Bernie takes the lead in NBC/WSJ national poll among Democrats as Trump panics

Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

Too bad Rogan has been declared problematic.

Yahoo is now part of Verizon Media

Unfortunately, he's also made gross transphobic comments and misgendered trans athletes. He's also conducted friendly interviews with far-right figures like Milo Yiannopolous and Gavin McInnes, giving them an opportunity to spew Islamophobia to Rogan's enormous audience with virtually no pushback.

How did the farmer kulaks do in the 1920s?


How did they do under Trump?

Bernie's heroes didn't like farmers. Why is he going to be different?
Farmers have assets.

Seeing how Dems are defending the South African government’s actions in seizing farms, I’m sure there is nothin to worry about with allowing socialists and communists take over our government.
Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

Trump panics? LOL! You're fucking retarded gayetro.

Trump will make hash out of that senile commie bitch. We are all PRAYING that Berine gets nominated you dope.
Trump panics?? Hahaha.

Here's how the Trump/Bernout debate will go:

Hey Bernie how many genders are there?

Bernout: Whatever he says will be hilarious.
Eagle is stuck in 2016 while Bernie soars.

How did the farmer kulaks do in the 1920s?


How did they do under Trump?

Bernie's heroes didn't like farmers. Why is he going to be different?
Farmers have assets.

Seeing how Dems are defending the South African government’s actions in seizing farms, I’m sure there is nothin to worry about with allowing socialists and communists take over our government.
When the seeds fully bloom what Mandela planted A Rhodesian paradise will grow.
LOL....more like the dems are freaking out because they have to find away to deep six bernie again without pissing off the bernie fans.

The super-delegates will steal the nomination from Bernie again.
But who can they give it to so that Bernie's supporters won't stay home again on election day??
Sanders lost in 2016 among delegates who were not super delegates.
This time around he will win in the primaries and defeat Donald Trump and his bone spurs.
Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

You haven’t recupruited enough taxpayer dependent, needy wetbacks quite yet...You rolled Communist Bernie out a few years too soon. Try agin in gotta fight to keep that filth pouring in from our south.
You think Bernie is going to be able to sell putting the country into bankruptcy with all of his give a ways to anyone OTHER than blinders wearing liberals? Trump will eat him alive in a debate. All he has to do is ask Sanders how he's going to pay for what he's promising. Game over...
Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

Trump panics? LOL! You're fucking retarded gayetro.

Trump will make hash out of that senile commie bitch. We are all PRAYING that Berine gets nominated you dope.
Bernie is a Socialist, not a communist. Dumbass.
Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

So does this mean democrats made a miscalculation running Hillary in 2016...either way democrats don't want Sanders, but not sure at this point they have anyone else. Biden and Warren are both dropping in the polls, Pete is a racist, and Bloomberg can't draw a crowd of more than 5 people.
Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

Trump panics? LOL! You're fucking retarded gayetro.

Trump will make hash out of that senile commie bitch. We are all PRAYING that Berine gets nominated you dope.
Bernie is a Socialist, not a communist. Dumbass.
No. No. He's a communist. He will be easy pickings for Trump. This country may go communist someday. Not today.
Bernie Sanders now leads Joe Biden by 1% after trailing by 7% in December.
Trump is seeing the signs, and is now criticizing Bernie in his rallies.
Trump made a miscalculation. He sent his minions to Ukraine and focused on Biden for months, while the man who can actually beat him sneaked up from behind and is now poised to make him a one-term President.
Sanders, Biden are neck-and-neck in new NBC/WSJ national poll

So does this mean democrats made a miscalculation running Hillary in 2016...either way democrats don't want Sanders, but not sure at this point they have anyone else. Biden and Warren are both dropping in the polls, Pete is a racist, and Bloomberg can't draw a crowd of more than 5 people.
Bloomberg has been running back to back to back promos in California. They look like PRO Trump spots. Trump is against gun control. Trump thinks that global warming is a hoax. Trump wants to deny health care to illegals. When will Bloomie start attack ads

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