Biased Press


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
When the Dems were blaming Bush for High gas prices I do not recall stories from the press on why it simply was not the President's fault. No stories on how the President simply doesn't have the power to effect the price of gas.

Angry About High Gas Prices? Blame Shuttered Oil Refineries - Yahoo! Finance

Then we have this, in defense of Obama. The press keeps making excuses for Obama. they have for 3 years now and it is getting more obvious with the approach of the election.
Gee ... If only President Obama would KISS ARAB OIL SHEIKS ON THE MOUTH and HOLD HANDS WITH THEM.
BTW, there's no such thing as an 'unbiased source'.

Welcome to the Real World of Grown Ups.

Gee ... If only President Obama would KISS ARAB OIL SHEIKS ON THE MOUTH and HOLD HANDS WITH THEM.


We're your number one darling. We're your huckleberry.

You had your chance liberal asswipe. My Prime Minister would freaking deck you if you tried to smooch him.

I've always said that the only thing to come out of Stephen Harpers closet are really bad brown suits.

All you fools can keep chanting is "Bush did it". Good grief. Get some new material would you?

This is really getting boring.
And yet more whining from the right.

In this case the lame, tired canard of the ‘liberal bias media.’

Actually, the President doesn’t have that kind of pricing power. The more likely reason behind the price increase, though certainly less compelling as a political argument, is the recent spate of refinery closures in the U.S. Over the past year, refineries have faced a classic margin squeeze. Prices for Brent crude have gone up, but demand for gasoline in the U.S. is at a 15-year low. That means refineries haven’t been able to pass on the higher prices to their customers.

As a result, companies have chosen to shut down a handful of large refineries rather than continue to lose money on them. Since December, the U.S. has lost about 4 percent of its refining capacity, says Fadel Gheit, a senior oil and gas analyst for Oppenheimer. That month, two large refineries outside Philadelphia shut down: Sunoco’s plant in Marcus Hook, Pa., and a ConocoPhillips plant in nearby Trainer, Pa. Together they accounted for about 20 percent of all gasoline produced in the Northeast.

The press reports facts that don’t conform to rightist dogma, and the media gets ignorantly accused of being ‘for Obama.’

Republicans are simply going to have to face the fact that they can’t blame everything that goes wrong on Obama, and when they do they’re going to be factually called out on it and exhibited as the liars they are.
And yet more whining from the right.

In this case the lame, tired canard of the ‘liberal bias media.’

Actually, the President doesn’t have that kind of pricing power. The more likely reason behind the price increase, though certainly less compelling as a political argument, is the recent spate of refinery closures in the U.S. Over the past year, refineries have faced a classic margin squeeze. Prices for Brent crude have gone up, but demand for gasoline in the U.S. is at a 15-year low. That means refineries haven’t been able to pass on the higher prices to their customers.

As a result, companies have chosen to shut down a handful of large refineries rather than continue to lose money on them. Since December, the U.S. has lost about 4 percent of its refining capacity, says Fadel Gheit, a senior oil and gas analyst for Oppenheimer. That month, two large refineries outside Philadelphia shut down: Sunoco’s plant in Marcus Hook, Pa., and a ConocoPhillips plant in nearby Trainer, Pa. Together they accounted for about 20 percent of all gasoline produced in the Northeast.

The press reports facts that don’t conform to rightist dogma, and the media gets ignorantly accused of being ‘for Obama.’

Republicans are simply going to have to face the fact that they can’t blame everything that goes wrong on Obama, and when they do they’re going to be factually called out on it and exhibited as the liars they are.

bush got hammered for same now, obama is hands off for the same hammering, see how that works? try that in your fact o' meter.
I'm getting to the point with this administration that it's not left or right, but these silly souls are all academics and don't have a clue what they are doing.

This is scary. Think of your grade nine teacher in science trying to remake the world as we know it for the "Planet".

How about a Home Economics teacher saying I can help the White House end child obesity. Hehehehe I had one home ec teacher that kept setting things on fire and we're not talking flambe or blackened. :lol:

I just scared the shit out of myself even thinking these thoughts.
And yet more whining from the right.

In this case the lame, tired canard of the ‘liberal bias media.’

Actually, the President doesn’t have that kind of pricing power. The more likely reason behind the price increase, though certainly less compelling as a political argument, is the recent spate of refinery closures in the U.S. Over the past year, refineries have faced a classic margin squeeze. Prices for Brent crude have gone up, but demand for gasoline in the U.S. is at a 15-year low. That means refineries haven’t been able to pass on the higher prices to their customers.

As a result, companies have chosen to shut down a handful of large refineries rather than continue to lose money on them. Since December, the U.S. has lost about 4 percent of its refining capacity, says Fadel Gheit, a senior oil and gas analyst for Oppenheimer. That month, two large refineries outside Philadelphia shut down: Sunoco’s plant in Marcus Hook, Pa., and a ConocoPhillips plant in nearby Trainer, Pa. Together they accounted for about 20 percent of all gasoline produced in the Northeast.

The press reports facts that don’t conform to rightist dogma, and the media gets ignorantly accused of being ‘for Obama.’

Republicans are simply going to have to face the fact that they can’t blame everything that goes wrong on Obama, and when they do they’re going to be factually called out on it and exhibited as the liars they are.

I never once heard Bush called a "God" by the mainstream media as this editor for NewsWeek called Obama..
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." – NewsWeek Editor Evan Thomas..

"he’s [Obama] probably the smartest guy ever to become President."
historian Michael Beschloss
Gee ... If only President Obama would KISS ARAB OIL SHEIKS ON THE MOUTH and HOLD HANDS WITH THEM.


We're your number one darling. We're your huckleberry.

You had your chance liberal asswipe. My Prime Minister would freaking deck you if you tried to smooch him.

I've always said that the only thing to come out of Stephen Harpers closet are really bad brown suits.

All you fools can keep chanting is "Bush did it". Good grief. Get some new material would you?

This is really getting boring.

Does your mommy know you talk dirty while trying to pretend that Bush didn't KISS ARAB OIL SHEIKS ON THE MOUTH and HOLD HANDS WITH THEM.

Pretend all you want but he did do it.

"he’s [Obama] probably the smartest guy ever to become President."
historian Michael Beschloss

Yep, and we're damned lucky to have him.

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