Be Header Not An Islamist

Islam is the common denominator.

The sect or faction doesn't matter anywhere near as much.

When was the last time you heard about a Christian cutting someone's head off because they wouldn't accept Christ as their savior?
On any kind of appreciable scale, one would probably have to journey back to the 1500s or 1600s to find so-called 'Christians' (acting in contravention to their Founder's teachings rather than in conformity with those teachings) doing anything even remotely akin to that.
Is Be Header related to Be Arthur or Aunt Be?

To be header or not to be header ...

Or should it be

To behead her or not to behead her ?

Sick of the fake indignation from the same old RWs.

The poor man who went to work today thinking he would go home tonight - he was black. If he had been gunned down in the street for doing nothing, the RWs would be popping champagne corks.


The poor black muslim that you feel sorry for was shot and killed. Too bad it didn't happen before he beheaded an innocent lady.

i read where he survived and is in the hospital in "serious condition".....,

what is the truth of this atrocity ??

hummmmmmm ??
Notice the language. "Shortly before 4:15 p.m., callers told police someone was being stabbed in a fit of workplace violence."

911: What's your emergency?
"We need the police. Someone was being stabbed in a fit of workplace violence."

Callers told police that there was "a fit of workplace violence".

Yep, you would talk like that as well in that kind of situation. Surely you talk to the police that way. You people agree? Right people? Right?
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Notice the language. "Shortly before 4:15 p.m., callers told police someone was being stabbed in a fit of workplace violence."

911: What's your emergency?
"We need the police. Someone was being stabbed in a fit of workplace violence."

Callers told police that there was "a fit of workplace violence".

Yep, you would talk like that as well in that kind of situation. Surely you talk to the police that way. You people agree? Right people? Right?

Workplace violence is a recent PC invention by the Obama administration that only applies to muslims that kill Americans where they work. It is Political Correctness taken to the 10th degree and is absurd beyond belief.

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