Bernie, Trump, and trying to look at the bright side of all this


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?
Meh. The country is dividing along various lines. Populists vs globalists, haves vs have-nots, Republicans vs democrats, city mice vs country mice, college vs blue-collar, commies vs capitalists, the degenerates vs church goers, etc.

The political sides are going way too far to the left and right to be a good thing. The best we can do is what was described as "ping-pong". Now Trump is moving laws to the right, the next democrat majority will move laws to the left, then back to the right, then to the left, etc., etc., etc.

What we really need is common ground.
More taxes, less spending, common sense solutions to healthcare, immigration, wars, entitlements, and the economy.
It's not that hard to find the silver lining.

People have woken up to the fact that they're getting fucked every minute of every day by a bunch of crooked, fraudulent assholes who come to DC to get rich instead of do their actual jobs.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

It means people are tired of the establishment of each party. Conservatives have kicked the far right wing globalist neocons to the curb and have embraced American nationalism.

The Democrats on the other hand aren’t willing to give up their power as easily. The radical left base is going all out socialist/communist, the moderates....well they are outnumbered. The Democrat Party isn’t providing a candidate that isn’t part of the establishment, Tulsi was probably the only one in the field and look what happened to her.
It's not that hard to find the silver lining. People have woken up to the fact that they're getting fucked every minute of every day by a bunch of crooked, fraudulent assholes who come to DC to get rich instead of do their actual jobs.
And that's a lot of it. There actually can be common ground, and maybe this shit storm will reveal that.

Some will refuse to admit it, of course, but you never know - maybe we can attain some kind of momentum.
The bread and circuses are not working anymore to keep the rabble quiet.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

Like I said the day Trump won... everyone should have celebrated.
Not because Donald Trump won. But because someone won that wasn't supposed to.
It was very good that an non establishment candidate won.
But did anyone get the message??? ANYONE???

It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

Like I said the day Trump won... everyone should have celebrated.
Not because Donald Trump won. But because someone won that wasn't supposed to.
It was very good that an non establishment candidate won.
But did anyone get the message??? ANYONE???

I think they did. I think we're playing it out right now, but we just haven't yet seen how the two ends of the spectrum can work together against it.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?
Don't they say that political will always starts from the bottom, the grassroots, and works up? Perhaps instead of focusing on the man (or woman) in the catbird's seat, we should be looking at our representatives and Senators in Congress, both federal and state. It's the only way to turn things around. The President alone does not have the power to change things to that extent.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

It means people are tired of the establishment of each party. Conservatives have kicked the far right wing globalist neocons to the curb and have embraced American nationalism.

The Democrats on the other hand aren’t willing to give up their power as easily. The radical left base is going all out socialist/communist, the moderates....well they are outnumbered. The Democrat Party isn’t providing a candidate that isn’t part of the establishment, Tulsi was probably the only one in the field and look what happened to her.
The last good and actual viable candidate the left had was Webb
It's not that hard to find the silver lining. People have woken up to the fact that they're getting fucked every minute of every day by a bunch of crooked, fraudulent assholes who come to DC to get rich instead of do their actual jobs.
And that's a lot of it. There actually can be common ground, and maybe this shit storm will reveal that.

Some will refuse to admit it, of course, but you never know - maybe we can attain some kind of momentum.

Yes, if people can reprogram away from "they're evil" maybe.

These same jerkoffs have been very, very good at the politics of division, again for their benefit not ours, and the last few years we've seen that ratchet up to all time highs.

We need to get away from that shit. Hell, it's to the point that the other side is dehumanized, not even human beings with lives and families just living their lives.

"Holy shit uncle Bill I didn't realize you had feelings and emotions and shit....that you do want a decent life for your kids and family, and you're not an evil moron."

That'd be a good place to start right there.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

Mac, I am going to respond this way----------->

The 2 sides will NOT come together until this whole "what happened, or really happened" with the spying incident. Who is telling more of the truth! Has yet to be decided.

While the angst of Republicans over the Democratic candidates has the GOP base galvanized, it is really what happened with spygate that holds them together. Without the narrative of spygate and what happened by both sides lives on, it is a polar opposite view.

What that should tell all of us is-------------->neither side wants to deal with a bunch of liars; and that is the true reality because only one narrative can be most accurate. People do NOT understand in many cases the division these narratives have caused.

Think about those 2 narratives in a nutshell, and it is plain to everyone why it creates such divisiveness, and why if/when new proven facts come to light, the divisiveness will lessen.

The GOP already had to take a beating for Nixon, and if it comes out that Trump was the real culprit, I have little doubt that many in the GOP will walk away. For most of us, it is country 1st!

If it is proven that the Democrats pulled some shenanigans here, well then maybe you can answer for the moderates, because I have no clue what they will do.

But, we are NEVER going to come together until we get a resolution! The positions are to stark, and we can both agree, somebody has to be lying.

Maybe the 2 party's don't really want to solve the issue because it galvanizes their base. If true, that is a sad day for America, and our ability to work together-(
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

Like I said the day Trump won... everyone should have celebrated.
Not because Donald Trump won. But because someone won that wasn't supposed to.
It was very good that an non establishment candidate won.
But did anyone get the message??? ANYONE???

