Between a Rock & a Hard Place


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
The Grexit (Greek Exit) soap opera took another step down the socialist wabbit hole today as a minister's meeting in Latvia left Euro creditors shaking their heads and Greek officials trying to stress the positives. Greece's new loony leftist gov't must balance the mandate they were given (less austerity) by their voters and the creditor's demand for payment of existing debt before any new loans are approved (the nerve). It seems the Greeks have been living beyond their means for decades and are running out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to stay afloat.
There is a lesson here for everyone but no self-respecting socialist can face it.
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The Grexit (Greek Exit) soap opera took another step down the socialist rabbit hole today as a minister's meeting in Latvia left Euro creditors shaking their heads and Greek officials trying to "stress the positives." Greece's new loony leftist gov't must balance the mandate they were given (less austerity) by their voters and the creditor's demand for payment of existing debt before any new loans are approved (the nerve). It seems the Greeks have been living beyond their means for decades and are running out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to stay afloat.
There is a lesson here for everyone but no self-respecting socialist can face it.
And WE are not far behind them.

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