihadists who are wrong take Mohammad's military commands out of context, and they try to take justice into their own hands and declare war on innocent civilians.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did not leave military commands. The Jihadists have their own agenda.

*****Islam did not "ONCE" support slavery and rape----it still does
You got a muslim over there in Houston willing to admit
that shariah law STINKS? --------btw---in the land in which
my very own husband was born------so saying is a capital crim

It was the culture at the time. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Sharia does not mean something external. All Muslims may follow sharia in their own rooms. Even in a Christian country one may follow Sharia privately. Sharia tells you for example to not eat more than two thirds of your stomach's capacity, or to not wear very tight or transparent clothes when you pray.

BTW-----according to Islamic law----it is legal for any muslim
in the world to kill any jew in the world----because all jews are
potential Zionists
I can not remember from whom I read this, Irosie91 or Emily, but it is obviously not true.

Muhummad specifically stated that it is ok to rape female captives of war. ---
more than OK------a good idea.

It was the culture at the time to have servants. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

yes ----in the filth of Islamic law raping enslaved captives is legal-----an interesting fact is that Judaism does not allow
sex with war captives ----


Neither do you, nor many Muslims for that matter, know what is in the teachings of Mohammad. My friend Mustafaa Carroll clearly stated that many Muslims are in need of reform!

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught and left his teachings as a legacy. Then the saints of Islam that come on earth at every century understand how these teachings fit in the context of the day. So that legacy is available for all to learn. But most Islamic scholars are not saints. They are normal human beings. Whatever they say may be subjective, mistaken or false, intentionally or not.

Here is one response explaining that the Medina Charter was a constitution drawn up by Mohammad, including the principles of democracy and "no compulsion in religion"

It was not a constitution. Islam has its own idea of a constitution. This was an agreement or a treaty that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made with the Jews, when he arrived at Madina.

2. The Qur'an specifically cites peoples of the book. Qur'an Chapter 2 Verse 62: "Surely those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in God and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

Yes, because in the early days, you could be a Christian in Europe, and though Muhammad was alive in Arabia, you would have never heard about him. Since Islam makes it one of the conditions for salvation to believe in Muhammad, people wonder what happens with these people who never heard about Muhammad and Islam. So this verse adresses that issue.

Islam does permit Muslims to fight in defense (only) of themselves, their families, their property, and oppression. Chapter 2:190 & 193:"fight in the cause of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo, God loveth not the aggressors." "And fight them until there is no more oppression or persecution and until justice and faith in God prevails. But if they desist, let there be no hostility except against those wrongdoers who practice oppression."

Islam specifically forbids people to fight, to retaliate or even to get angry. Islam teaches to love God and that means not to get offended at the things He does, and everything that possibly happens, it is God that did it. Those verses are not for all Muslims. They were revealed when Muhammad was at war. They are for him only. Like after he secures one victory, verses are revealed telling him it's not over, keep doing what you do, you're doing good, etc...So these verses are for Muhammad only, who was at war.

You may say, is this not the same Qur'an all Muslims read and sing today ? Yes it is, Muslims sing the Qur'an, not because of the content, but because it is the word of God to His beloved (Muhammad) and we cherish the Holy word of God. Those words are heavenly and also beautiful words, and amazing in its literary style. It has nothing to do with the contents.

3. "The Qur'an specifies Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because they have monotheistic beginnings and share many of the same prophets. ===================
Judaism was awaiting a saviour after Moses. When Jesus came he said I am not that one. That one will come after me, his name is Muhammad. When Muhammad came, the jews refused to believe in him. It was too painful for them to accept that prophethood left the sons of Israel in favour of the Arabs; though hundreds of prophets were previously raised from the sons of Israel. The Christians were like stuck in between Judaism and Islam. This is how we see the Qur'an's mention of Judaism and Christianity.

