Batty Bernie

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
Bernie Sanders unveils plan to reform country's 'dysfunctional criminal justice system'

"According to the plan, if elected president, Sanders -- who has long campaigned on ending for-profit prisons -- would ban cash bail and civil asset forfeiture, as well as increase the number of public defenders and funding for them to better serve certain communities, according to the plan. "

Not completely foolish.

"He would also enact a "Prisoner Bill of Rights" for incarcerated people that includes rights to living wages and educational training, as well as the right to vote."

Educational training?

The place I worked had every thing from teaching illiterates to read, to training for GEDs, to classes to get an Associates degree.

Maybe he should check a bit deeper before running his mouth.

Living wages?


Free healthcare, free meals, free bed, etc

Just how much do they need to make an hour as a 'living wage'?

Since all of their bills are paid, wouldn't they already be getting a "living wage" for their work???
Since all of their bills are paid, wouldn't they already be getting a "living wage" for their work???

Not according to a Democrat.

They seem to believe $15 an hour is a living wage.
Bernie Sanders unveils plan to reform country's 'dysfunctional criminal justice system'

"According to the plan, if elected president, Sanders -- who has long campaigned on ending for-profit prisons -- would ban cash bail and civil asset forfeiture, as well as increase the number of public defenders and funding for them to better serve certain communities, according to the plan. "

Not completely foolish.

"He would also enact a "Prisoner Bill of Rights" for incarcerated people that includes rights to living wages and educational training, as well as the right to vote."

Educational training?

The place I worked had every thing from teaching illiterates to read, to training for GEDs, to classes to get an Associates degree.

Maybe he should check a bit deeper before running his mouth.

Living wages?


Free healthcare, free meals, free bed, etc

Just how much do they need to make an hour as a 'living wage'?


They always fight the hardest for the wrong people.
Wonder why no Bernie fans have chimed in?

On the Internet in general, I don't think that baby-tantrum-throwing, old coot Bernie gets anywhere near enough hatred so here it is: that despicable vermin is a white-male-bashing, self-loathing-American liberal-leaking-colostomy-bag with a muslim dick in his mouth, who's never met a Communist government he didn't like. The man is pure vaginal-secretion filth, he's a walking disease, he's an abomination to all of humanity. Every detail of this despicable political monstrosity is based on pure malice, hypocrisy and the gazillions of other odious qualities Democrats psychopathically think is a virtue. The best part of Bernie Sanders squirted all over......I'll leave it to your imagination.

I can't even really call the Sanders vermin a wolf-in-sheeps-clothing because that would be an insult to
the animal kingdom. When a mud-dwelling, malarial, diarrheal creature is as loathsome as Sanders, it really limits anybody's ability to insult this walking testament to everything mankind has ever done wrong; simply because no amount of profanities will do justice to this animated sewage.
I’m surprised anyone has ever taken the ramblings of this guy seriously.

He’s never held a job outside of politics and was kicked out of a commune because he was too weird.
There isn't much point in discussing the viewpoints of a man who has no chance of getting the Democratic nomination, even if he gets the votes, the DNC will cheat and give it to someone else.
Just think as batty as Commie Bernie is the other Moon Bat clowns running for Presidnt are just as bat shit crazy in their own way.

Liz Warren??? Really? Stupid Ole Joe? The Queer? The Ho? Spartacus?
Since all of their bills are paid, wouldn't they already be getting a "living wage" for their work???

Not according to a Democrat.

They seem to believe $15 an hour is a living wage.

I'm for a plan that will work or at least get things moving in the right direction. If we dump convicts on the street with no means of support and inability to get a job, that seems destined to fail to me.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if that Bernie Sanders despicable, non-vertebrate pond life slithers his way up redwood trees to steal acorns from the squirrels he physically resembles - all in the name of "redistribution."
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has unveiled a “Prisoner Bill of Rights” he plans to enact, if elected president, guaranteeing unlimited, free phone calls and video chats for inmates.

The “Prisoner Bill of Rights” is detailed as one element of Sanders’ comprehensive “Justice and Safety for All” criminal justice reform plan.

In the “End Profiteering in Our Criminal Justice System” section of his overall plan, Sanders argues that, since the prison phone industry is a billion-dollar-a-year business, taxpayers – and not inmates – should foot the bill:

‘The prison phone industry, for example, is a monopoly business worth more than $1 billion a year, with companies charging sky-high fees for telephone calls that many families can’t afford to pay to keep in touch with their loved ones. Today, 1 in 28 children has an incarcerated parent — a fifth of which are under four years old. Children with incarcerated parents tend to do worse in school, experience anxiety and depression, and develop behavioral issues.”

“As president, Bernie will: Make prison phone calls and other communications such as video chats free of charge.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I honestly thought that this was a joke or satire. Onion or Babylon Bee stuff, but no- it’s under the heading of you just can’t make this shit up.


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