Bernie Doubles Down On The Cuba Praise


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
For all of you Commies claiming his statement was taken out of context.

Hitler built great roads.
Pol Pot has very environmentally friendly policies.
Stalin built great fleets.
Castro taught people to read. Kind of.


Did Sanders just push Florida from purple to red with his 'Let's look at the bright side of Communist Cuba' statements?

I sure hope so. Florida is a must win for Trump and Bernie just announced to the Cuban Americans all the good things Castro did when he "took office". :04:
Comrade Mao did a wonderful job controlling overpopulation (by murdering tens of millions)....

Off a cliff go the Dems' chances.....

Amy Klobuchar was the only one running with a serious chance in a general election. But Amy was "shaking" during one debate, pulled a major brain fog on TV in front of Latinos in Nevada, and had some "blinking" issues in the right eye during the debate. Amy has something wrong in the health column, and that's the end of the serious general election for the Dems...

Now, who will the Libertarians choose this time???
I mean, sure the Joker was a violent madman but he motivated and mobilized a lot of confused young people did he not? He fought for criminal justice reform. Am I wrong? Guys? Hello?
The D-Reps in Florida are going to have to make a hard choice if they are to have any hope of keeping their seats - embrace and support the 'Castro FanBoy' ... or run like hell the other way from him....
That asshole Commie Bernie praises Castro for increasing literacy.

However, he failed to mention that during that same time period several other Latin American increased literacy without a brutal authoritative Communist revolution.
Did Sanders just push Florida from purple to red with his 'Let's look at the bright side of Communist Cuba' statements?

I sure hope so. Florida is a must win for Trump and Bernie just announced to the Cuban Americans all the good things Castro did when he "took office". :04:
the piece I found hilarious was he said he hated dictators like NK Kim JunUn who killed their own people, but loved the Castro Dictator that did the same exact thing. Folks, you can't make this shit up!!!!
sure the Joker was a violent madman

Hubba hubba hubba

Money money money

Who do ya trust?


I'm giving away free money!!!!

And where is the Batman??

He's at home, washing his tights!!!


(zoom goes the "Batplane" overhead....)
i look forward to getting drunk in Cuba someday

for now, Cuba is a poor country made even poorer by socialism
If this was February 2024 I'd give Bernie a fair 50/50 shot at actually winning the WH.
But I doubt he'd get there in 2020. But scary closer than intelligent people would like.

We're gettin' there. America has become a full blown idiocracy and will get worse....just a matter of time now.

For all of you Commies claiming his statement was taken out of context.

Hitler built great roads.
Pol Pot has very environmentally friendly policies.
Stalin built great fleets.
Castro taught people to read. Kind of.
It was NOT "taken out of context". And along with Death Squads, Castro taught "literacy" in communist slogans on the pain of death.

BERNIE SANDERS: Is America Ready for President Noam Chomsky?

Bernie’s perspective on Cuba is characteristic of his worldview.

Bernie Sanders is wholly dedicated to his socialist principles.

“You know, when Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did?” he told interviewer Anderson Cooper. “He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?”​

Literacy programs don’t require seizing power in a violent revolution, jailing and killing political opponents, seizing private property, or outlawing the free press. Bernie's belief that a literacy program is some kind of recommendation for a regime that has otherwise oppressed and immiserated its people for decades is a sign of his skewed view of what’s important and just for a polity.


Sanders says he condemns the jailing of Cuban dissidents, but it’s the imprisoning of people for expressing unwelcome political views that is the foremost thing to know about the Cuban dictatorship, period.

The Left has always presented Fidel Castro as some kind of social worker who happened to take and hold power — or “come to office,” as Sanders delicately puts it — via force.

In 1989, Sanders wrote,

“Cuba — the one country in the entire region that has no hunger, is educating all of its children and is providing high-quality, free health care — is hated with a passion by the Democrats as much as Republicans.”​

Cuba’s per capita income in 1955 was about half that of the most advanced Western countries and on par with Italy’s. By 2000 Cuba’s per capita income was half what it had been in 1955.

Cuba went from being a leader in Latin America on key economic measures to a laggard by the time Castro was done with it. The Washington Post has noted that “in terms of GDP, capital formation, industrial production and key measures such as cars per person, Cuba plummeted from the top ranks to as low as 20th place.”

Bernie’s perspective on Cuba is characteristic of his worldview that has a sympathy for America’s enemies, at least if they are Communist or Islamist; that assumes the worst of the United States; and that opposes nearly all U.S. military interventions as misbegotten or malign.

There is almost no enemy of the United States that wouldn’t be heartened by a Sanders victory and see it as an opportunity to make gains at the expense of the United States and its allies. Sanders would make excuses for our adversaries and look on the bright side of their repression and rapine.

He’s doing it with the Cuban dictatorship to this day.
Hey Bernie...

Learn to read or...............


Yes, yes, I know. This is an American LEO taking Elian Gonzales away from his guardians to ship him back to Cuba.

The point is, anyone can increase literacy rate at the point of a gun, which is what Castro did.
Hey Bernie...

Learn to read or...............


Yes, yes, I know. This is an American LEO taking Elian Gonzales away from his guardians to ship him back to Cuba.

The point is, anyone can increase literacy rate at the point of a gun, which is what Castro did.
Yeah, there probably aren't "at risk yutes" assaulting teachers in Cuban schools.
Only if we can just learn from the mistakes of:







We will learn how to perfect Communism!