My friend Mustafaa Carroll above does believe in establishing truth and resolving error to create peace and justice in relations with all others. This is the correct teachings in both Christianity and in Islam as he teaches and practices it.
Islam is very clear. To everyone his personal belief. You are not responsible to make one to believe.

islamo Nazism
What does Islam have to do Nazism ? From the early days of Islam, the Jews have sought to come against Muhammad. Even when he was a child, he had to be hidden from the Jews, lest they would kill him. So Islam and Nazism do not share in anything. In Islam, all men are born pure.

2. the 9 year old that was given to him in marriage was an old cultural tradition.
in those days, and practiced in some countries today, you give your daughters to men as a gift, as an honor. I don't agree with that cultural practice, and to most people it is outdated.

Islam does not like that a virgin girl, after puberty, be unmarried. But the real marriage (the relationship) happens only after she becomes an adult.

He was a military commander and had to go to war very viciously to build an empire.

So he hijacked a caravan, and they went to war. That war was 313 Muslims against 1000 unbelievers, face to face. That was the very first battle of Islam. This is not vicious in the least. The vicious ones were the unbelievers. The victory of that day, the victory of Badr is the victory of Islam up to this very day, in 2014.

The Jihadists who are wrong take Mohammad's military commands out of context, and they try to take justice into their own hands and declare war on innocent civilians.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did not leave military commands. The Jihadists have their own agenda.

*****Islam did not "ONCE" support slavery and rape----it still does
You got a muslim over there in Houston willing to admit
that shariah law STINKS? --------btw---in the land in which
my very own husband was born------so saying is a capital crim

It was the culture at the time. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Sharia does not mean something external. All Muslims may follow sharia in their own rooms. Even in a Christian country one may follow Sharia privately. Sharia tells you for example to not eat more than two thirds of your stomach's capacity, or to not wear very tight or transparent clothes when you pray.

BTW-----according to Islamic law----it is legal for any muslim
in the world to kill any jew in the world----because all jews are
potential Zionists
I can not remember from whom I read this, Irosie91 or Emily, but it is obviously not true.

Muhummad specifically stated that it is ok to rape female captives of war. ---
more than OK------a good idea.

It was the culture at the time to have servants. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Dear Muslim75:
Thank you so much for sharing and explaining in detail.

The way I interpret Jesus, is that he is referring to the future when the spirit of Jesus/Justice returns and is embodied by EVERYONE. So all of us will "do greater than himself." Jesus said we would do greater than him, because we can all carry the spirit of Justice with Mercy and be greater in number and reach all corners of the world.

For Islam and also the Sufi and Bahai faith that came out of Islam,
I believe the focus of the LAST phases is on the Holy Spirit,
or Healing of humanity, Restoring relations so the church body or People are made one.

This does NOT mean we are all the same religion to live in harmony,
but like Islam teaches, the Jews and Christians still live under their laws.

We are joined in Christ or the spirit of Truth by Conscience.

Muslim75 what I believe is missing is the
reconciliation process taught in both Christianity and
by "democratic due process" protected by the Constitution.

If we can agree in that spirit of "equal justice under law" (Constitutional teachings)
or "Restorative Justice" (Christian teachings)
then we can make peace between people of all tribes
by the laws and prophets sent by God.

Jefferson and others who brought out Natural Laws
through the Constitution were not considered "prophets"
but they are teachers and leaders.

so this is the last phase we are going through now.
the church went through Reformation to break free from corrupt authority,
and to liberate the people to live by the laws by Conscience or through Christ.

and now the State is going through Reformation to stop following false govt,
and to go back to enforcing Constitutional laws directly by the people similarly.

So the point is to reconcile all people.
* The people make up the Church body which is supposed to be one under God's laws, including all local
tribes or lords/laws of the distinct religions.
* The people make up the Government which is supposed to unite all states under one law of the land.

Thank you for reaching out and sharing
so that we can fulfill this process.

I do believe Mohammad's teachings are part of the last phases
where church and state are reconciled in peace.

