Bernie channels Stalin.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Bernie Sanders is out there selling the idea of forgiving student debt which is no different from any other debt save for the fact that bankruptcy is notoriously difficult in wiping it out. Sanders never mentions that the entire enterprise of student lending bolsters a huge Ponzi scheme of academic racketeering that began way back in the early 1960’s right after the Russians launched Sputnik, the first Earth orbiting satellite.

Mass hysteria ensued in the form of national panic and a false sense of falling behind Soviet citizen capabilities was presented to the people calling for an educational change suggesting everyone needed at least a four year degree to keep the Russians from leaving us in the dust. Unfortunately after college curriculums were dumbed down to get as many bodies into college as possible, a college education at many educational institutions became little more than four extra years of high school.

Like everything else the government is involved in the end result is that the biggest lesson learned by the overwhelming majority of college graduates in that a fool and his money are soon parted. A college graduate is no different from any other citizen that borrowed money and can’t pay it back and the monetary benefits of a college degree are largely lost by the onerous loans to finance it. That’s too bad but the rest of us are not responsible to pay for the mistakes of others unless of course you are Bernie sanders.

Borrowing money to get something you can’t pay for is part of American life and it makes no more sense to forgive to college loans than it does to forgive Home or auto loans. Sanders and his socialist proselytizing sounds just as good as it did when Stalin was saying the same things and we all know what that led to. Maybe Bernie will call for forgiveness of credit card debt which would no doubt be wildly popular.

The solution to the college debt debacle is not debt forgiveness; the solution is for college graduates to start suing colleges for bad educations. May then people who continue schooling will be trained for something society finds useful.
Who wouldn't vote for the wonderful workers' paradise?

Obama overspent by close to $10 trillion. Rather than bailout his buddies on Wall Street and fund the enormous war machine, he should forgiven all student loan debt and the millions of home foreclosures. We would be much better off today.

The system we have is socialism for the extreme wealthy and capitalism for the rest of us.

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