Now boys, girls and those that are confused when you figure out how to eliminate greed, envy and sloth then we can discuss Marxism or some form of Communism but not until then...

Sanders is a putz of a schmuck!
This is an American LEO taking Elian Gonzales away from his guardians to ship him back to Cuba.

Elian was kidnapped by his mother and was rightfully returned to his legal guardian, his father.
Bernie has always fought for, longed for and advocated for Communist Revolution in America.

The naked-toddler argument, with the fondling, Sanders included it in a 1969 Vermont Freeman article that was his manifesto.

It’s a typically jumbled set of observations tied together with a typical socialist Come The Revolution theme, where the alternative is:

The years come and go, suicide, nervous breakdown, cancer, sexual deadness, heart attack, alcoholism, senility at 50. Slow death, fast death. DEATH. …​

The Revolution is coming and it is a very beautiful revolution. It is beautiful because, in its deepest sense, it is quiet, gentle, and all pervasive. It KNOWS.​

The part about toddlers exploring bodies comes just before the “it KNOWS” declaration.

Child sex was a big part of this movement. Sanders advises that the revolution will come when parents refuse to send their children to school but puts them in communes instead, and “when a girl pushes aside all that her mother has “taught” her and accepts her boyfriend’s "love".”

Sanders’ intense focus on sex and children, this was a big part of the Left at the time. It didn’t catch on much in America, thank goodness, but it did in France and Germany in their “1968 Movement.” France in particular is only now beginning to address the damage done.

France Discovers Award-Winning Author Is Pedophile By, Er, Reading His Books:


Bernie is a timed warped trash magnet. These were horribly filthy and destructive self-indulgent ideologies.

The French writer Gabriel Matzneff never hid the fact that he engaged in sex with girls and boys in their early teens or even younger. He wrote countless books detailing his insatiable pursuits and appeared on television boasting about them. “Under 16 Years Old,” was the title of an early book that left no ambiguity.

He never spent a day in jail for his actions or suffered any repercussion. Instead, he won acclaim again and again. Much of France’s literary and journalism elite celebrated him and his work for decades. Now 83, Mr. Matzneff was awarded a major literary prize in 2013 and, just two months ago, one of France’s most prestigious publishing houses published his latest work.

But one of his victims, Vanessa Springora, has suddenly fueled an intense debate in France over its historically lax attitude toward adults exploitative sex with people who are underage. It has shone a particularly harsh light on some of France’s leading literary figures and newspapers — Foucault, Sartre, Libération and Le Monde — who aggressively promoted the practice as a form of human liberation.

Ms. Springora’s book, “Le Consentement,” or “Consent,” which sold out quickly at many Paris bookstores, the fallout continued. Prosecutors in Paris announced that after “analyzing” its contents, they had opened an investigation into the case and would also look for other victims in and out of France.

Matzneff “seduced” Springora when she was just 14 years old, after being introduced by her mother. She assumed that they were in love together, right up until she discovered Matzneff’s notes on his sexual conquests of other children, including on tours of Southeast Asia. The sex trafficking of children on such tours had just begun to attract the attention of the West.

France’s 1968 cultural revolution liberated pedophiles to prey on children, a predation which turned out to be disturbingly popular among the Left for a disturbingly long time:

Matzneff is the product and longtime beneficiary of France’s May 68 movement, the social revolution started in 1968 by students and unions against France’s old order.

With the slogan, “It’s forbidden to forbid,” the movement rebelled against authority and fought against imperialism, capitalism, racism, sexism and homophobia. Some argued for abolishing age-of-consent laws, saying that doing so would liberate children from the domination of their parents and allow them to be full, sexual beings.

Thinkers on the left, like Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, spoke in defense of the practice, or came to the defense of men accused of engaging in sex with people below the age of 15.

Libération, the newspaper co-founded by Sartre, championed pedophiles as a discriminated minority and ran personal ads by adults seeking children for sex.​

This was a period when the perverse reordered society to cater to their own depraved appetites. Matzneff bragged about his exploits in a book titled “Under 16 Years Old.” His publisher still felt comfortable republishing it in 2005 — and that it raised no eyebrows.

Leftist pedophilia normalization was not limited to France, either. A decade ago, Der Spiegel ran a shocking history of free-love communes in Germany that arose around the same time that widely and openly practiced adult-child sex. Titled “How the Left Took Things Too Far,” the article exposed the German 1968 Movement as a cover for pedophilia and abuse as well:

This is the river of filth that Breadline Bernie eagerly fed at, espoused and longs to bring to America via revolution.
That asshole Commie Bernie praises Castro for increasing literacy.

However, he failed to mention that during that same time period several other Latin American increased literacy without a brutal authoritative Communist revolution.
WTH is he trying to say with "Let's look at the sunny side of the Castro regime"? I just hope he keeps sticking up for Communism all the way to election day. :04:
That asshole Commie Bernie praises Castro for increasing literacy.

However, he failed to mention that during that same time period several other Latin American increased literacy without a brutal authoritative Communist revolution.
WTH is he trying to say with "Let's look at the sunny side of the Castro regime"? I just hope he keeps sticking up for Communism all the way to election day. :04:

One of the most despicable thing an American President ever did was when that asshole Obama went down to Cuba and gave Castro a blowjob in front of the whole world.

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