The laws I find that best govern that process of reconcilation
are the teachings in Christianity and in the Constitution.

Since Islam recognizes all sent by God, specifically Jewish Christian and Muslim.
these should be included and practiced within Islam as sent by God.

You mentioned that it is part of the teachings to
follow the laws of the country, so that is another way of saying the same thing.

As long as we agree to follow and respect these laws,
then we have agreement and can better follow the laws of God in that spirit of truth justice and peace.

Thank you, and may God continue to bless you
with greater wisdom, peace and success in sharing
and reaching understanding with others so everyone benefits and grows.

Yours truly,
Neither do you, nor many Muslims for that matter, know what is in the teachings of Mohammad. My friend Mustafaa Carroll clearly stated that many Muslims are in need of reform!

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught and left his teachings as a legacy. Then the saints of Islam that come on earth at every century understand how these teachings fit in the context of the day. So that legacy is available for all to learn. But most Islamic scholars are not saints. They are normal human beings. Whatever they say may be subjective, mistaken or false, intentionally or not.

Here is one response explaining that the Medina Charter was a constitution drawn up by Mohammad, including the principles of democracy and "no compulsion in religion"

It was not a constitution. Islam has its own idea of a constitution. This was an agreement or a treaty that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made with the Jews, when he arrived at Madina.

2. The Qur'an specifically cites peoples of the book. Qur'an Chapter 2 Verse 62: "Surely those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in God and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

Yes, because in the early days, you could be a Christian in Europe, and though Muhammad was alive in Arabia, you would have never heard about him. Since Islam makes it one of the conditions for salvation to believe in Muhammad, people wonder what happens with these people who never heard about Muhammad and Islam. So this verse adresses that issue.

Islam does permit Muslims to fight in defense (only) of themselves, their families, their property, and oppression. Chapter 2:190 & 193:"fight in the cause of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo, God loveth not the aggressors." "And fight them until there is no more oppression or persecution and until justice and faith in God prevails. But if they desist, let there be no hostility except against those wrongdoers who practice oppression."

Islam specifically forbids people to fight, to retaliate or even to get angry. Islam teaches to love God and that means not to get offended at the things He does, and everything that possibly happens, it is God that did it. Those verses are not for all Muslims. They were revealed when Muhammad was at war. They are for him only. Like after he secures one victory, verses are revealed telling him it's not over, keep doing what you do, you're doing good, etc...So these verses are for Muhammad only, who was at war.

You may say, is this not the same Qur'an all Muslims read and sing today ? Yes it is, Muslims sing the Qur'an, not because of the content, but because it is the word of God to His beloved (Muhammad) and we cherish the Holy word of God. Those words are heavenly and also beautiful words, and amazing in its literary style. It has nothing to do with the contents.

3. "The Qur'an specifies Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because they have monotheistic beginnings and share many of the same prophets. ===================
Judaism was awaiting a saviour after Moses. When Jesus came he said I am not that one. That one will come after me, his name is Muhammad. When Muhammad came, the jews refused to believe in him. It was too painful for them to accept that prophethood left the sons of Israel in favour of the Arabs; though hundreds of prophets were previously raised from the sons of Israel. The Christians were like stuck in between Judaism and Islam. This is how we see the Qur'an's mention of Judaism and Christianity.

My friend Mustafaa Carroll above does believe in establishing truth and resolving error to create peace and justice in relations with all others. This is the correct teachings in both Christianity and in Islam as he teaches and practices it.
Islam is very clear. To everyone his personal belief. You are not responsible to make one to believe.

islamo Nazism
What does Islam have to do Nazism ? From the early days of Islam, the Jews have sought to come against Muhammad. Even when he was a child, he had to be hidden from the Jews, lest they would kill him. So Islam and Nazism do not share in anything. In Islam, all men are born pure.

2. the 9 year old that was given to him in marriage was an old cultural tradition.
in those days, and practiced in some countries today, you give your daughters to men as a gift, as an honor. I don't agree with that cultural practice, and to most people it is outdated.

