Bernie Goldberg: We should build a monument to the rich!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.
Like I said, as soon as I can get a real link, I'll post it.

He doubled down on that statement on O'reilly by the way.

Only trouble is, if I link to a left leaning site, most people will disbelieve it anyway. Probably tomorrow I'll have a link.
Like I said, as soon as I can get a real link, I'll post it.

He doubled down on that statement on O'reilly by the way.

Only trouble is, if I link to a left leaning site, most people will disbelieve it anyway. Probably tomorrow I'll have a link.

not at all, I don't look at sites really, I look at what THEY said...
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

why? because upward mobility sucks? come on dude.
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

I think it took a vast amount of people - from different backgrounds and cultures - from different walks of life - from poor and wealthy backgrounds - to build this great nation. To dismiss anyone's contribution is childish.

Should the wealthy have a monument. No. America is a monument - to all Americans - whatever their background.
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

why? because upward mobility sucks? come on dude.

Jealous fools always need a scapegoat... someone to blame for their failures. It's easier than facing the truth... that they alone are responsible for their situation.
I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

why? because upward mobility sucks? come on dude.

Jealous fools always need a scapegoat... someone to blame for their failures. It's easier than facing the truth... that they alone are responsible for their situation.

Heathen!! you shall burn for your impertinence:FIREdevil:...

but seriously I agree with your a-fore post 100%. ;)
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

actually its right here...
The Plutocratic propaganda is getting more obvious

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I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

I totally agree. I mean look at Cuba. They are all poor and are doing great!

Same thing with Haiti. They are one of the poorest and best nations on the globe...............You should go move there to get some of that poorness.
I think- I'd like to see the whole interview.

I saw the interview and even though Bernie's reasoning is right-on, he said he was just joshing about the monument. I'm sure he knew that the Left would run with the shortest of clips though. :eusa_whistle:
actually those robber barons weren't so robber baronish...yes there were a few who were greedy, self serving and didn't give a wit for anyone but themselves but I bet you can find a Banana republic owner who does same...or a doctor, or a Birkenstock's franchise owner.....of course you'll also find many many more whom gave much and cared a great deal.
You know.....for all you people that are saying that being poor is a "choice"........lemmie ask ya sumpin'......

Did all those people who trusted Madoff with their money deserve to be poor as well?
You know.....for all you people that are saying that being poor is a "choice"........lemmie ask ya sumpin'......

Did all those people who trusted Madoff with their money deserve to be poor as well?

Ummmm...... Bernie broke the law because it wasn't a government sponsored ponzi scheme. So in other words, No they did not choose to be poor. They were robbed of their money.

Now, if its a government run ponzi scheme like social security, then and only then is it OK for people to be robbed of their money.
You know.....for all you people that are saying that being poor is a "choice"........lemmie ask ya sumpin'......

Did all those people who trusted Madoff with their money deserve to be poor as well?

Ummmm...... Bernie broke the law because it wasn't a government sponsored ponzi scheme. So in other words, No they did not choose to be poor. They were robbed of their money.

Now, if its a government run ponzi scheme like social security, then and only then is it OK for people to be robbed of their money.

The whole economy is a ponzi scheme. Nonetheless, SS is a "ponzi scheme" with a $ 3 trillion+ surplus.
I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

why? because upward mobility sucks? come on dude.

Jealous fools always need a scapegoat... someone to blame for their failures. It's easier than facing the truth... that they alone are responsible for their situation.

Yeah, guys pissed that their "evil" rich boss exported their job to China so he could become a little wealthier... Damn envy-green ungrateful pissants... Should be thanking him for having given them the opportunity to work in the first place.

God, when will the peasants just learn their place already? Am I right CG? High five!

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