Ben and Jerry team up with move on dot the org to create democrat inspired ice cream flavors

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream are teaming up with to hold a contest for a new line of Democrat-inspired ice cream flavors.
Ben and Jerry team up with to create Democrat-inspired ice cream flavors

Hopefully these anti american pricks lose some stock moneyeeeeeee, DON'T BUY their DEMOCRATIC BS ICE CREAM don't support a slave driving bastard who wants to control the world ( Soros) and day by day is doing it under false bs he feeds his idiots who aren't intelligent enough to realize his slick pysche. warfare used on them.
Oh &
First off " MOVEON.ORG" is funded and supported by SOROS they very pos loser you should all hate yet the idiots who can't pieces together his ties with the nazis is mind blowing amazing. The dumb bastard admits what he id and who he's associated with, where he grew up etc... He did an interview on sixty minutrs.

The pos funds ANTIFA, BLM............. FOLLOW THE MONEY STOOGES!!
Only an idiot leftist would waste the money on their ice cream...its so fucking over priced.

It is over priced isn't it. I like the organic shit myself.
I don't eat much ice cream ever since I had surgery I just can't handle much dairy...when I do its home made stuff from a local dairy down the road...the goat cheese cherry vanilla is AWESOME.
I already stopped buying Ben & Jerry's awhile back when they donated a million dollars to Black Lives Fecal Matter.
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream are teaming up with to hold a contest for a new line of Democrat-inspired ice cream flavors.
Ben and Jerry team up with to create Democrat-inspired ice cream flavors

Hopefully these anti american pricks lose some stock moneyeeeeeee, DON'T BUY their DEMOCRATIC BS ICE CREAM don't support a slave driving bastard who wants to control the world ( Soros) and day by day is doing it under false bs he feeds his idiots who aren't intelligent enough to realize his slick pysche. warfare used on them.
Oh &
First off " MOVEON.ORG" is funded and supported by SOROS they very pos loser you should all hate yet the idiots who can't pieces together his ties with the nazis is mind blowing amazing. The dumb bastard admits what he id and who he's associated with, where he grew up etc... He did an interview on sixty minutrs.

The pos funds ANTIFA, BLM............. FOLLOW THE MONEY STOOGES!!
I would not touch their product on a bet since George Soros is involved. They must be Commie types with money.
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream are teaming up with to hold a contest for a new line of Democrat-inspired ice cream flavors.
Ben and Jerry team up with to create Democrat-inspired ice cream flavors

Hopefully these anti american pricks lose some stock moneyeeeeeee, DON'T BUY their DEMOCRATIC BS ICE CREAM don't support a slave driving bastard who wants to control the world ( Soros) and day by day is doing it under false bs he feeds his idiots who aren't intelligent enough to realize his slick pysche. warfare used on them.
Oh &
First off " MOVEON.ORG" is funded and supported by SOROS they very pos loser you should all hate yet the idiots who can't pieces together his ties with the nazis is mind blowing amazing. The dumb bastard admits what he id and who he's associated with, where he grew up etc... He did an interview on sixty minutrs.

The pos funds ANTIFA, BLM............. FOLLOW THE MONEY STOOGES!!

So let's figure out the flavors.

How about

  • Guilty can never be proven incinnamon: A crafting of indulgent fudge with cinnamon on the famous foundation of bullshit flavored ice cream to celebrate the establishment of "guilty until proven innocent" for the victims of the party
  • Death Candycane: Peppermint in bullshit to celebrate the gulags and forced labor camps democrats have in store for America. Death camps for all.
  • Brownie Shirt: A creamy bullshit ice cream with chunks of brownie to celebrate ANTIFA and the persistent Kristalnacht they engage in.
  • Mao Tstrawberry Dung: The famous bullshit ice cream with strawberry jam swirled in to look like the blood of democrat hero Mao's 70 million victims.
  • Smoke some Pol Pot: Bullshit ice cream with smoked oyster bits and lots of marijuana. Adolf Hitler only murder one half a percent of his population, Pol Pot butchered 28% of his population, earning him a place as democrat royalty.

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