Islam does not like that a virgin girl, after puberty, be unmarried. But the real marriage (the relationship) happens only after she becomes an adult.

He was a military commander and had to go to war very viciously to build an empire.

So he hijacked a caravan, and they went to war. That war was 313 Muslims against 1000 unbelievers, face to face. That was the very first battle of Islam. This is not vicious in the least. The vicious ones were the unbelievers. The victory of that day, the victory of Badr is the victory of Islam up to this very day, in 2014.

The Jihadists who are wrong take Mohammad's military commands out of context, and they try to take justice into their own hands and declare war on innocent civilians.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did not leave military commands. The Jihadists have their own agenda.

*****Islam did not "ONCE" support slavery and rape----it still does
You got a muslim over there in Houston willing to admit
that shariah law STINKS? --------btw---in the land in which
my very own husband was born------so saying is a capital crim

It was the culture at the time. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Sharia does not mean something external. All Muslims may follow sharia in their own rooms. Even in a Christian country one may follow Sharia privately. Sharia tells you for example to not eat more than two thirds of your stomach's capacity, or to not wear very tight or transparent clothes when you pray.

BTW-----according to Islamic law----it is legal for any muslim
in the world to kill any jew in the world----because all jews are
potential Zionists
I can not remember from whom I read this, Irosie91 or Emily, but it is obviously not true.

Muhummad specifically stated that it is ok to rape female captives of war. ---
more than OK------a good idea.

It was the culture at the time to have servants. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Islam specifically forbids people to fight, to retaliate or even to get angry. Islam teaches to love God and that means not to get offended at the things He does, and everything that possibly happens, it is God that did it. Those verses are not for all Muslims. They were revealed when Muhammad was at war. They are for him only. Like after he secures one victory, verses are revealed telling him it's not over, keep doing what you do, you're doing good, etc...So these verses are for Muhammad only, who was at war.

I must tell you that the worship of mohammud and the falsehoods in the above give me the creeps.

It becomes quite preposterous to assert that Islamic doctrine has nothing to do with Islamic terror. The koran is literally filled with hate and revulsion for the infidel. The koran constitutes the fundamental bulwark against reason, progress, freedom, and compassion for each Moslem. Worst of all, it contains ample divine rationale for the murder and conquest of those who refuse to accept Islam's supremacy.

And beyond the books, actions speak with the utmost clarity. In virtually every major armed conflict in the world today, Moslems are fighting for their God-given right to subjugate the kuffar and to make Islam and muhammud's law supreme across the planet. Obviously Islam has something to do with taking up arms and killing unbelievers.

The Islamic terror of jihad is not about Israel, or the oil-consumption of the West, or poverty. It's about a consummate sense of entitlement which is absolutely unyielding in its certitude. And it's about a righteous, murderous rage from muhammud toward those who deny that entitlement. The hate for the infidel is central to Islam. It's hard for us to fathom because, while we may fall prey to our own prejudices, we don't wield them as holy mandates for murder. We've been an inclusive, free, pluralistic society for quite some time now--we tolerate difference. For Islam, unbelief is anathema, and those who refuse to abandon it after being invited to Islam are worthy of death.
Neither do you, nor many Muslims for that matter, know what is in the teachings of Mohammad. My friend Mustafaa Carroll clearly stated that many Muslims are in need of reform!

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) taught and left his teachings as a legacy. Then the saints of Islam that come on earth at every century understand how these teachings fit in the context of the day. So that legacy is available for all to learn. But most Islamic scholars are not saints. They are normal human beings. Whatever they say may be subjective, mistaken or false, intentionally or not.

Here is one response explaining that the Medina Charter was a constitution drawn up by Mohammad, including the principles of democracy and "no compulsion in religion"

It was not a constitution. Islam has its own idea of a constitution. This was an agreement or a treaty that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) made with the Jews, when he arrived at Madina.

