Behavior of Scientologists and Liberals Eerily Similar


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I kind of knew both were lunatics...
February 18, 2017
Behavior of Scientologists and Liberals Eerily Similar
By Pete Vanderzwet

Disconnection in Scientology is described as the organization directing members to sever all ties with family members and friends who dare criticize practices of the Church of Scientology and its dogmas, leaders, and beliefs. Labeled "suppressive persons," these enemies of the church are isolated from their social network, labeled in public as hateful, and when the dogmas of Scientology are rejected or criticized, they're ultimately "disconnected." "Suppressive persons" are dehumanized, categorized as evil, hateful, destructive, and the source of history's most catastrophic events.

Sound familiar?

Marching in rank with L. Ron Hubbard's guidance, liberals are now demanding that everyone within their bubble of experience disconnect from individuals who would dare question their ideology. "Suppressive persons" to the new left can easily be named: Ann Coulter, Gavin McInnes, Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopolous, etc. Basically, if you've ever been invited to give a talk at a university and someone pulled the fire alarm, you're probably on their list.

Resistance to opposing points of view is carried out in a number of ways: name-calling and dehumanization (Nazi, Hitler, racist, sexist, Islamophobe), lighting things on fire, pulling fire alarms, blocking streets, etc. Jeremy Scahill's recent tantrum represents yet another tactic: outright refusal to participate in discussion with people their cult of social Marxism has identified as their version of "suppressive persons." Invited to participate on Real Time with Bill Maher, Scahill canceled his participation on the show when he found out he would be appearing with the hyper-labeled Milo Yiannopoulos.

All of the key tactics are there. Milo is dehumanized as hateful, "openly … racist," "anti-immigrant," transphobic, etc. None of this is true, of course, and examples are lacking due to this absence of evidence. The attack and "disconnection" in this case, however, are meant not to affect the taping of the show, but to again smear Milo and publically identify him as a form of "suppressive person" using the same strategies dictated by Hubbard.

Dr. Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto has developed a nine-point list detailing the mechanisms of behavior behind socially Marxist/SJW political correctness:

  1. Identify an area of human activity.
  2. Note a distribution of success.
  3. Identify winners and losers.
  4. Claim that the losers are losing only because they are oppressed by the winners.
  5. Claim allegiance with the losers.
  6. Feel secure in your comprehensive explanation of the world.
  7. Revel in your moral superiority.
  8. Target your resentment toward your newly discovered enemies.
  9. Repeat. Forever. Everywhere.
In Scahill's public shaming of Milo we see the second half of that list very much on display – and display is what it's all about.

To his credit, Maher condemned Scahill's bailout:


Articles: Behavior of Scientologists and Liberals Eerily Similar
Scientology is a cult and I've been labeling the Left as a cult for weeks now. It's time we all recognized the Left for what it is. We should set up deprogramming services for these Liberals.
I've been saying that progressives are just as much religious zealots as any Jihadist. Their religion is progressivism, and like any religious kooks they blindly believe in their religion regardless of the facts that clearly prove their beliefs are wrong or harmful.

For example, their religion dictates that multiculturalism is necessary. Hell, I would say it's one of the pillars, and a sacred belief to the left. Even though history and statistics show that Muslims do not assimilate into Western culture, and thus should not be allowed into Western culture, the left cannot and will not ever give into logic and reason. They will push for Muslims and the Islamification of the West all the way. They are fanatics.

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