Beto O’Rourke is challenging Ted Cruz for Texas Senator


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Beto made a campaign swing through East Texas that also included stops in Liberty, Nacogdoches and Longview. He also spoke about the recent controversy of immigrant children being detained separately from their parents after entering the country. He said he has visited immigration detention centers where children are experiencing trauma, and it shows on their faces.

So does Beto want illegal alien children to be housed with Adults being detained for breaking our immigration laws or does he want the Children to just roam the streets searching for food and shelter, or does Beto believe that America doesn’t have the right to control its border crossings and immigration?

Everyone knows the real reason why the Left Wingers want to allow mass illegal immigration is because the racist Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters to be its opposition. He will never be honest about it.

Rep. Beto O’Rourke, challenging Ted Cruz, draws hundreds in Tyler
They weren’t detained for breaking the law! Seeking asylum is not a crime !
They weren’t detained for breaking the law! Seeking asylum is not a crime !

Seeking Asylum from Mexico?

Most are not Mexicans . Some are escaping gang violence.

Here's deal, the Border Patrol can't just take a person's word that they are a legitimate asylum seeker. They can’t just take a person’s word that the child is actually their offspring. It takes time to determine this.
BTW, Mr. Beto needs to forcefully denounce illegal immigration if he wants to be taken seriously, otherwise he will be just another dumb tío Tom for La Raza and the Aztlan Nationalist.

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