2. The Qur'an specifically cites peoples of the book. Qur'an Chapter 2 Verse 62: "Surely those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in God and the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

Yes, because in the early days, you could be a Christian in Europe, and though Muhammad was alive in Arabia, you would have never heard about him. Since Islam makes it one of the conditions for salvation to believe in Muhammad, people wonder what happens with these people who never heard about Muhammad and Islam. So this verse adresses that issue.

Islam does permit Muslims to fight in defense (only) of themselves, their families, their property, and oppression. Chapter 2:190 & 193:"fight in the cause of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo, God loveth not the aggressors." "And fight them until there is no more oppression or persecution and until justice and faith in God prevails. But if they desist, let there be no hostility except against those wrongdoers who practice oppression."

Islam specifically forbids people to fight, to retaliate or even to get angry. Islam teaches to love God and that means not to get offended at the things He does, and everything that possibly happens, it is God that did it. Those verses are not for all Muslims. They were revealed when Muhammad was at war. They are for him only. Like after he secures one victory, verses are revealed telling him it's not over, keep doing what you do, you're doing good, etc...So these verses are for Muhammad only, who was at war.

You may say, is this not the same Qur'an all Muslims read and sing today ? Yes it is, Muslims sing the Qur'an, not because of the content, but because it is the word of God to His beloved (Muhammad) and we cherish the Holy word of God. Those words are heavenly and also beautiful words, and amazing in its literary style. It has nothing to do with the contents.

3. "The Qur'an specifies Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because they have monotheistic beginnings and share many of the same prophets. ===================
Judaism was awaiting a saviour after Moses. When Jesus came he said I am not that one. That one will come after me, his name is Muhammad. When Muhammad came, the jews refused to believe in him. It was too painful for them to accept that prophethood left the sons of Israel in favour of the Arabs; though hundreds of prophets were previously raised from the sons of Israel. The Christians were like stuck in between Judaism and Islam. This is how we see the Qur'an's mention of Judaism and Christianity.

My friend Mustafaa Carroll above does believe in establishing truth and resolving error to create peace and justice in relations with all others. This is the correct teachings in both Christianity and in Islam as he teaches and practices it.
Islam is very clear. To everyone his personal belief. You are not responsible to make one to believe.

islamo Nazism
What does Islam have to do Nazism ? From the early days of Islam, the Jews have sought to come against Muhammad. Even when he was a child, he had to be hidden from the Jews, lest they would kill him. So Islam and Nazism do not share in anything. In Islam, all men are born pure.

2. the 9 year old that was given to him in marriage was an old cultural tradition.
in those days, and practiced in some countries today, you give your daughters to men as a gift, as an honor. I don't agree with that cultural practice, and to most people it is outdated.

Islam does not like that a virgin girl, after puberty, be unmarried. But the real marriage (the relationship) happens only after she becomes an adult.

He was a military commander and had to go to war very viciously to build an empire.

So he hijacked a caravan, and they went to war. That war was 313 Muslims against 1000 unbelievers, face to face. That was the very first battle of Islam. This is not vicious in the least. The vicious ones were the unbelievers. The victory of that day, the victory of Badr is the victory of Islam up to this very day, in 2014.

The Jihadists who are wrong take Mohammad's military commands out of context, and they try to take justice into their own hands and declare war on innocent civilians.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) did not leave military commands. The Jihadists have their own agenda.

*****Islam did not "ONCE" support slavery and rape----it still does
You got a muslim over there in Houston willing to admit
that shariah law STINKS? --------btw---in the land in which
my very own husband was born------so saying is a capital crim

It was the culture at the time. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

Sharia does not mean something external. All Muslims may follow sharia in their own rooms. Even in a Christian country one may follow Sharia privately. Sharia tells you for example to not eat more than two thirds of your stomach's capacity, or to not wear very tight or transparent clothes when you pray.

