Beleif in AGW catastrophism is collapsing all over.


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Some interesting reading about how the politicians who support carbon taxes etc. are getting voted out of office at a quickening rate. Also the UK long a supporter of anything "green" has started some massive cuts to their programs, some as high as 25%.

The pols are finally getting it.

Lawrence Solomon: Catastrophism collapses | FP Comment | Financial Post
Well, that is the politics of it. Does not change the science or reality on whit. And catastrophes happen.

Yes indeed catastrophes do happen. And now hopefully the money that has been pissed down the drain will be used for something more useful.
The Planet warms and the Planet cools. Humans will either adapt or they wont. All this hysterical fear mongering is pointless. It is what it is in the end.
If the Planet really is warming,Polar Bears and other species will simply have to adapt. If they can't adapt,they will go extinct. This is the way it has always been on this Planet and that's the way it will always be. This stuff really isn't anything new. There is a whole lot of cash to be made off the Global Warming hysteria. Just keep that in mind the next time you see hysterical fear mongering over it. Just follow the money.
Just follow the money. It's certainly no coincidence that the people pushing the Global Warming scam are the same people who stand to make $Billions off new Global Warming legislation. Follow the money. Nuff said.
Some interesting reading about how the politicians who support carbon taxes etc. are getting voted out of office at a quickening rate. Also the UK long a supporter of anything "green" has started some massive cuts to their programs, some as high as 25%.

The pols are finally getting it.

Lawrence Solomon: Catastrophism collapses | FP Comment | Financial Post
Let's see how long the cheerleading lasts once the cash spigot is turned off. I predict it'll be like a california beach house party when the drugs and liquor run out.
Just look at GE's very cozy relationship with this White House. GE stands to make $Trillions off possible new Global Warming legislation. So it's certainly no coincidence they have suddenly become so "Green." People just need to use common sense and follow the money. It's all just sad fear mongering hysteria in the end. I do think many more people are catching on though.
Oh they don't have to worry till after P-BO is voted out. We won't even acknowledge this happening policy-wise because it's a means to the end of the progressofascists in power to cement their control in perpetuity through Cap and Tax.

Even after he's thrown out of office, unless we have a particularly vocal and angry conservative/libertarian congress as well, there will be almost no repealing either. But, after a year and a half... this may be possible. Not sure yet.

But if the economy tanks early on them, it's a different game then.
If the Planet really is warming,Polar Bears and other species will simply have to adapt. If they can't adapt,they will go extinct. This is the way it has always been on this Planet and that's the way it will always be. This stuff really isn't anything new. There is a whole lot of cash to be made off the Global Warming hysteria. Just keep that in mind the next time you see hysterical fear mongering over it. Just follow the money.

They'll have to evolve, no?

Shorthaired Polar bears, looking like Ren in Ren & Stimpy


"Stimpy, my friend, I used to be a polar bear until ManMade Global Warming"
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Hey,you want to hug or even f*ck a tree,that's your right. Just don't demand that the Government pass laws forcing the rest of us to bow to the Global Warming alarmist nutters. I believe in freedom. I respect your right and freedom to hug or f*ck a tree. Now please respect my right and freedom to not want to do that. That's all i'm saying. "Leaving the Planet in better shape for future generations?" Nope. F*ck em. They'll have to deal with problems handed down to them just like all generations have had to. Why are they so special? Will they care about us after we're dead & buried. I doubt it. So they're on their own as far as i'm concerned. I wish them luck though. We're all just gonna eat,drink,sh*t,f*ck,and then die. This is the way it is and the way it has always been. So just enjoy the short time you're here on this planet. Don't sweat all the silly fear mongering stuff. Just live. Hey that's just how i feel anyway.
Hey,you want to hug or even f*ck a tree,that's your right. Just don't demand that the Government pass laws forcing the rest of us to bow to the Global Warming alarmist nutters. I believe in freedom. I respect your right and freedom to hug or f*ck a tree. Now please respect my right and freedom to not want to do that. That's all i'm saying. "Leaving the Planet in better shape for future generations?" Nope. F*ck em. They'll have to deal with problems handed down to them just like all generations have had to. Why are they so special? Will they care about us after we're dead & buried. I doubt it. So they're on their own as far as i'm concerned. I wish them luck though. We're all just gonna eat,drink,sh*t,f*ck,and then die. This is the way it is and the way it has always been. So just enjoy the short time you're here on this planet. Don't sweat all the silly fear mongering stuff. Just live. Hey that's just how i feel anyway.

