Bay Area / California Politicians Are ChiComs' Favorite US Politicians To Target


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats are almost guaranteed to win elections in California, especially the Bay Area, making backing / successfully getting access to Democrat candidates / politicians such a safe investment for the ChiComs.

Axios' recent report on a Chinese Spy (Fang Fang, aka Christine Fang) and Bay Area / California Politicians highlights U.S. vulnerabilities to Influence Operations.

According to Axios, Chinese national Fang Fang (also known as Christine Fang) was a student when she began to form relationships with Bay Area political figures

Fang was able to insert herself into several political campaigns at the local, state, and national levels, according to Axios:
  • According to a former campus organizer and social media posts, she volunteered for Ro Khanna’s unsuccessful 2014 House bid.
  • According to a Bay Area political operative and a current U.S. intelligence official, Fang took part in fundraising activity for Representative Eric Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign.
  • Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office.
  • Fang attended regional conferences for U.S. mayors, which allowed her to grow her network of politicians across the country.
  • Fang helped with a fundraiser for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) in 2013.

"While these activities were concentrated on Democrat Party candidates, this makes sense in California. Democrats are more likely to win, especially in the Bay Area, and ultimately move to higher offices. Relationships are easier to build at the local level, where budgets are smaller. And according to Axios, California and the Bay Area are targets because of the prevalence of the technology sector and its influence on national politics."

The Axios investigation reveals the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) long-term view. With the CCP’s hold on power, they can develop strategies that take decades to execute.

"The case demonstrates China’s strategy of cultivating relationships that may take years or even decades to bear fruit. The Chinese Communist Party knows that today’s mayors and city council members are tomorrow’s governors and members of Congress."

The ChiComs also know the Democrats are greedy, self-enriching, power-hungry, criminal elitists who can easily, as seen, be manipulated, bribed, and bought.

For example, the DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared they have physical, financial, criminal evidence of both Hunter Biden illegally laundering Russian money and of the Bidens receiving $1.5 BILLION from the ChiComs.

Joe Biden is the exact definition of 'Compromised President' ... but no more so than Ca D-Senator Diane Feinstein. Feinstein and her husband climbed willingly into bed with the ChiComs decades ago. Feinstein's husband's company partnered with ChiCom Govt and military businesses to make a fortune while Diane Feinstein was given the Committee Chairwoman position that allowed her to dole out US govt contracts - records show she was extremely favorable to Chinese companies and to her own husbands'. When former CIA-Director Brennan was busted for illegally spying on the US Senate he set off a chain reaction that resulted in the announcement that Diane Feinstein had facilitated Chinese espionage by having a Chinese spy as one of her inner staff for DECADES.

The entire espionage case was brushed under the carpet as the spy was allowed to go back to China without being held / questioned...there was NO investigation at all. There were no fully-armored, heavily-armed feds raiding Feinstein's home at 4am with a full CNN camera crew. Feinstein was not questioned at all.....just as Joe Biden will not be investigated before taking the helm of the US govt.

Swalwell, Feinstein, Pelosi...Hillary, Biden....

The ChiComs only heavily 'invest' their money in near sure-things....and that has been proven to mean DEMOCRATS.

COVID has emboldened China beyond anything we have seen. They can't believe how well their viral attack on us and the world has worked out for them. And now their paid for puppet is poised to take the Presidency. They are ramping up military production like never before and will be more aggressive in expanding their footprint. Who is going to stop them?
Democrats are almost guaranteed to win elections in California, especially the Bay Area, making backing / successfully getting access to Democrat candidates / politicians such a safe investment for the ChiComs.

Axios' recent report on a Chinese Spy (Fang Fang, aka Christine Fang) and Bay Area / California Politicians highlights U.S. vulnerabilities to Influence Operations.