BTW-----according to Islamic law----it is legal for any muslim
in the world to kill any jew in the world----because all jews are
potential Zionists
I can not remember from whom I read this, Irosie91 or Emily, but it is obviously not true.

Muhummad specifically stated that it is ok to rape female captives of war. ---
more than OK------a good idea.

It was the culture at the time to have servants. One was allowed to have intercourse with his wives and his servants.

yes ----in the filth of Islamic law raping enslaved captives is legal-----an interesting fact is that Judaism does not allow
sex with war captives ----



Hi irosie what I rejoice in is meeting you.
I wish I could send you greater thanks and hugs
because you inspired me with a very strong vision yesterday
while I was at work, meditating and praying over what is going to happen here.

Irosie I think you are right!

I agree not enough is done to stop the abuses of Islam by Jihadists,
not just ISIS but Boko Haram.

The men and the Muslims are not able to stop these abuses,
and those young girls are raped and sold without any recourse.

Since I am a Constitutionalist, I have been respecting the responsibility of
leaders to police their OWN religion, their OWN parties. But this is not
working. I am too Buddhist, too passive and not willing to impose
my religion on other people. I keep seeking consensus and asking them
to correct and reform their own religion by "free will" but this is TOO NICE.

People are taking advantage of peaceful people like me
and the nice Christians, the nice Buddhists, the nice Muslims
who won't go Jihad and start chopping heads off if you start chopping heads off.

We are too peaceful, and this isn't working. So it does allow the wrongs to keep going
where even strong MEN are "waiting on God to do something.

So irosie, YOU are NOT afraid to say "off with your heads!"

Since this is not against YOUR religion to shout and rebuke people
of other religions, I support YOU in doing so!

irosie91: I am willing to back you in forming a task commission
to complain to Congress, CAIR and all other groups concerned about Shariah
and ISIS and Boko Haram:

Either the American Muslims and all Muslim men and leaders
need to band together and STOP the abuses of Islam by Jihadists and terrorists,
or the people like you can DEMAND that Islam be banned from practice
if it is SO DANGEROUS that nothing can stop abuses of Islam but war.

Either fix it by REQUIRING Islam INCLUDE Christianity and spiritual healing
or INCLUDE Constitutional laws and REQUIRE democratic due process.
or any Muslim who does NOT practice due process is immediately
sent to these Jihad groups to be executed without due process.

Either enforce it correctly, or ban that faith where nobody can join
who doesn't agree to the death penalty if due process is not enforced.

Irosie91 I hate to force anyone to change their religion.

But I LOVE you, that YOU are not afraid to demand this.

So I bow and VOW to support you in making and heading
such a statement that I BELIEVE should be expressed to
Muslim scholars and leaders: Either correct the abuses,
make it mandatory for due process to be included in the
practice of Islam as part of the Natural Laws Given by God,
or be banned from that faith if nothing can stop the abuses.

I DO believe the Muslim leadership needs to get up and
correct this. And if cannot be corrected,

Thank you Irosie91
I believe you are right
that something is terribly wrong
if nobody in the Muslim faith can correct
the problems with abuses.

I know 2-3 Muslims that I would
appoint to address Constitutional issues
with Islam and organize a worldwide
authority to check against abuses.

if this cannot be prevented, then that
faith is proven a cult and should be corrected
or stopped if it enables criminals and violence to go unchecked.

I believe it can be corrected by RECOGNIZING
the Christian and Constitutional laws as Given by God
and Incorporating these into Islam as REQUIREMENTS to follow.

So because of my own Constitutional beliefs in free exercise,
I woudl ask the leaders to adopt and reform this FREELY.

But because YOUR BELIEFS don't require consent to do this,
then I support YOUR BELIEFS in making it mandatory
to redress the grievance YOU have which are equally protected by law.

