Bernie Doubles Down On The Cuba Praise


THEY’RE NOT WRONG. HE ISN’T A CUTE OLD MAN, HE’S COMMIE POISON. ‘Bernie Sanders is your enemy’: Venezuela socialism victims sound the alarm.

With Sen. Bernie Sanders now the clear frontrunner for the Democrat nomination for president, even some on the left have expressed worry over what a self-described Socialist on the ticket in November could mean not only for Democrats' chances of taking back the White House but also for their down-ballot odds, namely, control of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.

Among Sanders' most ardent supporters are college-aged voters, who favor the Socialist far more overwhelmingly than the broader electorate. However, from liberal MSNBC commentators, reasonably sober Chris Matthews and Joy Reid to former Clinton campaign manager James Carville, a growing number of voices on the left are sounding the alarm.

At a Washington, D.C. protest, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips spoke with individuals who escaped socialism in Venezuela to come to America.

"You do not ever want anyone, not even close, to socialism to come to this country," one person said.

The same person specifically invoked Sanders' name.

"Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists," he said.

"It is not the route to go. It is not possible. It is not feasible. Don't fall for it," another said.

"We also thought that this could never happen in our country," one victim of socialism said about the economic system's perils. "We had a balance of powers. We had democracy and we elected our leaders."

One person who said that he was born and raised in Venezuela said that he has seen the country "deteriorate" under socialism.
I mean, sure the Joker was a violent madman but he motivated and mobilized a lot of confused young people did he not? He fought for criminal justice reform. Am I wrong? Guys? Hello?

Oh, so classic...

Do you trust someone who is giving away "free money?"

Did Sanders just push Florida from purple to red with his 'Let's look at the bright side of Communist Cuba' statements?

I sure hope so. Florida is a must win for Trump and Bernie just announced to the Cuban Americans all the good things Castro did when he "took office". :04:
Oh yeah, Bernie just took Fla off the map.
but he's got a mooovmnet and revoluuution
Only if we can just learn from the mistakes of:







We will learn how to perfect Communism!

Now boys, girls and those that are confused when you figure out how to eliminate greed, envy and sloth then we can discuss Marxism or some form of Communism but not until then...

Sanders is a putz of a schmuck!

What mistakes?

- Sanders
I mean, sure the Joker was a violent madman but he motivated and mobilized a lot of confused young people did he not? He fought for criminal justice reform. Am I wrong? Guys? Hello?

Oh, so classic...

Do you trust someone who is giving away "free money?"


Oh yeah, few things are free.


Vote for Bernie and you can have a Lake Side Dacha as your third home, too!

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