Zone1 Being racist is not a crime

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I’ve said nothing racist. I simply hold black people, like anyone else, responsible for their own actions. They can solve a lot of their problems by reducing their high illegitimacy rate.

All you’re showing is that leftists don’t know what racism is.
You are racist.

You view "race" (whatever the heck that is) as the standard of value and the individual as merely a smsller cell in a larger racial organism.

This is what racism is and the antidote to the illness is reason and individualism.

Colorblindness is the only civilized way forward.
So? Point away, you still can't change anything, no matter how you try.
Plus, he’s wrong when he points it out! He’s doing the “lib dance” - and on a Zone 1 thread - in which he calls people racist for completely valid points.

Why is explaining that there is a correlation between high out-of-wedlock rates and high crime rates - and noting that blacks are responsible for their own actions - racist? What would be racist would be if someone would say that blacks can’t help themselves, or be held accountable.

Yet libs hate when conservatives make valid points about the cause of problems in inner-city black areas: it’s not racism, but high illegitimacy rates.
So? Point away, you still can't change anything, no matter how you try.
Neither can you change the fact that you are a despised minority. Everybody but other racists hate your kind. Nobody respects you.
Plus, he’s wrong when he points it out! He’s doing the “lib dance” - and on a Zone 1 thread - in which he calls people racist for completely valid points.

Why is explaining that there is a correlation between high out-of-wedlock rates and high crime rates - and noting that blacks are responsible for their own actions - racist? What would be racist would be if someone would say that blacks can’t help themselves, or be held accountable.

Yet libs hate when conservatives make valid points about the cause of problems in inner-city black areas: it’s not racism, but high illegitimacy rates.
I think where it gets racist is when you are ascribing the problems, solutions and responsibility to an entire racial group and not individuals AND you don’t demand that of any other race.
You are racist.

You view "race" (whatever the heck that is) as the standard of value and the individual as merely a smsller cell in a larger racial organism.

This is what racism is and the antidote to the illness is reason and individualism.

Colorblindness is the only civilized way forward.

"Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge / Announcements / Race Relations-Racism / Religion and Ethics: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics.
I think where it gets racist is when you are ascribing the problems, solutions and responsibility to an entire racial group and not individuals AND you don’t demand that of any other race.
No other race is blaming their problems on racism. If they were, I’d explain to them as well why their own behavior is causing their problems.

And I’ve said repeatedly, and it should also be obvious, that I am not talking about the majority of blacks. The majority of blacks are working and middle class (like the majority of all Americans). I am specifically talking about the poor blacks in crime-ridden cities. Their problems are not due to racism but to their own choices and actions - and they can always change that.
It is apparent that whites like you have mental problems. You sit on you butt all day posting overt racism and then you say ---- like this. You're an idiot son. If not for racism, white men like you would be hobos.
If not for racism blacks like you would be responsible for themselves. You are a Stepnfetchit. Worthy of mockery and ridicule. Now go do a little tap dance.
So? What are you going to do about it?

Nothing? I thought so. :laughing0301:
About you personally? Nothing. But your ilk will never wield any kind of power again. You're just like some leftovers that nobody wants to warm up. It sits in the fridge for a few days, then it gets thrown out.
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