Irosie91: As a Christian Constitutionalist, I support your right to redress grievances
until these are resolved. Either reform is needed, or whatever it takes to
guarantee that abuses will be stopped. But this cannot go on unchecked.

women and children are being raped and sold
in countries that have no defense against this,
and the Jihadists are taking advantage.

So I agree that this needs to be stopped,
and totally support your right to free speech
and petition until this scourge is ended.

Thank you and Thank God for sending you here.
I totally back you up.

I am prepared to help you make statements to
Congress and CAIR and every group to stop
the ISIS and Boko Haram and other genocides.

Either stop it or stop that religion from being
practiced at all. One or the other. I AGREE.

Love hugs and thanks
Yours very truly,
Emily Nghiem
Since Islam recognizes all sent by God, specifically Jewish Christian and Muslim.
these should be included and practiced within Islam as sent by God.

Attention cyberspaceniks-----above is an example of the single most DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY ON THE PLANET today.

Since Islam recognizes all sent by God, specifically Jewish Christian and Muslim.
these should be included and practiced within Islam as sent by God.

Attention cyberspaceniks-----above is an example of the single most DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY ON THE PLANET today.


Either way, irosie91: I can see both of us standing before Congress
and I offer this option and you offer yours
A. Either show Islam can be corrected and checked by adopting Christianity and the Constitution as required because these are given by God
B. or prove that you are right, it is just dangerous monotheistic theocracy and should be banned as a violation of human rights.

Either fix it or prove it cannot be fixed.

One or the other. Let's present both options.
I stand with you, that this must be answered to.

I rejoice already. Thank you, irosie91!

My friend Olivia and Juda also want to help stop abuses and trafficking of women.
Olivia has presented and passed resolutions through Congress before.

And they know people who converted out of Islam who want to help undo all the false teaching that misleads people.
Since they are both from the Jewish community, you should all stand together and be heard.

I totally back you up, and see that you will succeed where the men have failed.
Thank you, God has a purpose and a plan for why it is the women who are coming forward at this time.
Since Islam recognizes all sent by God, specifically Jewish Christian and Muslim.
these should be included and practiced within Islam as sent by God.

Attention cyberspaceniks-----above is an example of the single most DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY ON THE PLANET today.


Either way, irosie91: I can see both of us standing before Congress
and I offer this option and you offer yours
A. Either show Islam can be corrected and checked by adopting Christianity and the Constitution as required because these are given by God
B. or prove that you are right, it is just dangerous monotheistic theocracy and should be banned as a violation of human rights.

Either fix it or prove it cannot be fixed.

One or the other. Let's present both options.
I stand with you, that this must be answered to.

I rejoice already. Thank you, irosie91!

My friend Olivia and Juda also want to help stop abuses and trafficking of women.
Olivia has presented and passed resolutions through Congress before.

And they know people who converted out of Islam who want to help undo all the false teaching that misleads people.
Since they are both from the Jewish community, you should all stand together and be heard.

I totally back you up, and see that you will succeed where the men have failed.
Thank you, God has a purpose and a plan for why it is the women who are coming forward at this time.

I am fully aware of that which you "offer"-------it is the same design that CONSTANTINE offered.----the FIRST REICH
----and the same DESIGN that MUHUMMAD AND OMAR
cobbled directly out of the filth of the JUSTINIAN CODE---
---thence to the INQUISITION the second reich. ----and
thence to the THIRD REICH ------upon the dead bodies of
hundreds of millions AND COUNTING
Since Islam recognizes all sent by God, specifically Jewish Christian and Muslim.
these should be included and practiced within Islam as sent by God.

Attention cyberspaceniks-----above is an example of the single most DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY ON THE PLANET today.


Either way, irosie91: I can see both of us standing before Congress
and I offer this option and you offer yours
A. Either show Islam can be corrected and checked by adopting Christianity and the Constitution as required because these are given by God
B. or prove that you are right, it is just dangerous monotheistic theocracy and should be banned as a violation of human rights.

Either fix it or prove it cannot be fixed.