According to Axios, Chinese national Fang Fang (also known as Christine Fang) was a student when she began to form relationships with Bay Area political figures

Fang was able to insert herself into several political campaigns at the local, state, and national levels, according to Axios:
  • According to a former campus organizer and social media posts, she volunteered for Ro Khanna’s unsuccessful 2014 House bid.
  • According to a Bay Area political operative and a current U.S. intelligence official, Fang took part in fundraising activity for Representative Eric Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign.
  • Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office.
  • Fang attended regional conferences for U.S. mayors, which allowed her to grow her network of politicians across the country.
  • Fang helped with a fundraiser for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) in 2013.

"While these activities were concentrated on Democrat Party candidates, this makes sense in California. Democrats are more likely to win, especially in the Bay Area, and ultimately move to higher offices. Relationships are easier to build at the local level, where budgets are smaller. And according to Axios, California and the Bay Area are targets because of the prevalence of the technology sector and its influence on national politics."

The Axios investigation reveals the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) long-term view. With the CCP’s hold on power, they can develop strategies that take decades to execute.

"The case demonstrates China’s strategy of cultivating relationships that may take years or even decades to bear fruit. The Chinese Communist Party knows that today’s mayors and city council members are tomorrow’s governors and members of Congress."

The ChiComs also know the Democrats are greedy, self-enriching, power-hungry, criminal elitists who can easily, as seen, be manipulated, bribed, and bought.

For example, the DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared they have physical, financial, criminal evidence of both Hunter Biden illegally laundering Russian money and of the Bidens receiving $1.5 BILLION from the ChiComs.

Joe Biden is the exact definition of 'Compromised President' ... but no more so than Ca D-Senator Diane Feinstein. Feinstein and her husband climbed willingly into bed with the ChiComs decades ago. Feinstein's husband's company partnered with ChiCom Govt and military businesses to make a fortune while Diane Feinstein was given the Committee Chairwoman position that allowed her to dole out US govt contracts - records show she was extremely favorable to Chinese companies and to her own husbands'. When former CIA-Director Brennan was busted for illegally spying on the US Senate he set off a chain reaction that resulted in the announcement that Diane Feinstein had facilitated Chinese espionage by having a Chinese spy as one of her inner staff for DECADES.

The entire espionage case was brushed under the carpet as the spy was allowed to go back to China without being held / questioned...there was NO investigation at all. There were no fully-armored, heavily-armed feds raiding Feinstein's home at 4am with a full CNN camera crew. Feinstein was not questioned at all.....just as Joe Biden will not be investigated before taking the helm of the US govt.

Swalwell, Feinstein, Pelosi...Hillary, Biden....

The ChiComs only heavily 'invest' their money in near sure-things....and that has been proven to mean DEMOCRATS.

But bu bu muh russia
We just need to say it...that China owns the dems.....this is why Biden wants to do away with the America first policy...wake up libs...your party is full of spies....


"Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., was “so preoccupied with going after President Trump” that he was not “protecting the USA from bad actors,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Wednesday, reacting to a report of a Chinese spy infiltrating Congress.

“This is only the tip of the iceberg because remember what we’re hearing. These are Chinese spies that go down to the level of a mayor”.

"China helps a city council member become a congressman. This congressman now gets on the intel committee. They are only selected from the intel committee by the leaders of their party meaning Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is one of the Gang of Eight, along with myself.”

“Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee?”

Hell YES she knew.

Pelosi and Feinstein are as 'thick as thieves', and it has already been proven that Feinstein helped facilitate Chinese espionage from HER OFFICE by having a proven Chinese spy on her inner staff for DECADES. Every f*ing politician...and any US citizen paying attention....knows it.

Pelosi and China Biden, who received $1.5 BILLION from China, are as 'thick as thieves'. EVEY DC politician knows Biden is a compromised Beijing (not Trojan) Horse - they have received the security briefings, and they KNOW the DHS and Treasure departments have physical, financial criminal evidence proving this.

Biden, Barry, Hillary, Feinstein, Schumer, damn right Pelosi knew!

