Bernie, author of Sanders/Warren bill extending Social Security to 75 years & adding $200 to payments, makes case against GOP cuts to Social Security

It's time to isolate Social Security retirement funds into their own revenue stream Treasury account and keep them there, untouched, except for Social Security -related transactions.

What will these funds be invested in?
Whatever the Plan Administrators deem appropriate, I would think.

But any investment accounts are tied exclusively back to the Social Security Retirement Master Treasury Account.

Nothing going out to the marketplace but funds from that Master Account.

Nothing coming back in from the marketplace except for investment account proceeds.

Translation: No commingled funds.
Whatever the Plan Administrators deem appropriate, I would think.

But any investment accounts are tied exclusively back to the Social Security Retirement Master Treasury Account.

Nothing going out to the marketplace but funds from that Master Account.

Nothing coming back in from the marketplace except for investment account proceeds.

Translation: No commingled funds.

Whatever the Plan Administrators deem appropriate, I would think.

For example?
Anybody who has been putting in for 40 years should have more than doubled what’s owed at just a mere 3% annual returns

People who have put nothing in and never will have more than doubled their whining
I just checked. I'm going to start taking my S.S. in November. To actually get back what I paid in will take 54 months. Now I understand that doesn't include what my employer has paid in or what you would have considering interest but the fact is, many would never save a penny.
Rep Rick Allen (R-GA) wants people who work at least 5 days a week, 8 hours a day to work past age 67 so republicans can cut social security. Allen is the 12th richest person in congress…worth $52 MILLION in 2018.

Rep Rick Allen (R-GA) wants people who work at least 5 days a week, 8 hours a day to work past age 67 so republicans can cut social security. Allen is the 12th richest person in congress…worth $52 MILLION in 2018.

democrats are the ones wanting to get rid of social security.....thats why they like insane spending...soon, with bidens budget....there will be nothing for any social programs....that is the plan the communist have...get woke people
Dems don’t work much so don’t pay SS much so they want it either gone or give them the money
In 40’s Into the 70’s people who were 62-65 were totally cooked; like being 75-80 today. Not like that now so somewhere between 65-68 is right now. Into 70’s wrong, get off you ass <45 and work hard and for 20 more years like we always did
The republican party is the party of the rich and turning everyone that isn't rich into the slaves of the rich.

Of course they want to force the old and disabled to be slaves. Sick people.
The republican party is the party of the rich and turning everyone that isn't rich into the slaves of the rich.

Of course they want to force the old and disabled to be slaves. Sick people.
When you look at history this is exactly what the rich want and why they want to get rid of the safetynet. They want wage slaves to use until they drop dead. The rich are the elite that you should all be concern of. How the fuck could a poor person ever support going back to these times is beyond me.
The Dims are the party of millionaires that like to fuck kids.

SS is just political schtick to them. They didn't pay into it and don't even understand what it is. Pass them a 9-year old to rape, and they will STFU in 2 seconds.
Meanwhile Democrats, the king of government jobs retire at 55 with taxpayer funded pensions for life, plus taxpayer funded healthcare and other benefits.
Nothing in the way S.S. is set up stops anyone from continuing to work if they want to and put off S.S. so what is he talking about?
If he truly said that Rep Rick Allen (R-GA) can go F himself. I'm growing tired of government trying to screw us out of the SS benefits they forced us to purchase, MF'ers.

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