Bernie to Trump: Stop pretending Pelosi is trying to hurt me


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Bernie Sanders today called Trump out for his weak attempt to make Democrats fight by pretending the impeachment delay was meant to hurt Bernie:
In a statement on Friday, in response to a question from The New York Times about the president’s conspiracy tweet, Mr. Sanders denounced the theories. “Let’s be clear about who is rigging what: It is Donald Trump’s action to use the power of the federal government for his own political benefit that is the cause of the impeachment trial,” he said. “His transparent attempts to divide Democrats will not work, and we are going to unite to sweep him out of the White House in November.”
How Trump Is Spreading a Conspiracy Theory About Pelosi, Biden and Sanders
Can't blame Trump for trying. He used that conspiracy theory last time, and it seemed to work. Looks like lots of stunts Trump used in the past are going to be less effective this time.
Bernie Sanders today called Trump out for his weak attempt to make Democrats fight by pretending the impeachment delay was meant to hurt Bernie:
In a statement on Friday, in response to a question from The New York Times about the president’s conspiracy tweet, Mr. Sanders denounced the theories. “Let’s be clear about who is rigging what: It is Donald Trump’s action to use the power of the federal government for his own political benefit that is the cause of the impeachment trial,” he said. “His transparent attempts to divide Democrats will not work, and we are going to unite to sweep him out of the White House in November.”
How Trump Is Spreading a Conspiracy Theory About Pelosi, Biden and Sanders
Who gives a shit.
Can't blame Trump for trying. He used that conspiracy theory last time, and it seemed to work. Looks like lots of stunts Trump used in the past are going to be less effective this time.

WHOSE stunts are less effective?
Bernie Sanders today called Trump out for his weak attempt to make Democrats fight by pretending the impeachment delay was meant to hurt Bernie:
In a statement on Friday, in response to a question from The New York Times about the president’s conspiracy tweet, Mr. Sanders denounced the theories. “Let’s be clear about who is rigging what: It is Donald Trump’s action to use the power of the federal government for his own political benefit that is the cause of the impeachment trial,” he said. “His transparent attempts to divide Democrats will not work, and we are going to unite to sweep him out of the White House in November.”
How Trump Is Spreading a Conspiracy Theory About Pelosi, Biden and Sanders

Sounds like he will get screwed again but maybe he will be rewarded with a pot of gold this time to keep him happy.

No matter what he says though, his half of his supporters won't go out and vote for another Dem when he gets shafted again. From my vantage point, I think most voters in BOTH parties aren't interested in "unity". Trump is the outlier for the GOP, Bernie is the outlier for the Dems. There is a reason there was discussion by the Dems themselves to alter the district AOC won. They view her as a problem for them, her support for Bernie made it worse.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I see it.
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bernie is a hypocritical jerk....

Poor thing. Bernie won't play along with your conspiracy theory.
i dont care about your conspiracy theories...bernie is a hypocritical with it...

You're probably not the first crazy right winger to say that, but your efforts to instigating infighting just aren't working.

Poor thing. Must have missed Bernie and Warren going at it after the last “debate”. That must be Trump’s fault too.
I don't support any of Bernies policy ideas even so he got screwed over in 2016 in my opinion and I wouldn't put it past the Democrat establishment to try and do it to him again in 2020.
bernie is a hypocritical jerk....

Poor thing. Bernie won't play along with your conspiracy theory.
i dont care about your conspiracy theories...bernie is a hypocritical with it...

You're probably not the first crazy right winger to say that, but your efforts to instigating infighting just aren't working.

Poor thing. Must have missed Bernie and Warren going at it after the last “debate”. That must be Trump’s fault too.

The party is unified. That doesn't mean there won't be misunderstandings, but those will be worked out like adults. Sorry, no playground fight for you this time.
Poor Bernie, all these older women are beating up on him. Pelosi is beating on him, Warren is beating on him ---- somebody ought to come to his rescue, huh?
bernie is a hypocritical jerk....

Poor thing. Bernie won't play along with your conspiracy theory.
i dont care about your conspiracy theories...bernie is a hypocritical with it...

You're probably not the first crazy right winger to say that, but your efforts to instigating infighting just aren't working.

Poor thing. Must have missed Bernie and Warren going at it after the last “debate”. That must be Trump’s fault too.

The party is unified. That doesn't mean there won't be misunderstandings, but those will be worked out like adults. Sorry, no playground fight for you this time.

Poor baby. YOU just said there was no infighting. You have been proven to have lied, now you want to spin. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.
Poor Bernie, all these older women are beating up on him. Pelosi is beating on him, Warren is beating on him ---- somebody ought to come to his rescue, huh?

Did Bernie say that, or did you just pull it out of your ass? You might eventually be able to instigate infighting in the Democratic party like you did in 2016, but it will take more than what you got so far.
Can't blame Trump for trying. He used that conspiracy theory last time, and it seemed to work. Looks like lots of stunts Trump used in the past are going to be less effective this time.

The fact is the Democrat Party told their servant to get the debate questions from CNN in the primary so they could beat Bernie. Not a Conspiracy.
Poor thing. Bernie won't play along with your conspiracy theory.
i dont care about your conspiracy theories...bernie is a hypocritical with it...

You're probably not the first crazy right winger to say that, but your efforts to instigating infighting just aren't working.

Poor thing. Must have missed Bernie and Warren going at it after the last “debate”. That must be Trump’s fault too.

The party is unified. That doesn't mean there won't be misunderstandings, but those will be worked out like adults. Sorry, no playground fight for you this time.

Poor baby. YOU just said there was no infighting. You have been proven to have lied, now you want to spin. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Sorry, but I don't hear anybody that matters.
I don't support any of Bernies policy ideas even so he got screwed over in 2016 in my opinion and I wouldn't put it past the Democrat establishment to try and do it to him again in 2020.

I also dont support any of Bernies policies, but Hell yes he is going to get screwed over by the Dems again. Saying that he wants to tax the crap out of very rich people just pisses very rich people off. And big money will screw Bernie again. Look who owns major news organizations.
Can't blame Trump for trying. He used that conspiracy theory last time, and it seemed to work. Looks like lots of stunts Trump used in the past are going to be less effective this time.

The fact is the Democrat Party told their servant to get the debate questions from CNN in the primary so they could beat Bernie. Not a Conspiracy.

You be sure and jump into your way-back machine and find a time when any of that makes a bit of difference. It doesn't here in 2020.

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