Beyond stupid: florida court declares it's illegal to grow food in your own front yard


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A court in Florida has decided that homeowners do not, in fact, have the right to garden on their own property. While the court says flower gardens and fruit trees are acceptable horticultural pursuits for a front yard, for some reason vegetables are non-negotiable. Leave it to big government to make it illegal for property owners to grow their own food, on their own land.
Beyond stupid: Florida court declares it's ILLEGAL to grow food in your own front yard

Well the leftist thugs get off on auhoratarianenforcement which was implemented into action during Bush and that A.H. Obama
A court in Florida has decided that homeowners do not, in fact, have the right to garden on their own property. While the court says flower gardens and fruit trees are acceptable horticultural pursuits for a front yard, for some reason vegetables are non-negotiable. Leave it to big government to make it illegal for property owners to grow their own food, on their own land.
Beyond stupid: Florida court declares it's ILLEGAL to grow food in your own front yard

Well the leftist thugs get off on auhoratarianenforcement which was implemented into action during Bush and that A.H. Obama

I will say this, at least in America you can own your own home without the state acting to steal it from you. This is very much a socialist, neo-communist, Monarchy tactic. Disturbingly, our own Charter of Rights, doesn't defend private property, and our law is that of the Old Country, the Queen in fact owns all the land in Canada, you only have a "freehold tenure" on the property. This is why they can freely interfere in ones right to work, their pursuit of liberty and retirement, and just about any other pursuit free citizens enjoy.

Need I remind you guys why Canada cannot be trusted. I am reading more and more rulings and political ideology that are attempting to replicate the Canadian system. You are a republic and must never become like us.

I digress...
Have you ever seen a garden after harvest?.....keep it behind your house or fence. This isn't Guatemala...
who wants a fucking corn field on the front yard next to your have a back yard,use it....

Fair point, but one must ask, "at what point is ANYTHING not sacred as your own?"

There are clearly limits and it's unfortunate that this had to be decided in the courts, usually some sense and consideration by owners is exercised and this is dealt with privately. However, it still raises the question of how far the state can impede on your private ownership.

As I stated above, be careful lest you become Canada. Your great nation cannot recover from such a diametrically opposed system if it becomes popular with the ignorant and uneducated.
who wants a fucking corn field on the front yard next to your have a back yard,use it....

Fair point, but one must ask, "at what point is ANYTHING not sacred as your own?"

There are clearly limits and it's unfortunate that this had to be decided in the courts, usually some sense and consideration by owners is exercised and this is dealt with privately. However, it still raises the question of how far the state can impede on your private ownership.

As I stated above, be careful lest you become Canada. Your great nation cannot recover from such a diametrically opposed system if it becomes popular with the ignorant and uneducated.
the "farmer" should realize he is affecting property values....and that should be all that matters,he may not care but his neighbors just might....
A court in Florida has decided that homeowners do not, in fact, have the right to garden on their own property. While the court says flower gardens and fruit trees are acceptable horticultural pursuits for a front yard, for some reason vegetables are non-negotiable. Leave it to big government to make it illegal for property owners to grow their own food, on their own land.
Beyond stupid: Florida court declares it's ILLEGAL to grow food in your own front yard

Well the leftist thugs get off on auhoratarianenforcement which was implemented into action during Bush and that A.H. Obama
. So what is this leftist bullcrap based upon (one yard where a left wing elitist idiot), just happen to be riding by, and thought wait WHAT, not someone trying to escape the Demon-crat plantation here. That's what the hell food stamps are for. He or she thinks hmmm, I'll stop this, and I will make sure that no one else attempts that bullcrap ever again.

What I do on my property should be up to me.

If I want to sit in my front porch naked and grow a goddamn garden it is my choice.
in your trailer park yea thats the way it a nice neighborhood were people care about how their houses look no...
. People done went and got to high and mighty. LOL....Logans Run is a prophetic film indeed.


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A court in Florida has decided that homeowners do not, in fact, have the right to garden on their own property. While the court says flower gardens and fruit trees are acceptable horticultural pursuits for a front yard, for some reason vegetables are non-negotiable. Leave it to big government to make it illegal for property owners to grow their own food, on their own land.
Beyond stupid: Florida court declares it's ILLEGAL to grow food in your own front yard

Well the leftist thugs get off on auhoratarianenforcement which was implemented into action during Bush and that A.H. Obama

Does that mean you can't raise hogs in your front yard either?

Damned liberals!

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