Well, that is the politics of it. Does not change the science or reality on whit. And catastrophes happen.

Yes indeed catastrophes do happen. And now hopefully the money that has been pissed down the drain will be used for something more useful.


Things like protecting the existing rainforests from destruction. This would have definite measurable benefits for the planet. Or maybe actually building a asteroid defence system.
Unlike GW an asteroid strike really does have a very real chance of wiping us out. Wouldn't it be nice to actually have a chance to prevent that?

Please oh wise one...what is so cuckoo about that?
If the Planet really is warming,Polar Bears and other species will simply have to adapt. If they can't adapt,they will go extinct. This is the way it has always been on this Planet and that's the way it will always be. This stuff really isn't anything new. There is a whole lot of cash to be made off the Global Warming hysteria. Just keep that in mind the next time you see hysterical fear mongering over it. Just follow the money.

You're wrong. It IS new. The time course in changes that we're seeing now is much shorter than those that induce evolution. What we're seeing now could be compared to rapid changes in the past that usually led to mass extinctions.
If the Planet really is warming,Polar Bears and other species will simply have to adapt. If they can't adapt,they will go extinct. This is the way it has always been on this Planet and that's the way it will always be. This stuff really isn't anything new. There is a whole lot of cash to be made off the Global Warming hysteria. Just keep that in mind the next time you see hysterical fear mongering over it. Just follow the money.

You're wrong. It IS new. The time course in changes that we're seeing now is much shorter than those that induce evolution. What we're seeing now could be compared to rapid changes in the past that usually led to mass extinctions.

Like i said,Humans will either adapt to a possibly warming Planet or they wont. It really is that simple in the end. Modern Humans just have giant egos and really do believe that they're so special. They're wrong though. Humans will have to adapt or they will die just like every other life form on this Planet. Modern Humans are just having a hard time accepting this reality. Humans will just have to get over themselves and accept things. All other lifeforms already have. Don't live in fear. Just live. You really wont be around as long as you think. We're just not here very long so i suggest you enjoy that time. I know i am.
If the Planet really is warming,Polar Bears and other species will simply have to adapt. If they can't adapt,they will go extinct. This is the way it has always been on this Planet and that's the way it will always be. This stuff really isn't anything new. There is a whole lot of cash to be made off the Global Warming hysteria. Just keep that in mind the next time you see hysterical fear mongering over it. Just follow the money.

You're wrong. It IS new. The time course in changes that we're seeing now is much shorter than those that induce evolution. What we're seeing now could be compared to rapid changes in the past that usually led to mass extinctions.

Like i said,Humans will either adapt to a possibly warming Planet or they wont. It really is that simple in the end. Modern Humans just have giant egos and really do believe that they're so special. They're wrong though. Humans will have to adapt or they will die just like every other life form on this Planet. Modern Humans are just having a hard time accepting this reality. Humans will just have to get over themselves and accept things. All other lifeforms already have. Don't live in fear. Just live. You really wont be around as long as you think. We're just not here very long so i suggest you enjoy that time. I know i am.

...and I repeat, NO it isn't that simple. It ISN'T a natural phenomenon we're talking about. They're ENTIRELY different scenarios. You seem to not understand what we can and have done to the planet, already. To say that a species that can destroy the planet several times over "just has a giant ego" is clueless in the extreme.

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