I think they did. I think we're playing it out right now, but we just haven't yet seen how the two ends of the spectrum can work together against it.
I disagree.
The day Trump took office, actually before, the entire left spectrum with their media whores and every single Washington corrupt politicians declared war on Trump. And have been fighting it 24 hours a day ever since.
The have convinced most Democrats that he is a rogue maniac destroying everything we know.
The left learned nothing. They instead dug further in.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?

Mac, I am going to respond this way----------->

The 2 sides will NOT come together until this whole "what happened, or really happened" with the spying incident. Who is telling more of the truth! Has yet to be decided.

While the angst of Republicans over the Democratic candidates has the GOP base galvanized, it is really what happened with spygate that holds them together. Without the narrative of spygate and what happened by both sides lives on, it is a polar opposite view.

What that should tell all of us is-------------->neither side wants to deal with a bunch of liars; and that is the true reality because only one narrative can be most accurate. People do NOT understand in many cases the division these narratives have caused.

Think about those 2 narratives in a nutshell, and it is plain to everyone why it creates such divisiveness, and why if/when new proven facts come to light, the divisiveness will lessen.

The GOP already had to take a beating for Nixon, and if it comes out that Trump was the real culprit, I have little doubt that many in the GOP will walk away. For most of us, it is country 1st!

If it is proven that the Democrats pulled some shenanigans here, well then maybe you can answer for the moderates, because I have no clue what they will do.

But, we are NEVER going to come together until we get a resolution! The positions are to stark, and we can both agree, somebody has to be lying.

Maybe the 2 party's don't really want to solve the issue because it galvanizes their base. If true, that is a sad day for America, and our ability to work together-(
It's never going to be "decided" because you can't resolve conspiracy theories. They aren't real, but the people who want to vilify the left refuse to face facts. This is probably the most damaging thing Trump has done to our country--starting on Day One he began broadcasting lies and his team came up with Alternative Facts.

If the people don't wake up, we are screwed.
It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?
There are NO Positives to a Bernie Sanders Presidency.

$200 Trillion in Proposed Spending when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP.

Sanders would destroy this country and make it a Commie Crap Hole.

And remember, Saul Alinsky is who taught, Clinton, Obama, and Sanders to Divide and Conquor, and to Create Chaos so they can offer themselves up as The Solution and restore Order.

Only Sanders is talking Gulags and Guillotines type of order.

There are no differences between Sanders and any Democrat Candidate.

They are all Commie Traitors.
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It really isn't difficult to see the similarities between Bernie 2020 and Trump 2016, in terms of the passionate support of their "bases". In both cases, each man represents a great deal of anger and frustration that has been building within their bases over time, and each man is essentially an animation of a primal scream, the bull in the china shop, the human hand grenade in "the system".

Can we possibly have an interesting, calm conversation about what this means?

While on one hand I worry about the increasing divisions happening in this country, on the other hand both groups have perfectly valid points about "the system". I've even seen Bernie fans referring to a "deep state", holy crap. People clearly sense a general unfairness on a macro scale, and they've had enough.

So I guess I'm wondering this: Could this all be a good thing in the long run? Is there some point in this mess in which the two political ends find a lot of common ground?

Maybe this shit storm can and will channel itself in a positive direction, at some point. Thoughts?
There are NO Positives to a Bernie Sanders Presidency.

$200 Trillion in Proposed Spending when we only have a $20 Trillion GDP.

Sanders would destroy this country and make it a Commie Crap Hole.

And remember, Saul Alinsky is who taught, Clinton, Obama, and Sanders to Divide and Conquor, and to Create Chaos so they can offer themselves up as The Solution and restore Order.

Only Sanders is talking Gulags and Guillotines type of order.

There are no differences between Sanders and any Democrat Candidate.

They are all Commie Traitors.

The REAL weakness to BERNARD and Pocahontas is--------------->that the people fighting for their view believe someone else is going to pay for it.

Not true!

I have posted a video 4 or 5 times that shows how their supposed model; the Nordic country's, tax their citizens BELOW 37,000 bucks, to the tune of almost 60% to pay for it.

Tell the poorer people that and show proof, and watch BERNARD's run collapse!

And trust me, Trump WILL show it and the math, should BERNARD win the nomination!

Can you imagine!------------> Here is BERNARD and the Bro's model, and look what you are going to pay! Now figure out how you are going to feed and clothe your kids and yourself, taking a 60% cut to your income!
It’s pretty clear that many Americans are sick of the current corrupt establishment politicians and the elite ruling class.

I love that things are being shaken up.
Could this all be a good thing in the long run?

I've been saying for years now that Bernie and Trump are going to leave their respective parties in ruins. At the very least they will be forever changed. That's a damn good thing.
How do they work together, Mac, when there is a gulf that stretches to uranus? We have a clear delineation in front of us. One is a socialist/marxist. One is a capitalist. One is globalist. One is for national sovereignty.

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