Believe It Or Not


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Even I was once a proud Zionist. Back in the beginning when Zionism meant a homeland for the Jewish people after the Nazi Holocaust. When Israel was a light for all nations to emulate. When Israel defeated 5 combined Arab countries to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth. When Israel turned a wasteland into a thriving metropolis. When Israel took out Iraq's nuclear reactor for world peace. When Israel re-opened the Gulf of Aquaba for world trade. When Israel protected & defended their own citizens from Palestinian terrorists.

And just look what Zionism has become today. A safe haven for Palestinians from their own Arab brothers in Arab countries. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to fuel this endless conflict provoking the Palestinians by keeping them in Israel instead of finding a way to free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Netanyahoo should be tried & convicted for war crimes against his own Israeli citizens. When will Israel ever learn to treat the Palestinians with the same Arab love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to & so well deserve? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Believe me sir, I have repented for once being a proud Zionist. Like I said, just look what they have become. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to Palestinians only to provoke them to violence to be free?. Face it you Zionists, no Arab country ever treated the Paletinians like Israel does. Shame on those Zionists.

Even I was once a proud Zionist.

Once? Can a person who sells his soul to the Devil get it back?
Buddy, the fences are to keep the arabs OUT of Israel.

I think a repented zionist is called a self-hating jew these days.
I'm sure MJB agrees with me, Hitler got a bad rap. He gives this Jews food and a place to sleep, even free burial services. The ungrateful Jews reply by smearing Hitler.
In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are nearly 6 million. It's called a "slow but steady" genocide.
In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are nearly 6 million. It's called a "slow but steady" genocide.

They invented this new thing, it's called Google. It's for looking up things you don't know. You could use it. Often. :D

Population of Israel, 7,800,000
Arabs are at most 20%, depending on which ones you count.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here are the documented facts. Like I said, in 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just under 6 million of them left. It's one of those "slow but steady" genocides.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are nearly 6 million. It's called a "slow but steady" genocide.

They invented this new thing, it's called Google. It's for looking up things you don't know. You could use it. Often. :D

Population of Israel, 7,800,000
Arabs are at most 20%, depending on which ones you count.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here are the documented facts. Like I said, in 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just under 6 million of them left. It's one of those "slow but steady" genocides.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are nearly 6 million. It's called a "slow but steady" genocide.

They invented this new thing, it's called Google. It's for looking up things you don't know. You could use it. Often. :D

Population of Israel, 7,800,000
Arabs are at most 20%, depending on which ones you count.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok, but even if I agree with your numbers, you're saying that Israel can't let in more arabs because Israel has to be Jewish predominantly? So in the future, when pakis have become the majority in England, the white English will be morally right to stick a whole shitload of them in camps and take their houses for white people?
So then Israel isn't a true democracy, it's a theocracy type of thing like Iran, for example.
No. I am saying that any right of return for the Palestinians is for the surrounding Arab countries to allow. Also, nearly 6 million Palestinians is more than enough squatters in Israel. Don't you agree?

And bear in mind that apartheid Israel is the only country in the entire middle East to have citizens of nearly all living faiths.

Here are the documented facts. Like I said, in 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just under 6 million of them left. It's one of those "slow but steady" genocides.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

They invented this new thing, it's called Google. It's for looking up things you don't know. You could use it. Often. :D

Population of Israel, 7,800,000
Arabs are at most 20%, depending on which ones you count.
Demographics of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ok, but even if I agree with your numbers, you're saying that Israel can't let in more arabs because Israel has to be Jewish predominantly? So in the future, when pakis have become the majority in England, the white English will be morally right to stick a whole shitload of them in camps and take their houses for white people?
So then Israel isn't a true democracy, it's a theocracy type of thing like Iran, for example.
No. I am saying that any right of return for the Palestinians is for the surrounding Arab countries to allow. Also, nearly 6 million Palestinians is more than enough squatters in Israel. Don't you agree?

And bear in mind that apartheid Israel is the only country in the entire middle East to have citizens of nearly all living faiths.

The Pals were never from the surrounding arab countries. Wtf are you talking about?
No. I am saying that any right of return for the Palestinians is for the surrounding Arab countries to allow. Also, nearly 6 million Palestinians is more than enough squatters in Israel. Don't you agree?

And bear in mind that apartheid Israel is the only country in the entire middle East to have citizens of nearly all living faiths.

The Pals were never from the surrounding arab countries. Wtf are you talking about?
He's talking at the Arabs that invaded the area once the Jews arrived, that suddenly started calling themselves Palestinians as of 1967. Prior to that they would call themselves Syrians, Egyptians, or Jordanians.
No. I am saying that any right of return for the Palestinians is for the surrounding Arab countries to allow. Also, nearly 6 million Palestinians is more than enough squatters in Israel. Don't you agree?

And bear in mind that apartheid Israel is the only country in the entire middle East to have citizens of nearly all living faiths.

The Pals were never from the surrounding arab countries. Wtf are you talking about?
He's talking at the Arabs that invaded the area once the Jews arrived, that suddenly started calling themselves Palestinians as of 1967. Prior to that they would call themselves Syrians, Egyptians, or Jordanians.
If Israel ever turns over any land to the Palisimians, they should give it to them in it's original condition of 1948. It would be hell for the Palis to live in barren desert and/or malarial swamps.
No. I am saying that any right of return for the Palestinians is for the surrounding Arab countries to allow. Also, nearly 6 million Palestinians is more than enough squatters in Israel. Don't you agree?

And bear in mind that apartheid Israel is the only country in the entire middle East to have citizens of nearly all living faiths.

The Pals were never from the surrounding arab countries. Wtf are you talking about?
He's talking at the Arabs that invaded the area once the Jews arrived, that suddenly started calling themselves Palestinians as of 1967. Prior to that they would call themselves Syrians, Egyptians, or Jordanians.

So prior to 1967, there were no Jews in Palestine?
Jordan put it to Israel but good when they refused Israel's offer to return the entire West Bank back to them for nothing in return so they could sacrifice this piece of land to dump their Palestinians on Israel. That event alone sent Israel over 2million more Palestinians. Truly, Jordan is the smartest player in the entire Middle East.
Jordan put it to Israel but good when they refused Israel's offer to return the entire West Bank back to them for nothing in return so they could sacrifice this piece of land to dump their Palestinians on Israel. That event alone sent Israel over 2million more Palestinians. Truly, Jordan is the smartest player in the entire Middle East.

The West Bank isn't part of israel you duffus
Regretfully it sure is now. Like I said, after the 67 war Jordan put the screws to Israel but good by giving Israel the West Bank so Jordan could dump their Palestinians on Israel.

Hey Ima, do you think maybe Jordan wants it back now? Let us pray.

Jordan put it to Israel but good when they refused Israel's offer to return the entire West Bank back to them for nothing in return so they could sacrifice this piece of land to dump their Palestinians on Israel. That event alone sent Israel over 2million more Palestinians. Truly, Jordan is the smartest player in the entire Middle East.

The West Bank isn't part of israel you duffus

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