Bernie's Smile

I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?

Bernie won both primaries, but doesn't have most delegates. Funny, isn't it?

I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?

That's because Bernie is a curmudgeon. A bad-tempered person,
crank, crosspatch, sourpuss, old trout, a bear with a sore head, kvetch, sorehead, bellyacher, crab, faultfinder, growler, grumbler. grump, killjoy,moaner, griper, and a sulker.

That's just what socialists/communists do. They're never happy.

You could take all the wealth away from all the rich people and give it to the poor people. You could take the combined wealth and resources of this country and put it all under government control.

And still they would want more. Drug addicts and crackheads call, it "chasing the dragon."

Ever meet a "mirror"?

I"m a soul-devouring vampire. Mirrors don't reflect me.
I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?

Bernie won both primaries, but doesn't have most delegates. Funny, isn't it?


Bernie's getting schlonged like a five dollar whore. :laughing0301:
I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?
It’s kind of hard to smile when you know the D Party, the billionaires, and MSM are all colluding to prevent you from winning the nomination.

PS...admitting that you’ve never seen him smile, is admitting you haven’t paid much attention to his campaign.
He isn’t a democrat
I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?
It’s kind of hard to smile when you know the D Party, the billionaires, and MSM are all colluding to prevent you from winning the nomination.

PS...admitting that you’ve never seen him smile, is admitting you haven’t paid much attention to his campaign.
He isn’t a democrat

Are you so dimwitted as to only vote party?

What is it you dislike about Bernie?
I doubt his supporters know his history.
Yeah they don’t know his long history of being anti-war.
Or his history of never having a job and mooching off taxpayers.
Lol. That applies to at least half the political class.
Bernie is the only politician who has never had held a normal job. That’s a fact.

Ummmmm................ when did this klown ever have a job inside OR outside of politics?


No, "Face painter" is not a job. Neither is "asshole".
I guess we should also note that "pimping one's own daughter for publicity", "shilling for vitamins where you send in your pee" "fabricating fake magazine covers with your own orange face on them" and "destroying the USFL" aren't jobs either.

"Hey Biff, I got a great idea"

"What's that Bozo"?

"Let's take an orange freak who's never held a job or any position of responsibility in his life, and put him in the most responsible job in the world!"

"I don't know how you do it Bozo, that's brilliant".
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I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?
I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?
He is a "Marxsmirkist" and knows he is playing a game and has ZERO chance of ever being POTUS.
I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?
It’s kind of hard to smile when you know the D Party, the billionaires, and MSM are all colluding to prevent you from winning the nomination.

PS...admitting that you’ve never seen him smile, is admitting you haven’t paid much attention to his campaign.
He isn’t a democrat

Correct. He's a socialist.

Yet, if other candidates are offering pretty much the same thing as him, are they Democrats?

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I was watching FOX report on the New Hampshire primary which Bernie Sanders won. It should be a happy occasion for him but he couldn't seem to find a smile. It made me wonder has anyone ever seen Bernie smile? Is it a Socialist thing? Are their lives so bad that a smile has never broken out on his face? It just seems weird to me. Has anyone seen him smile?
download (2).jpeg

Next stupid straw man.

I wasn't aware of the kibbutz but your second link is more bullshit. He wasn't there to "work" or to "live" ----- he was there to write.

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