I wonder when Unkotare will comment on these news reports of “ordinary” chinese activities?
Not long ago Nancy Pelosi attempted to answer R-McCarthy's question of whether she found out about Swalwell's screwing a Chinese spy and putting another on his office staff, and she only succeeded in creating a LOT MORE questions she needs to answer:

Pelosi stated she and Congress were given an Intel Threat Warning brief in 2015 about how ChiCom spies were targeting members of Congress to try to get them to facilitate Chinese espionage....BEFORE she appointed Swalwell to the Intel Committee...IN 2015....

Swalwell was screwing the ChiCom spy and putting another on his office staff IN 2015...the same time he, Pelosi, and Congress were getting this briefing and the same time Pelosi claims to have appointed Swalwell to the Intel committee WITHOUT knowing any of this about Swalwell....

Pelosi stated she learned about Swalwell screwing the ChiCom spy and putting another on his staff, that a ChiCom spy was in Swalwell's office, AFTER she had appointed him to the Intel 2015...

Democrats are almost guaranteed to win elections in California, especially the Bay Area, making backing / successfully getting access to Democrat candidates / politicians such a safe investment for the ChiComs.

Axios' recent report on a Chinese Spy (Fang Fang, aka Christine Fang) and Bay Area / California Politicians highlights U.S. vulnerabilities to Influence Operations.

According to Axios, Chinese national Fang Fang (also known as Christine Fang) was a student when she began to form relationships with Bay Area political figures

Fang was able to insert herself into several political campaigns at the local, state, and national levels, according to Axios:
  • According to a former campus organizer and social media posts, she volunteered for Ro Khanna’s unsuccessful 2014 House bid.
  • According to a Bay Area political operative and a current U.S. intelligence official, Fang took part in fundraising activity for Representative Eric Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign.
  • Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office.
  • Fang attended regional conferences for U.S. mayors, which allowed her to grow her network of politicians across the country.
  • Fang helped with a fundraiser for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) in 2013.

"While these activities were concentrated on Democrat Party candidates, this makes sense in California. Democrats are more likely to win, especially in the Bay Area, and ultimately move to higher offices. Relationships are easier to build at the local level, where budgets are smaller. And according to Axios, California and the Bay Area are targets because of the prevalence of the technology sector and its influence on national politics."

The Axios investigation reveals the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) long-term view. With the CCP’s hold on power, they can develop strategies that take decades to execute.

"The case demonstrates China’s strategy of cultivating relationships that may take years or even decades to bear fruit. The Chinese Communist Party knows that today’s mayors and city council members are tomorrow’s governors and members of Congress."

The ChiComs also know the Democrats are greedy, self-enriching, power-hungry, criminal elitists who can easily, as seen, be manipulated, bribed, and bought.

For example, the DHS and Treasury Departments have already declared they have physical, financial, criminal evidence of both Hunter Biden illegally laundering Russian money and of the Bidens receiving $1.5 BILLION from the ChiComs.

Joe Biden is the exact definition of 'Compromised President' ... but no more so than Ca D-Senator Diane Feinstein. Feinstein and her husband climbed willingly into bed with the ChiComs decades ago. Feinstein's husband's company partnered with ChiCom Govt and military businesses to make a fortune while Diane Feinstein was given the Committee Chairwoman position that allowed her to dole out US govt contracts - records show she was extremely favorable to Chinese companies and to her own husbands'. When former CIA-Director Brennan was busted for illegally spying on the US Senate he set off a chain reaction that resulted in the announcement that Diane Feinstein had facilitated Chinese espionage by having a Chinese spy as one of her inner staff for DECADES.

The entire espionage case was brushed under the carpet as the spy was allowed to go back to China without being held / questioned...there was NO investigation at all. There were no fully-armored, heavily-armed feds raiding Feinstein's home at 4am with a full CNN camera crew. Feinstein was not questioned at all.....just as Joe Biden will not be investigated before taking the helm of the US govt.

Swalwell, Feinstein, Pelosi...Hillary, Biden....

The ChiComs only heavily 'invest' their money in near sure-things....and that has been proven to mean DEMOCRATS.

The Republic is in danger from within and without.

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