One or the other. Let's present both options.
I stand with you, that this must be answered to.

I rejoice already. Thank you, irosie91!

My friend Olivia and Juda also want to help stop abuses and trafficking of women.
Olivia has presented and passed resolutions through Congress before.

And they know people who converted out of Islam who want to help undo all the false teaching that misleads people.
Since they are both from the Jewish community, you should all stand together and be heard.

I totally back you up, and see that you will succeed where the men have failed.
Thank you, God has a purpose and a plan for why it is the women who are coming forward at this time.

I am fully aware of that which you "offer"-------it is the same design that CONSTANTINE offered.----the FIRST REICH
----and the same DESIGN that MUHUMMAD AND OMAR
cobbled directly out of the filth of the JUSTINIAN CODE---
---thence to the INQUISITION the second reich. ----and
thence to the THIRD REICH ------upon the dead bodies of
hundreds of millions AND COUNTING

To prevent this, that is why you are needed to demand otherwise.
And as a Constitutionalist, I defend your petition to be redressed.
So it cannot be ignored, I will not allow it.

Your grievances must be redressed. Period.
that is the job of government.
and if this is some "inhouse" religious issue it needs to be addressed
by religious leaders.

Irosie you could be the next Rosa Parks.
The person who finally says NO
I am NOT going along with this status quo.

And everyone rallies around you and says NO.
NO more!

I back you up, and I know others who will also.
They've been waiting for someone to be the first to say it.

Since you are willing, and I am a free speech
and right to petition advocate, I back you up.

P.S. irosie91 Do you remember the concept behind Lysistrata?
Lysistrata - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

the women basically boycotted the men from sex if they went to war.

No men could go to war if they listened to the women who didn't want
to lose husbands, sons and fathers, and didn't want to see anyone kidnapped and raped.

So if all the women in the world rally around, unite forces,
that we want restitution for rape and trafficking invested in building schools
and clinics and daycares in each country impoverished by war,
and we do not approve funding any more wars until this garbage is stopped.

See examples: PACE Universal - Teach a girl feed a village Deepa Willingham of Rotary Club International
Laster Global Consulting Human Trafficking Training and Consulting Dottie Laster trains communities to enforce
laws against trafficking and laws of RICO where houses and property abused
for trafficking drugs or children can be reclaimed as restitution to the victims and community.
Earned Amnesty Proposed solution to end trafficking across the border.

Then maybe the men may take women seriously,
pay attention, band together and work it out responsibly.
Last edited:
I am an ancient greek plays geek-------sorry---but
your post is incoherent. Greek plays are highly structured.

I am talking about the CONCEPT:
of WOMEN banding together to hold MEN to account
to stop their wars. or in this case, the abuse of
religion to commit genocide.

If all women stand together across all nations and religions,
this would put public pressure on men to stand together to stop the killings and rape.

What do you think of that concept irosie91?

Using the Internet to connect ALL Women and ALL groups
who are fed up like you are and want this abomination to be STOPPED.
I am an ancient greek plays geek-------sorry---but
your post is incoherent. Greek plays are highly structured.

I am talking about the CONCEPT:
of WOMEN banding together to hold MEN to account
to stop their wars. or in this case, the abuse of
religion to commit genocide.

If all women stand together across all nations and religions,
this would put public pressure on men to stand together to stop the killings and rape.

What do you think of that concept irosie91?

Using the Internet to connect ALL Women and ALL groups
who are fed up like you are and want this abomination to be STOPPED.

I am very aware of the power of women----especially the
power of MOTHERS over their sons------especially in some
societies-----interestingly-----mothers control their sons most
notably (IMHO) in muslim, hindu and jewish groups----
the difference being that the control part gets transferred to WIFE----amongst jews-----but stays with mothers amongst
muslims and hindus (IMHO) I blame it all on the
MOTHERS. (a few wives---but mostly on the mothers)

I have seen examples even here in the US-----the mothers

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