Benghazi Redux


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!
Apparently you think ISIS terrorists are like kids playing hide and seek and once the game is called
everyone immediately stops fighting. That's very stupid.
This whole talking point is ignorant. Saying they are defeated, doesnt mean every member is dead.
How stupid.
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!

trump also declared that north korea has abandoned their nukes and we all can sleep easy now because we're all safe.

The problem with that is nothing was agreed on. No formal agreement was written or signed.

And the the fact that North Korea didn't abandon their nukes.

I guess those are just tiny details for trump and his supporters.

The bush boy did the same thing with Iraq on that aircraft carrier telling everyone mission accomplished. LOL.

Republicans have so few successes they just run out and scream about what they do before they're finished and everything is in stone.

This is just another example. That and the fact that trump is nothing but a liar.
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!

trump also declared that north korea has abandoned their nukes and we all can sleep easy now because we're all safe.

The problem with that is nothing was agreed on. No formal agreement was written or signed.

And the the fact that North Korea didn't abandon their nukes.

I guess those are just tiny details for trump and his supporters.

The bush boy did the same thing with Iraq on that aircraft carrier telling everyone mission accomplished. LOL.

Republicans have so few successes they just run out and scream about what they do before they're finished and everything is in stone.

This is just another example. That and the fact that trump is nothing but a liar.
Muslim terrorists are like roaches; they never go away totally. You control them. That’s the victory. That’s why we need to maintain a presence in the region.
Obama abetted and enabled them.
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!
I’m sure it was just the result of an anti-muslim video. Don’t worry about it.
Well, as far as the massive armies ISIS had in both Syria and Iraq they have been decimated for true.

But you have countries like the Ukraine who are employing returning Chechen ISIS members to fight in the east along with Azov Battalion.Nazis and Muslims fighting together again this time against separatists.

You have a maniac in Canada and the Liberal government who is welcoming back Canadian ISIS jihadists.

I would worry more about the ISIS jihadists who have now spread around the world with certain countries who embrace them. Especially when Trudeau has welcomed them with open arms in your backyard.
Really ridiculous comparison. Benghazi had to do with an US Ambassador that never should have been there.

I am sadden by the loss of the soldiers. But they were there on a mission.
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!

What the hell do you liberal peaceniks know about foreign policy and military strategy? Of course ISIS is going to carry out IED attacks: That in their desperation is the only strategy they have left, seeing as how their ranks have been decimated.

Even though when we wiped out 99% of al Qaeda in Iraq, there were still enough of them to carry out IED attacks in Iraq. And even though President Trump has decided that we are going to pull out of Syria doesn't mean that we won't still be gathering intel there, and carrying out drone strikes on whatever ISIS shitheads are left.

They just got lucky with their bombing yesterday. And given the fact that the Border Patrol has today found several Islamic prayer rugs left behind on our southern border, I would have to guess that they are planning attacks within this country as well.

Even more reason to get that damned wall built, before one of those damned improvised explosive devices goes off in your own neighborhood. Don't doubt me: It could happen to you.
Trump and Pence both create propaganda that backfired on them but let's make excuses for their inability to honor themselves with glory.
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!
If you were smarter, you would be asking why are American troops in Syria.
I had a CO during my enlistment and his favorite saying was "One Grenade would kill you all, DISPERSE" ... He had a thing about more than 2 soldiers standing around shooting the breeze...
An insurgent had to have intel that the Military personnel was going to be where they were at... Urban warfare is tough stuff... God Bless the Troops...
Apparently you think ISIS terrorists are like kids playing hide and seek and once the game is called
everyone immediately stops fighting. That's very stupid.

Yup. ISIS is still around and will take any opportunity to kill westerners.

I'd like all our troops pulled out of the ME. If other countries don't like then they can move their troops in.
We have seen the absolutely horrible news (assuming Faux News reported it) that American troops were killed the other day in Syria by ISIS.

WTF, how does a "defeated" ISIS kill Americans? Trump said they were defeated and he was going to pull American troops out. Even today, Pence said ISIS was defeated. By making such outlandish, totally false statements that they were defeated, Trump and Pence not only gave succor to ISIS, but caused them to demonstrate that they were not defeated! It's the old story of "loose lips sink ships." and the Trump administration has the loosest lips around.

What the hell happened? Let''s hope that Nancy calls for a Benghazi type committee to investigate this horrible result of Trump and Pence running their mouths. And, you can bet that the Democrats in the House won't waste over two years and enough money to build Trump's wall in a sham investigation with no legitimate conclusion. And, hopefully, Trey Gowdy will be watching; perhaps he will learn something. Bigly!

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