
It appears Julia has been quietly harboring hostile disapproval of her sister's romantic (erotic) involvement with a hairy, tattooed (self-mutilated) freak. If this is true I wonder if her motivation is conscious or pre-conscious, protective or envious.
It appears Julia has been quietly harboring hostile disapproval of her sister's romantic (erotic) involvement with a hairy, tattooed (self-mutilated) freak. If this is true I wonder if her motivation is conscious or pre-conscious, protective or envious.
I think she feels the same disgust as everyone else. Her sis looks like a skank hanging out with that pig.
I wish they would do one thing right this season and get Liz out the door tonight.
I think she feels the same disgust as everyone else. Her sis looks like a skank hanging out with that pig.
I agree with that assessment. I think the twins are very pretty girls. There is a sweetness about them which has been sullied by Liz's surprising attraction to a man whom I regard as the diametric opposite of the type she would choose, e.g., Clay, who is clean-cut and handsome. Austin is a sleazy character who looks like he smells bad.

One aspect of that relationship I failed to consider until now is because Julia is an identical twin of this now infamously degraded girl her future will be equally affected.

As the father of three girls, now grown women -- two of whom are mothers, I'm very curious to know what the twins' father thinks of Liz's libertine conduct -- especially on national television. She now has a reputation that would accommodate a career in porn films and I'm wondering if she might take a step in that potentially lucrative direction.

Anyway, I was away last night (Thursday, 9/10) and I forgot to record B/B so I have no idea what happened. I recall both twins were on the Block, so who was evicted? Liz or Julia?
I think she feels the same disgust as everyone else. Her sis looks like a skank hanging out with that pig.
I agree with that assessment. I think the twins are very pretty girls. There is a sweetness about them which has been sullied by Liz's surprising attraction to a man whom I regard as the diametric opposite of the type she would choose, e.g., Clay, who is clean-cut and handsome. Austin is a sleazy character who looks like he smells bad.

One aspect of that relationship I failed to consider until now is because Julia is an identical twin of this now infamously degraded girl her future will be equally affected.

As the father of three girls, now grown women -- two of whom are mothers, I'm very curious to know what the twins' father thinks of Liz's libertine conduct -- especially on national television. She now has a reputation that would accommodate a career in porn films and I'm wondering if she might take a step in that potentially lucrative direction.

Anyway, I was away last night (Thursday, 9/10) and I forgot to record B/B so I have no idea what happened. I recall both twins were on the Block, so who was evicted? Liz or Julia?
They had videos from all of their families. The twins' mother wasn't on the video, not sure if that was her dad or not but there are questions about why she didn't participate in the vid.
Ack. Just....ACK! Last nights show was awful. FRANKIE and his skanky sister as a reward. Done on 9/11, with a gal that said she hates america and americans. Well done! Not.

EvelDick had a cow at twitter about it.
It appears Julia has been quietly harboring hostile disapproval of her sister's romantic (erotic) involvement with a hairy, tattooed (self-mutilated) freak. If this is true I wonder if her motivation is conscious or pre-conscious, protective or envious.
I think she feels the same disgust as everyone else. Her sis looks like a skank hanging out with that pig.
I didn't start watching BB-17 until a few weeks had passed. I recall when I did start watching Liz showed zero interest in Austin. In fact she seemed a bit put off by him, so it came as a surprise when she suddenly became receptive to him.

Recalling something I once read about a young girl who was so traumatized when a boy she had a deep crush on turned away from her and took up with her best friend she reacted by sleeping around freely and acquired the reputation of "town pump." So it occurs to me now that Liz started in with Austin shortly after the Shelli put her hooks into Clay.

As I said, I missed the first few weeks of Big Brother so I don't know if Liz had shown any interest in Clay. But if she did it could have something to do with her behavior with Austin.

What do you think?
I think Liz is bored and the "bad boy" thing took over. She HAS been seen in his company since this thing has been over, but I think she is just with him as a joy ride. It won't last.

Sorry, you didn't ask me, but I answered anyway with my humble opinion. ;)
And the winner is...
Steve! Liz won 50000.00 and James won America's Favorite Player winning 25000.00

Out of the three left, I am happy with that. Vanessa was pretty pissed at Steve for evicting her. I'm surprised she didn't cry.

Watching the backyard interviews now. One of my favorite parts of the season.
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I don't know if I told you before but I just love Julie Chen. She always dresses so cute and she is so funny. She just told a story on her show about how Carrie Underwood's dogs accidentally locked the car doors with her 4 month old baby inside. She said Carrie was so scared and worried but before Carrie could say Jesus Take The Wheel, her brother came to her rescue to break the window.

:lol: Julie was laughing at that joke herself..

Julie's funny. Did you know she's married to Les Moonves who is also the chief executive of CBS. I think Big Brother has always been her pet project. She said in an interview I read that she likes strong players especially the villains people who are not afraid to get blood on their hands and she can't stand floaters. She said if she was in the house she be a competitive strong player. she does seem to have a good sense of humor.
Yes, I knew she was married to that ultra rich guy and one reason I like her so much is she is so down to earth and engaging anyway. She's not a snob. She can be tough like with those racist house guests a couple of years ago but she's good at what she does.
We are going to find out she was complicit and knew her husband was a sexual predator. No way she didn't know. In fact, how do you think she got on all these shows?

And then she doesn't go on her show THE TALK to talk about what's going on but then she goes on to host big brother where she can pretend nothing happened?

Kathy Griffin accuses Julie Chen of enabling Leslie Moonves

And when you watch the show where the girls on the talk discuss Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson's breast incident, you will see Julie Chen was the only one who wasn't supportive of Janet Jackson. That's because her husband was hell bent to destroy Janet's career because she didn't properly apologize to him after the incident. Yea les, we know what that means. In other words she didn't blow you.

Julie Chen sold her soul for fame and fortune. She's a fake. A phony.

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