Because He Said So

You have not provided any. And you won't. Please, enjoy the rest of your life on planet Lunacy.
FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.
Anomalies and irregularities have been a found in all versions. The Nov 10th Version showed 23,305 ballots having a “Returned” date before their actual “Mailed” date. The Nov 16th Version change most of the ballots, leaving only 185 ballots with this anomaly. The December 16th version has only 181.
With each updated version, ballots are deleted. There were 9,763 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 10th Version and Nov 16th Version. 3,687 fewer ballot entries between the Nov 16th Version and the December 16th Version.
The Texas Lawsuit lays out many of the impossible anomalies from the Nov 10th Version.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.

On December 3rd, HereIsTheEvidence released the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to enable anyone (including journalists) to verify/find anomalies in election data.
Killary wasn't defrauded. You left that part out.
Really? 1688 poll closings in minority areas in the south is preventing minorities from voting. So is purging over a million voters illegally from the voter roles. You can call it defraud if you want. I call it suppression.
FACT 1: OpenDataPA allowed anyone to download the Mail Ballot Request CSV database showing the life cycle of every mail-in/absentee ballot, which PA periodically updates.

FACT 2: There have been 4 known versions up this database so far. A Nov 6th Version, Nov 10th Version, Nov 16th Version, and Dec 16th Version. The changes between versions were never disclosed to the public.

FACT 3: Access to the database was blocked on November 21st after viral videos drew public attention and then were unblocked on November 25th after Pennsylvania certified Vice President Joe Biden on November 24th.

On December 3rd, HereIsTheEvidence released the HereIsTheEvidence Analyzer to enable anyone (including journalists) to verify/find anomalies in election data.
Anomalies, drawing attention, are all speculation and buzz words for conspiracy quacks like you. None of this produced fraudulent vote counts. Next?
Dont forget the Dimocrap cheaters that paid off massively corrupt voting companies and their employees to create corrupted programs for those voting machines, and the employees producing millions upon millions of fake ballots.

Of course, when you ask them about this, they go all "turtle" on you.......
Link? 😂
Anomalies, drawing attention, are all speculation and buzz words for conspiracy quacks like you. None of this produced fraudulent vote counts. Next?
Those votes dropped in number. 23,305 to 181. That does not happen in an election. That is fraud, dumbass.
When I ask one of you why they believe it was a stolen election I get a lot of vague answers and talking points. When I finally get someone to give me specifics details I am able to prove them wrong, it has happened multiple times on this forum with a few that would actually give specifics
And the specifics include anomalies, irregularities, drawing attention, and other non-substantive specifics, that for 13 months have told us a few things. These folks are sore losers, they are mentally deranged, they are liars, they are cheaters, and they have no love for country. How could they after this?
And the specifics include anomalies, irregularities, drawing attention, and other non-substantive specifics, that for 13 months have told us a few things. These folks are sore losers, they are mentally deranged, they are liars, they are cheaters, and they have no love for country. How could they after this?
6. As laid out in the Texas lawsuit, Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot anomalies at 118,426 affected ballots. The anomalies from this December 16th version shows:

  • 161,774 records have alterations
    • Of these alterations:
      • 116,840 were Returned Dates changes
      • 69,004 were marked “Returned” after Nov 3rd
      • 19,660 were marked “Returned” after Nov 6th
  • 13,450 ballots have been deleted since Nov 10th
  • 10,415 Return Date with no Mail Date
  • 5,052 Applications Returned after Ballot Mailed
  • 1,034 Applications Approved after Application Returned

You can see why it never got to a court.
Those votes dropped in number. 23,305 to 181. That does not happen in an election. That is fraud, dumbass.
I just want to ask the administrators of the Pennsylvania election database, were you turning back the clock? You took the data records provided to the public as a game? And you falsified them at will. What were you trying to cover up?

Are you wearing a suit? If you are, you are an idiot with a suit. When you link something like this, where the investigator is asking questions, what is the first thing that should pop in your head, if you are not a conspiracy nut? Thank you! In reading this nonsense, it's clear there was a clerical mistake, not election fraud.

Let me explain this where a fourth grader could understand it. If this was a real attempt at voter fraud, to make a difference, why would this be fraud on such a small scale? BECAUSE IT WASN'T FRAUD you idiot.

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