Before you vote for Biden and his socialist pals running for office, read this!

Desperation time already? :) Well, first off, no one in this country is proposing the government or the state controls the means of production.

As Sanders has boasted, Biden would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”:poke:

HINT: When Sanders talks about Biden being the “most progressive president since FDR” that essentially mean he would be the most socialist president since FDR judging on the particulars of the manifesto he signed. He surely does not support and defend a free market, free enterprise system, and a federal government protecting the defined and limited powers granted to our federal government by our Constitution.

Here is a link to the 110 page manifesto that Biden signed.


Joe Biden and the Democrat Leadership want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with the millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

One small problem with your posting. At the very end of the PDF, the Signatories are listed. As in the supporters. Here they are.

Fmr. Sec. of State John Kerry, Co-chair
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Co-chair
Rep. Kathy Castor
Kerry Duggan
Catherine Flowers
Rep. Conor Lamb
Gina McCarthy
Rep. Donald McEachin

Varshini Prakash

Notice the one name missing? The very one you claim has endorsed it. Had he endorsed it it would have his name on it. Stop making shit up.

And I don't disagree with it. I only disagree with the timelines to accomplish it. If we were still using the Energy and Manufacturing production we were in the 1920s, the world would already be dead. We have made marked improvements already. I've seen that in my lifetime. Maybe your lifetime isn't long enough to see it.
You bring back the past when it is to your advantage in agendas. The whole issue is...Could we be a richer nation and world with more for all then we currently are?

We could be a lot better off. Or we could be a lot worse off. Depends on which direct we took at any given time. And it depends on a lot of factors and to whom you are referring to. You need to be a lot more specific than being so general.
Ok shithead post some of the socialist policies that Biden has proposed.
The Bernie/Alexandria New Green Deal for one. Medicare for all, for another. Kapish, shithead?
Bernie Sanders stepped aside for Old Senile Joe provided Joe pushed Bernie's socialist policies.
Don't you know anything, you ignorant fuck?

Show me were Biden has said that he was going to implement Sander's policies, post that shit for brains.
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
Ooohhh, I sense the GRU at work here, How's the weather in Moscow.

There is nothing wrong with the new green deal. No time limit has been set on it's accomplishment. As Technology permits, each part will become a reality. Some of it is already happening. And some of it has been happening since 1901. BTW, the biggest strides for Ecological Conservation in the past has been made by order of Republican Presidents. But you aren't a real Republican. You are a Party of the Rumper.

As for Medicare for Everyone, Biden has already spoken out against that. He won't support it. He is a proponent for working with both sides of the isle to come up with a workable solution. Don't let that fact get in the way of your lie.

Now, get back with your GRU handler or ask Hannity for an update. WE aren't buying what you are selling anymore. Rump just dropped to 15 points behind Biden as of Yesterday.
Yes. Your many references to the GRU are very effective political agitprop.
Please don't push me in the briar patch, Brer Fox!

As for medicare the problem is "everyone" has NOT agreed to drop the matter.

And keep up your tiresome Kos Kids rhetoric. You're doing great!
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....
Show me were Biden has said that he was going to implement Sander's policies, post that shit for brains.
It's part of the quid pro quo arrangement between the DNC and Benie Sanders.
How come you are the only person in the country who doesn't know that?

Try taking off your butt cheek ear muffs. You might discover a lot of new things, you dumb racist
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

That is silly because the main problem with Venezuela is that the US is conducting an illegal economic embargo against them, so they can not use the world banking system. That means they can't pay anyone to fix broken refineries, and they can't sell oil to anyone.
Not to mention we are sending massive armed mercenaries in to assassinate and extort.
Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
I never claimed ALL democrats slavishly follow Biden and we all know about the Never Trumpers that
do not back the president.

But keep putting up those straw man arguments and I will continue to burn them down.
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??

no retard ...socialism. exactly what the demonrats and their supporters are supporting. you must be 1 of them if you need 2 ask
Last edited:
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

That is silly because the main problem with Venezuela is that the US is conducting an illegal economic embargo against them, so they can not use the world banking system. That means they can't pay anyone to fix broken refineries, and they can't sell oil to anyone.
Not to mention we are sending massive armed mercenaries in to assassinate and extort.

wheres your facts to back that assertion up?
Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
I never claimed ALL democrats slavishly follow Biden and we all know about the Never Trumpers that
do not back the president.

But keep putting up those straw man arguments and I will continue to burn them down.

The fact that MOST Democrats support Biden because he got the Nomination means that MOST Democrats support Biden more than Bernie should mean that the crap that is being spewed confusing what Biden says and what Bernie says is a patent lie.
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.

I disagree.
I think the vast majority of democrats do support what Bernie represents, but that the bankers and Wall St. shut them out.
The democratic party used to be liberal, progressive, and populist, but no more.
The bankers and Wall St. bought them out.
Look at what the democratic party stands for now, massive military spending, foreign use of force, imperialism, colonialism, gun control, police state like the War on Drugs and 3 Strikes, immigration of low cost labor, etc.
Those are all what used to be republican stands.
The democratic party has not even supported unions in decades.
There is nothing progressive or liberal about the democratic party anymore.
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
your demonrats are not just traitors, they are treasonists. and you are to blind/ 1 sided to see anything but.......
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??

no retard socialism. exactly what the demonrats and their supporters are supporting. you must be 1 of them if you need 2 ask

II am still waiting for anyone to name a single Socialist Government. And don't say Venezuela. It's a failed Dictatorship.
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
your demonrats are not just traitors, they are treasonists. and you are to blind/ 1 sided to see anything but.......

Thank you for giving yet another reason for my opinion of


How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

That is silly because the main problem with Venezuela is that the US is conducting an illegal economic embargo against them, so they can not use the world banking system. That means they can't pay anyone to fix broken refineries, and they can't sell oil to anyone.
Not to mention we are sending massive armed mercenaries in to assassinate and extort.

wheres your facts to back that assertion up?

Trump imposes economic embargo against Venezuela
First-ever expanded sanctions against a western hemisphere government in over 30 years similar to those faced by Cuba
The order, signed late on Monday, freezes all Venezuelan government assets in the United States and barred transactions with its authorities.

There is a lot more, that has been going on for almost a decade, so include Obama as well as Trump.
Basically the US is deliberately sabotaging Venezuela, and has been ever since Chavez was voted in.

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