Betting Markets Call Marco Rubio Front-Runner in G.O.P.


Jul 20, 2013
North beyond the Wall
Source New York Times:

It’s official: Jeb Bush is no longer the leading contender to become the Republican candidate for president. Instead, prediction markets now rate Marco Rubio as far more likely to get the nod.

broad measure of the betting markets puts Mr. Rubio’s chances at 34 percent versus Mr. Bush’s at 23 percent.

Interesting development, It appears the bad news just keeps coming for the Jeb Bush campaign. On the bright side for Republicans I think they'd have a much more formidable candidate in Marco Rubio than they would in Jeb Bush.
Yeah, the Jeb embarrassment has been overlooked in all the glare from the Trump extravaganza. Aside from the burden of the last name, he's just not an interesting or effective communicator. Rubio is much better at getting points across clearly and seriously. Jeb always seems like he's playing defense.
Yeah, the Jeb embarrassment has been overlooked in all the glare from the Trump extravaganza. Aside from the burden of the last name, he's just not an interesting or effective communicator. Rubio is much better at getting points across clearly and seriously. Jeb always seems like he's playing defense.
I concur with your assessment, although one can't quite count out Jeb Bush at this point since if I recall the McCain Campaign was in similar straits back in 2007. I'm thinking though if I was a betting Nightfox I might be putting down some money on Rubio right now. In the meantime we can all enjoy the Donald Trump dog & puppet show, the Donald does make for some interesting theater after all. :)
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Democratic pundits insist Latinos will not swing and vote against their self-interest but I'm not buying it. Rubio is young, good looking, and doesn't have a lot of baggage. As soon as the reality show Trump is over, I'll start paying attention to see if white baby boomers (teabaggees) can get excited enough to vote for a primitive culture brown guy.
Yeah, the Jeb embarrassment has been overlooked in all the glare from the Trump extravaganza. Aside from the burden of the last name, he's just not an interesting or effective communicator. Rubio is much better at getting points across clearly and seriously. Jeb always seems like he's playing defense.
I concur with your assessment, although one can't quite count out Jeb Bush at this point since if I recall the McCain Campaign was in similar straits back in 2007. I'm thinking though if I was a betting Nightfox I might be putting down some money on Rubio right now. In the meantime we can all enjoy the Donald Trump dog & puppet show, the Donald does make for some interesting theater after all. :)
Yes at this stage McCain's campaign was out of money and he had fired his campaign manager. Campaigns are funny things.
I dont see Rubio winning the nomination. I see Ted Cruz putting boots on the ground and developing a tremendous grass roots movement.
Source New York Times: Betting Markets Call Marco Rubio Front-Runner in G.O.P.

It’s official: Jeb Bush is no longer the leading contender to become the Republican candidate for president. Instead, prediction markets now rate Marco Rubio as far more likely to get the nod.

broad measure of the betting markets puts Mr. Rubio’s chances at 34 percent versus Mr. Bush’s at 23 percent.

Interesting development, It appears the bad news just keeps coming for the Jeb Bush campaign. On the bright side for Republicans I think they'd have a much more formidable candidate in Marco Rubio than they would in Jeb Bush.
So you like Rubio. Got it. What Democrat do you like as much as you like Rubio?

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